[elephant-devel] Re: Trouble compiling Elephant on SBCL

Anton Kazennikov kazennikov.nntp at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 09:10:26 UTC 2008

"Alex Mizrahi" <killerstorm at newmail.ru> writes:

>  IE> We'll need alot more information to help.
> my telepathy says it's stuff in memutil.lisp
> it seems #+#. trick got somehow broken with new version of SBCL with 
> optimization settings.
Hmm.. I've got this problem when compiling under slime with load-system.
When I do this from prompt using (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :elephant) the
problem is gone. Such strange heuristic ;-)

With best regards,
Anton Kazennikov.  mailto:kazennikov[at]gmail.com ICQ# 98965967

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