[Ecls-list] ecl crashes while slime-connect

Matthijs van Otterdijk thotter at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 11:04:35 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Stanislav Frolov
<frolosofsky at gmail.com> wrote:
> Stas, thank you for the reply.
> With NIL communication style lisp image is not intercative, execution
> "stops" after (swank:create-server), lisp listen one slime connection and
> execute slime commands one by one. This is not what I need...
> I would like useful interactive slime and I can't stop execution of my
> program when I work with its image. Is there any solutions?

You could start swank in another thread.
(mp:process-run-function "swank"
			 #'(lambda ()

Then you have one thread dedicated to swank, allowing the rest of your
application to run as usual.

All the best,

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