[Ecls-list] ECL/iOS updated to ECL-11.1.1, Xcode4, SDK 4.3

Ram Krishnan kriyative at gmail.com
Sat May 28 01:56:55 UTC 2011


I've committed an update to the ECL for iOS project, which includes the following major changes:

* Updated for ECL-11.1.1
* Fixes the out_of_memory error that users were getting in device builds made with SDK 4.3
* Builds x86, armv6, and armv7 libraries for building optimized FAT binaries
* A new UIAlertView example and other UIKit integration improvements, thanks to Terje Norderhaug

This release is available on the master branch of the `ecl-iphone-builder` github project at:


An older release which is still based on ECL-10.4.1, but with updates for Xcode4, SDK 4.3 is still available at:


This release has been (minimally) tested on iPhone 3G (iOS 4.2.1), iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3.1), and iPad (iOS 4.3.3) devices.

Thanks to Terje Norderhaug for his help in testing out the fixes.

As always, bug reports and feedback are much appreciated.



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