[Ecls-list] 10.3.1 slime issues

Raffael Cavallaro raffaelcavallaro at mac.com
Mon Mar 8 15:13:16 UTC 2010

On Mar 8, 2010, at 3:44 AM, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll wrote:

> Have you tried with Aquamacs? I have been running Slime from it without problems until recently. The non-Unicode version still runs fine in it.

Unfortunately neither the stable releases nor the nightly builds (either carbon or cocoa) of aquamacs work on this machine (macbook pro 13" unibody - so a fairly new machine) under snow leopard (10.6.2). The cocoa versions of aquamacs are mostly just plain broken (although the official gnu emacs cocoa version does work).

The stable carbon versions (and the nightly carbon builds) have a really nasty bug where aquamacs doesn't display any frame other than the initial one. Aquamacs thinks the windows are there (they appear for the briefest instant sometimes when you quit the app), but it is impossible, for example, to have a file buffer frame and a slime-repl buffer frame on screen at the same time, to say nothing of multiple file buffer frames.

I have to say, gnu has well and truly screwed mac emacs users by forcing the change to cocoa just to support gnustep (which has what, 6 users?). The result is that development focus for aquamacs was taken off the stable carbon versions, so newer machines such as mine simply don't work with the stable carbon aquamacs (which worked just fine on my older machines).

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro
raffaelcavallaro at me.com

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