[Ecls-list] Question #2

dherring at tentpost.com dherring at tentpost.com
Tue Feb 16 03:45:56 UTC 2010

> I have been asked to make FASL files incompatible between releases -- or
> even between commits if we follow Question #1 in previous email --. That
> means if a FASL is created with a given version, such as, a
> later
> version of ECL, say should refuse to load the file.
> How many of you would find this problematic?

Ehh...  I guess signaling a correctable error is better than blindly
loading a bogus fasl.  While you're at it, this version hash might also
need to include the underlying compiler, OS, GC, and other configuration

In the future, it would be nice if ECL could guarantee some ABI stability
between releases; but things are moving fast enough right now that
stability can come later.

- Daniel

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