[Ecls-list] ECL on iPhone?

Ram Krishnan kriyative at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 17:01:00 UTC 2009

Elliott Slaughter wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 2:42 AM, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll 
> <juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com 
> <mailto:juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com>> wrote:
>     On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Elliott Slaughter
>     <elliottslaughter at gmail.com <mailto:elliottslaughter at gmail.com>>
>     wrote:
>     > So far all I've found is the blog post from March [1]. I grabbed
>     a copy of
>     > the git repo, but it doesn't want to compile for me. As stated
>     in the post,
>     > the build script doesn't stop on errors, so I'm not sure where
>     exactly it's
>     > breaking, but I can attach a transcript if that would be helpful.
>     > Thanks.
>     > [1]
>     http://lambdajive.wordpress.com/2009/03/27/common-lisp-on-iphone-ecl-comes-through-at-last/
>     I am afraid those build instructions have become outdated. Actually
>     what is provided is not patches for iPhone support, but a script that
>     merges some changes and builds everything. We thus have no chance
>     right now of porting those changes. First because they are not so
>     easily identifiable, second because they are too old and third because
>     I do not have an iPhone development environment. I regret to say this,
>     but I myself do not have the time or tools to support this platform
>     without help.
> I'd like to help :-) I have the iPhone SDK installed, so I can at 
> least do builds for you. I hope I don't have to start completely from 
> scratch, but I can try to do whatever steps are necessary to get it to 
> build again.
> Let me know what I can do. Thanks.
Hi Elliott,

I started with Red Daly's work (which you referenced), cleaned up a few 
dependencies, and got ECL running in both the simulator and device. You 
can checkout a copy from github:


It's based on ecl-9.8.4, and requires a newer Boehm-GC (gc-7.2alpha2).

I still have some changes to the UIKit ffi code, which I've not checked 
in yet (mostly to do with Autorelease pools etc.). Other than that you 
should be able to build, and connect to ECL via SLIME. Let me know if 
you run into any issues.


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