[Ecls-list] Slow prettyprinting (update)

Waldek Hebisch hebisch at math.uni.wroc.pl
Thu Feb 14 19:02:01 UTC 2008

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Waldek Hebisch
> <hebisch at math.uni.wroc.pl> wrote:
> >   It looks that ECL version of 'assoc' is
> >   slower than 'assoc' in other Lisp implementations (probably 1.5 - 3
> >   times slower).
> Is this with user-provided test functions? Or using EQ, EQL or EQUAL?

I wrote: EQ.  I have now a little artifical test:

(defvar *symbol-table* nil)
(defun init-symbol-table ()
    (push (list #1='sym (list 1 #1#)) *symbol-table*)
    (dotimes (i 100) (push (list #2='nosym (list 0 #2#)) *symbol-table*)))


(defun search-symbols (sym)
    (let ((ress 0))
         (dotimes (i 1000000)
             (let ((pp (nth 1 (assoc sym *symbol-table* :test #'eq))))
                  (setf ress (+ ress (car pp)))
                  (setf sym (nth 1 pp))))

I have saved it to "ast.lisp" file and than compiled it.  Then
I used command line like:

echo '(load "ast.fas") (time (search-symbols '\''sym))'| /var/tmp/hebisch/usr/bin/ecl

(with apropriate extension) to test various Lisps.  I also varied list
length, keeping number of searches time length constant:

length     100       1000       2000    10000
sbcl       0.422     0.781      1.1     3.659
openmcl    0.470     0.908      1.290   2.919
gcl        0.510     2.060      2.200   5.960
ecl        0.830     1.970      2.209   6.428
clisp      2.82      2.37       2.53    3.51

- I used default optimize/safety setting.  gcl defaults to safety
  0 and generates pretty unsafe code.  In my experience default 
  sbcl code is pretty safe.
- All runs on 2Ghz Athlon 64 with 512 kb of L2 cache, in 64 bit
- On real data ecl seem to perform worse than in test above.
- On real data gcl profile indicates about 30 us per search which
  would correspond to length of order 2000-3000 (if real data
  have similar characteristics).  But it is possible that length
  is smaller, but data is fragmented meaning more cache misses.

                              Waldek Hebisch
hebisch at math.uni.wroc.pl 

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