[Ecls-list] Next step with MSVC

Robin Lee Powell rlpowell at digitalkingdom.org
Wed Aug 6 00:39:22 UTC 2008

Trying in parallel to get MSVC *or* Cygwin ECL to load CLOCC.  Still
no luck.

Here's my current MSVC problem; fixed some things in CLOCC itself,
but I have no idea what to do with this:

> (mk:oos "port" :compile)
PORT/ALL (8 files) totals 94,244 bytes (92 kB)
PORT/NEW-SOURCE-AND-DEPENDENTS (7 files) totals 83,824 bytes (82 kB)
;;; Loading "C:/cygwin/home/rpowell/tui/clocc/src/port/ext.lib"
The variable !<ARCH> is unbound.
Broken at SI:BYTECODES.No restarts available.
Broken at SI:BYTECODES. File: #P"C:/cygwin/home/rpowell/tui/clocc/src/port/ext.lib" (Form #0)


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