[Ecls-list] No dispatch function defined for character #\<.

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll lisp at arrakis.es
Wed May 3 05:03:04 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 11:41 -0700, Greg Pfeil wrote:
> I'm trying to work on this bug: "make-load-form unused"  
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php? 
> func=detail&aid=1204437&group_id=30035&atid=398053
> It currently causes CFFI to not work with ECL (and has for a while  
> now). I've been looking through the ECL source for usage of  
> PRINT-OBJECT and MAKE-LOAD-FORM, but haven't yet found a smoking gun.
> Primarily, I'm wondering if this is a complicated-to-solve issue, or  
> some simple change (IE, has anyone looked into this and come away  
> sobbing?). However, I'd be happy if there were any additional pointers,  
> or if someone wants to help guide me through this.

You basically need to deal with the part of the compiler that interns
constants: add-object, and similar stuff. The real problem is to get it
right, as in the case of having a tree in which one element of the tree
needs to be created with make-load-form. And even worse when that tree
is a circular structure. I still do not know what we are supposed to do
then. CMUCL signals an error in that case but I do not think this is the


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