[climacs-devel] New syntax for Climacs: "slidemacs"

Brian Mastenbrook brian at mastenbrook.net
Sun Jun 5 13:10:44 UTC 2005

(Let's try this again: I can never remember which of my various mail  
aliases are subscribed to which lists.)

I've added the beginnings of the slideshow mode for climacs that I'm  
writing for the ILC talk to CVS. There are two new syntaxes sharing a  
common grammar: "Slidemacs-Editor" and "Slidemacs-GUI". Slidemacs- 
Editor a syntax for editing slidemacs files, which are a lightweight  
(very, very lightweight at the moment) description of a slideshow:

slideset "A Test Slideset" {
slide "Jello" {
* "I like Jello"
* "Jello is good"
* "Almost as good as Climacs!"

Slidemacs-GUI is a syntax which displays these slides inline in the  
Climacs editor window. They look like this:


The slide which has the point in it is displayed in the Climacs  
window; the bullet point with the point in it is displayed in bold.  
If no slide contains the point, the window is empty. There are new  
keystrokes C-- and C-= (that's control #\- and #\=) for navigating  
between bullets.

Right now the slidemacs GUI mode is set up to draw everything in  
white ink. For now, until I come up with something better, press  
Control-1 to change the background to blue and Control-2 to change it  
back to white.
Brian Mastenbrook

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