[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

dmurray dmurray at common-lisp.net
Fri May 26 22:41:54 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv12813

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added . (replace and exit) and ! (replace all without asking)
keys to Query Replace and Multiple Query Replace.
Added Replace String (without querying) command.
Added (hackishly) entry to the String Search and Reverse String
Search commands by typing #\Newline with an empty isearch string
(e.g. C-s <RET> starts String Search).
Added some case-sensitivity logic to searches (a search-string
with no upper-case characters searches case-insensitively).
Added some preliminary whitespace logic to Regex searches.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/search-commands.lisp	2006/05/17 06:33:12	1.5
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/search-commands.lisp	2006/05/26 22:41:54	1.6
@@ -35,25 +35,49 @@
 		((char= char #\Space) (princ char result))
 		(t (prin1 char result))))))
+(defun object-equal (x y)
+  "Case insensitive equality that doesn't require characters"
+  (if (characterp x)
+      (and (characterp y) (char-equal x y))
+      (eql x y)))
+(defun object= (x y)
+  "Case sensitive equality that doesn't require characters"
+  (if (characterp x)
+      (and (characterp y) (char= x y))
+      (eql x y)))
+(defun no-upper-p (string)
+  "Does STRING contain no uppercase characters"
+  (notany #'upper-case-p string))
+(defun case-relevant-test (string)
+  "Returns a test function based on the search-string STRING.
+If STRING contains no uppercase characters the test is case-insensitive,
+otherwise it is case-sensitive."
+  (if (no-upper-p string)
+      #'object-equal
+      #'object=))
 ;;; String search
 (define-command (com-string-search :name t :command-table search-table)
-    ((string 'string :prompt "Search string"))
+    ((string 'string :prompt "String Search"))
   "Prompt for a string and search forward for it.
 If found, leaves point after string. If not, leaves point where it is."
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
 	 (point (point pane)))
-    (search-forward point string)))
+    (search-forward point string :test (case-relevant-test string))))
 (define-command (com-reverse-string-search :name t :command-table search-table)
-    ((string 'string :prompt "Search string"))
+    ((string 'string :prompt "Reverse String Search"))
   "Prompt for a string and search backward for it.
 If found, leaves point before string. If not, leaves point where it is."
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
 	 (point (point pane)))
-    (search-backward point string)))
+    (search-backward point string :test (case-relevant-test string))))
@@ -98,31 +122,27 @@
                          ((setf (isearch-mode pane) nil)))))
 (defun isearch-from-mark (pane mark string forwardp)
-  (flet ((object-equal (x y)
-           (if (characterp x)
-               (and (characterp y) (char-equal x y))
-               (eql x y))))
-    (let* ((point (point pane))
-           (mark2 (clone-mark mark))
-           (success (funcall (if forwardp #'search-forward #'search-backward)
-                             mark2
-                             string
-                             :test #'object-equal)))
-      (when success
-        (setf (offset point) (offset mark2)
-              (offset mark) (if forwardp
-                                (- (offset mark2) (length string))
-                                (+ (offset mark2) (length string)))))
-      (display-message "~:[Failing ~;~]Isearch~:[ backward~;~]: ~A"
-		       success forwardp (display-string string))
-      (push (make-instance 'isearch-state
-                           :search-string string
-                           :search-mark mark
-                           :search-forward-p forwardp
-                           :search-success-p success)
-            (isearch-states pane))
-      (unless success
-        (beep)))))
+  (let* ((point (point pane))
+	 (mark2 (clone-mark mark))
+	 (success (funcall (if forwardp #'search-forward #'search-backward)
+			   mark2
+			   string
+			   :test (case-relevant-test string))))
+    (when success
+      (setf (offset point) (offset mark2)
+	    (offset mark) (if forwardp
+			      (- (offset mark2) (length string))
+			      (+ (offset mark2) (length string)))))
+    (display-message "~:[Failing ~;~]Isearch~:[ backward~;~]: ~A"
+		     success forwardp (display-string string))
+    (push (make-instance 'isearch-state
+	     :search-string string
+	     :search-mark mark
+	     :search-forward-p forwardp
+	     :search-success-p success)
+	  (isearch-states pane))
+    (unless success
+      (beep))))
 (define-command (com-isearch-forward :name t :command-table search-table) ()
   (display-message "Isearch: ")
@@ -167,13 +187,15 @@
 	 (mark (clone-mark (search-mark (first states))))
 	 (forwardp (search-forward-p (first states))))
     (funcall movement-function point)
-    (let ((string (concatenate 'string
-			       (search-string (first states))
-			       (buffer-substring buffer
-						 (offset start)
-						 (offset point)))))
+    (let* ((start-offset (offset start))
+	   (point-offset (offset point))
+	   (string (concatenate 'string
+				(search-string (first states))
+				(buffer-substring buffer
+						  start-offset
+						  point-offset))))
       (unless (or forwardp (end-of-buffer-p mark))
-	(incf (offset mark)))
+	(incf (offset mark) (- point-offset start-offset)))
       (isearch-from-mark pane mark string forwardp))))
 (define-command (com-isearch-append-word :name t :command-table isearch-climacs-table) ()
@@ -185,13 +207,14 @@
 (define-command (com-isearch-append-kill :name t :command-table isearch-climacs-table) ()
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
 	 (states (isearch-states pane))
+	 (yank (kill-ring-yank *kill-ring*))
 	 (string (concatenate 'string
 			      (search-string (first states))
-			      (kill-ring-yank *kill-ring*)))
+			      yank))
 	 (mark (clone-mark (search-mark (first states))))
 	 (forwardp (search-forward-p (first states))))
     (unless (or forwardp (end-of-buffer-p mark))
-      (incf (offset mark)))
+      (incf (offset mark) (length yank)))
     (isearch-from-mark pane mark string forwardp)))
 (define-command (com-isearch-delete-char :name t :command-table isearch-climacs-table) ()
@@ -236,7 +259,21 @@
     (isearch-from-mark pane mark string nil)))
 (define-command (com-isearch-exit :name t :command-table isearch-climacs-table) ()
-  (setf (isearch-mode (current-window)) nil))
+  (let* ((pane (current-window))
+	 (states (isearch-states pane))
+	 (string (search-string (first states)))
+	 (search-forward-p (search-forward-p (first states))))
+    (setf (isearch-mode pane) nil)
+    (when (string= string "")
+      (execute-frame-command *application-frame*
+			     (funcall
+			      *partial-command-parser*
+			      (frame-command-table *application-frame*)
+			      (frame-standard-input *application-frame*)
+			      (if search-forward-p
+				  `(com-string-search ,*unsupplied-argument-marker*)
+				  `(com-reverse-string-search ,*unsupplied-argument-marker*))
+			      0)))))
 (defun isearch-set-key (gesture command)
   (add-command-to-command-table command 'isearch-climacs-table
@@ -256,18 +293,55 @@
+;;; Unconditional replace
+(defun replace-one-string (mark length newstring &optional (use-region-case t))
+  "Replace LENGTH objects at MARK with NEWSTRING,
+using the case of those objects if USE-REGION-CASE is true."
+  (let* ((start (offset mark))
+	 (end (+ start length))
+	 (region-case (and use-region-case
+			   (buffer-region-case (buffer mark)
+					       start
+					       end)))) 
+    (delete-range mark length)
+    (insert-sequence mark newstring)
+    (when (and use-region-case region-case)
+      (let ((buffer (buffer mark))
+	    (end2 (+ start (length newstring))))
+	(funcall (case region-case
+		   (:upper-case #'upcase-buffer-region)
+		   (:lower-case #'downcase-buffer-region)
+		   (:capitalized #'capitalize-buffer-region))
+		 buffer
+		 start
+		 end2)))))
+(define-command (com-replace-string :name t :command-table search-table)
+    ()
+  "Replace all occurrences of `string' with `newstring'."
+  ;; We have to do it this way if we want to refer to STRING in NEWSTRING
+  (let* ((string (accept 'string :prompt "Replace String"))
+	 (newstring (accept'string :prompt (format nil "Replace ~A with" string))))
+    (loop with point = (point (current-window))
+	  with length = (length string)
+	  with use-region-case = (no-upper-p string)
+	  for occurrences from 0
+	  while (query-replace-find-next-match point string)
+	  do (backward-object point length)
+	     (replace-one-string point length newstring use-region-case)
+	  finally (display-message "Replaced ~A occurrence~:P" occurrences))))
 ;;; Query replace
 (make-command-table 'query-replace-climacs-table :errorp nil)
 (defun query-replace-find-next-match (mark string)
-  (flet ((object-equal (x y)
-           (and (characterp x)
-                (characterp y)
-                (char-equal x y))))
-    (let ((offset-before (offset mark)))
-      (search-forward mark string :test #'object-equal)
-      (/= (offset mark) offset-before))))
+  (let ((offset-before (offset mark)))
+    (search-forward mark string :test (case-relevant-test string))
+    (/= (offset mark) offset-before)))
 (define-command (com-query-replace :name t :command-table search-table) ()
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
@@ -319,26 +393,42 @@
   (declare (special string1 string2 occurrences))
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
          (point (point pane))
-         (buffer (buffer pane))
          (string1-length (length string1)))
     (backward-object point string1-length)
-    (let* ((offset1 (offset point))
-           (offset2 (+ offset1 string1-length))
-           (region-case (buffer-region-case buffer offset1 offset2)))
-      (delete-range point string1-length)
-      (insert-sequence point string2)
-      (setf offset2 (+ offset1 (length string2)))
-      (unless (find-if #'upper-case-p string1)
-        (case region-case
-          (:upper-case (upcase-buffer-region buffer offset1 offset2))
-          (:lower-case (downcase-buffer-region buffer offset1 offset2))
-          (:capitalized (capitalize-buffer-region buffer offset1 offset2)))))
+    (replace-one-string point string1-length string2 (no-upper-p string1))
     (incf occurrences)
     (if (query-replace-find-next-match point string1)
 	(display-message "Replace ~A with ~A:"
 		       string1 string2)
 	(setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil))))
+(define-command (com-query-replace-replace-and-quit
+		 :name t
+		 :command-table query-replace-climacs-table)
+    ()
+  (declare (special string1 string2 occurrences))
+  (let* ((pane (current-window))
+	 (point (point pane))
+	 (string1-length (length string1)))
+    (backward-object point string1-length)
+    (replace-one-string point string1-length string2 (no-upper-p string1))
+    (incf occurrences)
+    (setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil)))
+(define-command (com-query-replace-replace-all
+		 :name t
+		 :command-table query-replace-climacs-table)
+    ()
+  (declare (special string1 string2 occurrences))
+  (let* ((pane (current-window))
+	 (point (point pane))
+	 (string1-length (length string1)))
+    (loop do (backward-object point string1-length)
+	     (replace-one-string point string1-length string2 (no-upper-p string1))
+	     (incf occurrences)
+	  while (query-replace-find-next-match point string1)
+	  finally (setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil))))
 (define-command (com-query-replace-skip :name t :command-table query-replace-climacs-table) ()
   (declare (special string1 string2))
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
@@ -362,24 +452,50 @@
 (query-replace-set-key '(#\q) 'com-query-replace-exit)
 (query-replace-set-key '(#\y) 'com-query-replace-replace)
 (query-replace-set-key '(#\n) 'com-query-replace-skip)
+(query-replace-set-key '(#\.) 'com-query-replace-replace-and-quit)
+(query-replace-set-key '(#\!) 'com-query-replace-replace-all)
 ;;; Regex search
+(defparameter *whitespace-regex* (format nil "[~@{~A~}]+" #\Space #\Tab))
+(defun normalise-minibuffer-regex (string)
+  "Massages the regex STRING given to the minibuffer."
+  (with-output-to-string (result)
+    (loop for char across string
+	  if (char= char #\Space)
+	    do (princ *whitespace-regex* result)
+	  else
+	    do (princ char result))))
 (define-command (com-regex-search-forward :name t :command-table search-table) ()
   (let ((string (accept 'string :prompt "RE search"
 			:delimiter-gestures nil
 			'(:newline :return))))
-    (re-search-forward (point (current-window)) string)))
+    (re-search-forward
+     (point (current-window))
+     (normalise-minibuffer-regex string))))
 (define-command (com-regex-search-backward :name t :command-table search-table) ()
   (let ((string (accept 'string :prompt "RE search backward"
 			:delimiter-gestures nil
 			'(:newline :return))))
-    (re-search-backward (point (current-window)) string)))
+    (re-search-backward
+     (point (current-window))
+     (normalise-minibuffer-regex string))))
+(define-command (com-how-many :name t :command-table search-table)
+    ((regex 'string :prompt "How many matches for"))
+  (let* ((re (normalise-minibuffer-regex regex))
+	 (mark (clone-mark (point (current-window))))
+	 (occurrences (loop for count from 0
+			    while (re-search-forward mark re)
+			    finally (return count))))
+    (display-message "~A occurrence~:P" occurrences)))
@@ -475,23 +591,14 @@
 		 :name t
 		 :command-table multiple-query-replace-climacs-table)
-    (declare (special strings occurrences re))
+  (declare (special strings occurrences re))
   (let* ((pane (current-window))
-	 (point (point pane))
-	 (buffer (buffer pane))
+	 (point (point pane)) 
 	 (state (query-replace-state pane))
-	 (string1-length (length (string1 state))))
+	 (string1 (string1 state))
+	 (string1-length (length string1)))
     (backward-object point string1-length)
-    (let* ((offset1 (offset point))
-	   (offset2 (+ offset1 string1-length))
-	   (region-case (buffer-region-case buffer offset1 offset2)))
-      (delete-range point string1-length)
-      (insert-sequence point (string2 state))
-      (let ((new-offset2 (+ offset1 (length (string2 state)))))
-	(case region-case
-	  (:upper-case (upcase-buffer-region buffer offset1 new-offset2))
-	  (:lower-case (downcase-buffer-region buffer offset1 new-offset2))
-	  (:capitalized (capitalize-buffer-region buffer offset1 new-offset2)))))
+    (replace-one-string point string1-length (string2 state) (no-upper-p string1))
     (incf occurrences)
     (let ((found (multiple-query-replace-find-next-match
@@ -506,6 +613,50 @@
 				(string1 (query-replace-state pane))
 				(string2 (query-replace-state pane))))))))
+(define-command (com-multiple-query-replace-replace-and-quit
+		 :name t
+		 :command-table multiple-query-replace-climacs-table)
+    ()
+  (declare (special strings occurrences))
+  (let* ((pane (current-window))
+	 (point (point pane))
+	 (state (query-replace-state pane))
+	 (string1 (string1 state))
+	 (string1-length (length string1)))
+    (backward-object point string1-length)
+    (replace-one-string point string1-length (string2 state) (no-upper-p string1))
+    (incf occurrences)
+    (setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil)))
+(define-command (com-multiple-query-replace-replace-all
+		 :name t
+		 :command-table multiple-query-replace-climacs-table)
+    ()
+  (declare (special strings occurrences re))
+  (let* ((pane (current-window))
+	 (point (point pane)) 
+	 (found nil))
+    (loop for state = (query-replace-state pane)

[29 lines skipped]

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