[clfswm-devel] Create frames on start

Oleksandr Kozachuk ddeus.clfswm at mailnull.com
Wed Oct 17 22:15:41 UTC 2012

Hi again!

I would like to create and configure some frames at startup and have now
this code in my clfswmrc for it:

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun set-frame-layout-fast (layout &optional (frame (current-child)))
  (when (frame-p frame)
    (set-frame-default frame)
    (setf (frame-layout frame) layout)
    (show-all-children frame)))

(defun create-bounded-frame (name parent layout &optional (slot nil))
  (let ((frame (add-frame (create-frame :name name) parent)))
    (set-frame-layout-fast layout frame)
    (when slot (bind-child-on-slot slot frame))

(defun ok-init-hook ()
  (let ((root (create-bounded-frame "Root" *root-frame* #'tile-space-layout)))
    (let* ((default   (create-bounded-frame "Default"   root #'tile-space-layout 0))
	   (devel     (create-bounded-frame "Devel"     root #'tile-space-layout 1))
	   (www       (create-bounded-frame "WWW"       root #'tile-space-layout 2))
	   (unmanaged (create-bounded-frame "Unmanaged" root #'tile-left-layout  3)))
      (create-bounded-frame "Devel P2" devel #'tile-left-layout 4)
      (create-bounded-frame "Devel P1" devel #'tile-left-layout 5)
      (setf (frame-managed-type unmanaged) nil))
    (define-as-root root 0 0 (xlib:screen-width *screen*) (xlib:screen-height *screen*))
    (focus-all-children root root)))

(setf *init-hook* '(ok-init-hook))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

It works, but i do not know if it is a goot way to do it, because i
replace the initialization function fully and i am not sure about root
frames. How are you doing that?

Other thing is my "bind-child-on-slot" function, it would be nice to
have additional optional parameter in the normal "bind-on-slot" function
which is bound per default to (current-child), instead of using
(current-child) directly.

Best regards,

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