[clfswm-devel] Can i use WIN key as mod-1 instead of ALT key ?

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sun Oct 14 11:50:54 UTC 2012

z. axis writes:

> The ALT key is a hard working key as many applications use it as hot
> key. So i want to use WIN key instead.
> In ~/.config/clfswm/clfswm, i define:
> (defun my-binding ()
>   (define-shell ("g" :mod-4) b-start-eweiqi "cd $HOME && wine
> \"c:/Program Files/eweiqi/LiveBaduk.exe\"")
>   (define-shell ("p" :mod-4) b-start-dmenu "cd $HOME && exec
> ./bin/dmenu.sh")
>   (define-shell ("t" :mod-4) b-start-xterm "cd $HOME && exec xterm")
>   (define-shell ("w" :mod-4) b-start-opera "cd $HOME && exec opera"))
> (add-hook *binding-hook* 'my-binding)
> But it doesnot work!
> Sincerely!
Hi, sure you can use MOD-4 instead of MOD-1.

Use 'binding-substitute-modifier' at the end of your binding hook.
Something like this:

(defun my-bindiung ()
  ... bla bla ...
  (binding-substitute-modifier :mod-4 :mod-1))

(add-hook *binding-hook* 'my-binding)

As always, feedback is welcome if this works or not for you.

And if you have the courage, you can add an entry in the trick and tips
or FAQ wiki page:  http://trac.common-lisp.net/clfswm/. Thanks.



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