[clfswm-devel] [RFC PATCH 2/2] Move date-string into tools package

Xavier Maillard xma at gnu.org
Sat Mar 22 01:00:10 UTC 2008

   Xavier Maillard writes:

   > date-string has nothing todo with clfswm-info code.
   > Move the date-string function definition into the tools package
   > and export the symbol `date-string'


   Thanks. Tools.lisp is a file I use in most of my lisp project and
   date-string is new in clfswm. Indeed tools.lisp is the right place for

I am still struggling with the design "flaws" I talked about a
few days ago. The CLFSWM package uniqueness is on my TOKILL list.
Yes it is not really unique but all is done in that sole package.

Don't you think we could benefit from a split operation ? I mean,
have a "internal" package, a "user" package, etc.... I know it is
not likely to happen soon (there are other thing to achieve
first) but just a thought.



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