[clfswm-cvs] r51 - in clfswm: . src

pbrochard at common-lisp.net pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Fri Mar 21 21:58:05 UTC 2008

Author: pbrochard
Date: Fri Mar 21 16:58:00 2008
New Revision: 51

Pack, Fill, Resize functions.

Modified: clfswm/ChangeLog
--- clfswm/ChangeLog	(original)
+++ clfswm/ChangeLog	Fri Mar 21 16:58:00 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2008-03-21  Philippe Brochard  <hocwp at free.fr>
+	* src/clfswm-pack.lisp: Pack, Fill, Resize functions.
 2008-03-16  Philippe Brochard  <hocwp at free.fr>
 	* src/clfswm-nw-hooks.lisp: Register system for new window hooks.

Modified: clfswm/clfswm.asd
--- clfswm/clfswm.asd	(original)
+++ clfswm/clfswm.asd	Fri Mar 21 16:58:00 2008
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
 			  :depends-on ("package" "config"))
 			 (:file "clfswm-layout"
 			  :depends-on ("package" "clfswm-util" "clfswm-info"))
+			 (:file "clfswm-pack"
+			  :depends-on ("clfswm" "clfswm-util"))
 			 (:file "clfswm-nw-hooks"
 			  :depends-on ("package" "clfswm-util" "clfswm-info"))
 			 (:file "bindings"

Modified: clfswm/src/bindings-second-mode.lisp
--- clfswm/src/bindings-second-mode.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/bindings-second-mode.lisp	Fri Mar 21 16:58:00 2008
@@ -58,29 +58,137 @@
 (defun group-pack-menu ()
   "Group pack menu"
-  (info-mode-menu '(("Up" group-pack-up)
-		    ("Down" group-pack-down))))
+  (info-mode-menu '(("Up" current-group-pack-up)
+		    ("Down" current-group-pack-down)
+		    ("Left" current-group-pack-left)
+		    ("Right" current-group-pack-right))))
+(defun group-fill-menu ()
+  "Group fill menu"
+  (info-mode-menu '(("Up" current-group-fill-up)
+		    ("Down" current-group-fill-down)
+		    ("Left" current-group-fill-left)
+		    ("Right" current-group-fill-right)
+		    (#\a current-group-fill-all-dir)
+		    (#\v current-group-fill-vertical)
+		    (#\h current-group-fill-horizontal))))
+(defun group-resize-menu ()
+  "Group resize menu"
+  (info-mode-menu '(("Up" current-group-resize-up)
+		    ("Down" current-group-resize-down)
+		    ("Left" current-group-resize-left)
+		    ("Right" current-group-resize-right)
+		    (#\d current-group-resize-all-dir)
+		    (#\a current-group-resize-all-dir-minimal))))
 (defun group-movement-menu ()
   "Group movement menu"
   (info-mode-menu '((#\p group-pack-menu)
 		    (#\f group-fill-menu)
-		    (#\r group-resize-menu))))
+		    (#\r group-resize-menu)
+		    (#\c center-current-group))))
-(defun group-pack-up ()
-  "Pack group up"
-  (print 'pack-up)
-  (group-movement-menu))
-(defun group-pack-down ()
-  "Pack group down"
-  (print 'pack-down)
-  (group-movement-menu))
+(defmacro with-movement (&body body)
+  `(when (group-p *current-child*)
+     , at body
+     (show-all-childs)
+     (draw-second-mode-window)
+     (group-movement-menu)))
+;;; Pack
+(defun current-group-pack-up ()
+  "Pack the current group up"
+  (with-movement (pack-group-up *current-child* (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*))))
+(defun current-group-pack-down ()
+  "Pack the current group down"
+  (with-movement (pack-group-down *current-child* (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*))))
+(defun current-group-pack-left ()
+  "Pack the current group left"
+  (with-movement (pack-group-left *current-child* (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*))))
+(defun current-group-pack-right ()
+  "Pack the current group right"
+  (with-movement (pack-group-right *current-child* (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*))))
+;;; Center
+(defun center-current-group ()
+  "Center the current group"
+  (with-movement (center-group *current-child*)))
+;;; Fill
+(defun current-group-fill-up ()
+  "Fill the current group up"
+  (with-movement (fill-group-up *current-child* (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*))))
+(defun current-group-fill-down ()
+  "Fill the current group down"
+  (with-movement (fill-group-down *current-child* (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*))))
+(defun current-group-fill-left ()
+  "Fill the current group left"
+  (with-movement (fill-group-left *current-child* (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*))))
+(defun current-group-fill-right ()
+  "Fill the current group right"
+  (with-movement (fill-group-right *current-child* (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*))))
+(defun current-group-fill-all-dir ()
+  "Fill the current group in all directions"
+  (with-movement
+    (let ((father (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*)))
+      (fill-group-up *current-child* father)
+      (fill-group-down *current-child* father)
+      (fill-group-left *current-child* father)
+      (fill-group-right *current-child* father))))
+(defun current-group-fill-vertical ()
+  "Fill the current group vertically"
+  (with-movement
+    (let ((father (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*)))
+      (fill-group-up *current-child* father)
+      (fill-group-down *current-child* father))))
+(defun current-group-fill-horizontal ()
+  "Fill the current group horizontally"
+  (with-movement
+    (let ((father (find-father-group *current-child* *current-root*)))
+      (fill-group-left *current-child* father)
+      (fill-group-right *current-child* father))))
+;;; Resize
+(defun current-group-resize-up ()
+  "Resize the current group up to its half height"
+  (with-movement (resize-half-height-up *current-child*)))
+(defun current-group-resize-down ()
+  "Resize the current group down to its half height"
+  (with-movement (resize-half-height-down *current-child*)))
+(defun current-group-resize-left ()
+  "Resize the current group left to its half width"
+  (with-movement (resize-half-width-left *current-child*)))
+(defun current-group-resize-right ()
+  "Resize the current group right to its half width"
+  (with-movement (resize-half-width-right *current-child*)))
+(defun current-group-resize-all-dir ()
+  "Resize down the current group"
+  (with-movement (resize-group-down *current-child*)))
+(defun current-group-resize-all-dir-minimal ()
+  "Resize down the current group to its minimal size"
+  (with-movement (resize-minimal-group *current-child*)))

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-layout.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-layout.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-layout.lisp	Fri Mar 21 16:58:00 2008
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@
 		    (1+ ry)
 		    (- (round (* rw size)) 2)
 		    (- rh 2)
-		    nil)
+		    t)
 	    (values (1+ (round (+ rx (* rw size))))
 		    (1+ (round (+ ry (* dy (1- pos)))))
 		    (- (round (* rw (- 1 size))) 2)
 		    (- (round dy) 2)
-		    nil)))))
+		    t)))))
 (defun set-tile-left-layout ()
@@ -164,12 +164,12 @@
 		  (1+ ry)
 		  (- (round (* rw size)) 2)
 		  (- rh 2)
-		  nil)
+		  t)
 	  (values (1+ rx)
 		  (1+ (round (+ ry (* dy (1- pos)))))
 		  (- (round (* rw (- 1 size))) 2)
 		  (- (round dy) 2)
-		  nil)))))
+		  t)))))
 (defun set-tile-right-layout ()
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@
 		    (1+ ry)
 		    (- rw 2)
 		    (- (round (* rh size)) 2)
-		    nil)
+		    t)
 	    (values (1+ (round (+ rx (* dx (1- pos)))))
 		    (1+ (round (+ ry (* rh size))))
 		    (- (round dx) 2)
 		    (- (round (* rh (- 1 size))) 2)
-		    nil)))))
+		    t)))))
 (defun set-tile-top-layout ()
@@ -231,11 +231,13 @@
 	  (values (1+ rx)
 		  (1+ (round (+ ry (* rh (- 1 size)))))
 		  (- rw 2)
-		  (- (round (* rh size)) 2))
+		  (- (round (* rh size)) 2)
+		  t)
 	  (values (1+ (round (+ rx (* dx (1- pos)))))
 		  (1+ ry)
 		  (- (round dx) 2)
-		  (- (round (* rh (- 1 size))) 2))))))
+		  (- (round (* rh (- 1 size))) 2)
+		  t)))))
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@
 	      (round (+ ry (truncate (* (truncate (/ pos n)) dy)) (* dy size) 1))
 	      (round (- dx (* dx size 2) 2))
 	      (round (- dy (* dy size 2) 2))
-	      nil))))
+	      t))))
 (defun set-space-tile-layout ()
   "Tile Space: tile child in its group leaving spaces between them"

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-pack.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-pack.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-pack.lisp	Fri Mar 21 16:58:00 2008
@@ -26,212 +26,58 @@
 (in-package :clfswm)
-;;;| Tile functions
-(defun tile-workspace-vertically (workspace)
-  "Tile a workspace vertically"
-  (let* ((len (max (length (workspace-group-list workspace)) 1))
-	 (n (ceiling (sqrt len)))
-	 (dx (/ (xlib:screen-width *screen*) n))
-	 (dy (/ (xlib:screen-height *screen*) (ceiling (/ len n)))))
-    (loop for group in (workspace-group-list workspace)
-       for i from 0 do
-       (setf (group-x group) (1+ (truncate (* (mod i n) dx)))
-	     (group-y group) (1+ (truncate (* (truncate (/ i n)) dy)))
-	     (group-width group) (- (truncate dx) 2)
-	     (group-height group) (- (truncate dy) 2)))))
-(defun tile-current-workspace-vertically ()
-  "Tile the current workspace vertically"
-  (minimize-group (current-group))
-  (tile-workspace-vertically (current-workspace))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun tile-workspace-horizontally (workspace)
-  "Tile a workspace horizontally"
-  (let* ((len (max (length (workspace-group-list workspace)) 1))
-	 (n (ceiling (sqrt len)))
-	 (dx (/ (xlib:screen-width *screen*) (ceiling (/ len n))))
-	 (dy (/ (xlib:screen-height *screen*) n)))
-    (loop for group in (workspace-group-list workspace)
-       for i from 0 do
-       (setf (group-x group) (1+ (truncate (* (truncate (/ i n)) dx)))
-	     (group-y group) (1+ (truncate (* (mod i n) dy)))
-	     (group-width group) (- (truncate dx) 2)
-	     (group-height group) (- (truncate dy) 2)))))
-(defun tile-current-workspace-horizontally ()
-  "Tile the current workspace horizontally"
-  (minimize-group (current-group))
-  (tile-workspace-horizontally (current-workspace))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun tile-workspace-right (workspace)
-  "Tile workspace with the current window on the left and others on the right"
-  (let ((len (length (workspace-group-list workspace)))
-	(group (first (workspace-group-list workspace))))
-    (if (<= len 1)
-	(setf (group-x group) 0
-	      (group-y group) 0
-	      (group-width group) (xlib:screen-width *screen*)
-	      (group-height group) (xlib:screen-height *screen*))
-	(let ((dy (/ (xlib:screen-height *screen*) (1- len))))
-	  (setf (group-x group) 1
-		(group-y group) 1
-		(group-width group) (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) *tile-border-size* 1)
-		(group-height group) (- (xlib:screen-height *screen*) 1))
-	  (loop :for i :from 0
-	     :for g :in (rest (workspace-group-list workspace))
-	     :do (setf (group-x g) (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) *tile-border-size* -1)
-		       (group-y g) (truncate (* i dy))
-		       (group-width g) (- *tile-border-size* 2)
-		       (group-height g) (truncate (- dy 1))))))))
-(defun tile-workspace-left (workspace)
-  "Tile workspace with the current window on the right and others on the left"
-  (let ((len (length (workspace-group-list workspace)))
-	(group (first (workspace-group-list workspace))))
-    (if (<= len 1)
-	(setf (group-x group) 0
-	      (group-y group) 0
-	      (group-width group) (xlib:screen-width *screen*)
-	      (group-height group) (xlib:screen-height *screen*))
-	(let ((dy (/ (xlib:screen-height *screen*) (1- len))))
-	  (setf (group-x group) *tile-border-size*
-		(group-y group) 1
-		(group-width group) (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) *tile-border-size* 1)
-		(group-height group) (- (xlib:screen-height *screen*) 1))
-	  (loop :for i :from 0
-	     :for g :in (rest (workspace-group-list workspace))
-	     :do (setf (group-x g) 0
-		       (group-y g) (truncate (* i dy))
-		       (group-width g) (- *tile-border-size* 2)
-		       (group-height g) (truncate (- dy 1))))))))
-(defun tile-workspace-top (workspace)
-  "Tile workspace with the current window on the bottom and others on the top"
-  (let ((len (length (workspace-group-list workspace)))
-	(group (first (workspace-group-list workspace))))
-    (if (<= len 1)
-	(setf (group-x group) 0
-	      (group-y group) 0
-	      (group-width group) (xlib:screen-width *screen*)
-	      (group-height group) (xlib:screen-height *screen*))
-	(let ((dx (/ (xlib:screen-width *screen*) (1- len))))
-	  (setf (group-x group) 1
-		(group-y group) *tile-border-size*
-		(group-width group) (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) 1)
-		(group-height group) (- (xlib:screen-height *screen*) *tile-border-size* 1))
-	  (loop :for i :from 0
-	     :for g :in (rest (workspace-group-list workspace))
-	     :do (setf (group-x g) (truncate (* i dx))
-		       (group-y g) 0
-		       (group-width g) (truncate (- dx 1))
-		       (group-height g) (- *tile-border-size* 2)))))))
-(defun tile-workspace-bottom (workspace)
-  "Tile workspace with the current window on the top and others on the bottom"
-  (let ((len (length (workspace-group-list workspace)))
-	(group (first (workspace-group-list workspace))))
-    (if (<= len 1)
-	(setf (group-x group) 0
-	      (group-y group) 0
-	      (group-width group) (xlib:screen-width *screen*)
-	      (group-height group) (xlib:screen-height *screen*))
-	(let ((dx (/ (xlib:screen-width *screen*) (1- len))))
-	  (setf (group-x group) 1
-		(group-y group) 1
-		(group-width group) (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) 1)
-		(group-height group) (- (xlib:screen-height *screen*) *tile-border-size* 1))
-	  (loop :for i :from 0
-	     :for g :in (rest (workspace-group-list workspace))
-	     :do (setf (group-x g) (truncate (* i dx))
-		       (group-y g) (- (xlib:screen-height *screen*) *tile-border-size* -1)
-		       (group-width g) (truncate (- dx 1))
-		       (group-height g) (- *tile-border-size* 2)))))))
-(defun tile-current-workspace-to ()
-  "Tile the current workspace with the current window on one side and others on the other"
-  (funcall *tile-workspace-function* (current-workspace))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun reconfigure-tile-workspace ()
-  "Reconfigure the workspace tiling for the current session"
-  (let ((method (loop :for m = (intern (string-upcase
-					(query-string "Workspace tiling method (R)ight, (L)eft, (T)op, (B)ottom:"))
-				       :keyword)
-		   :when (member m '(:r :l :t :b)) :return m))
-	(size (loop :for s = (parse-integer (query-string "Workspace tiling border size"
-							  (format nil "~A" *tile-border-size*))
-					    :junk-allowed t)
-		 :when (numberp s) :return s)))
-    (setf *tile-workspace-function* (case method
-				      (:r 'tile-workspace-right)
-				      (:l 'tile-workspace-left)
-				      (:t 'tile-workspace-top)
-				      (:b 'tile-workspace-bottom))
-	  *tile-border-size* size)))
 ;;;| Edges functions
 (defun group-x2 (group)
-  (+ (group-x group) (group-width group)))
+  (+ (group-x group) (group-w group)))
 (defun group-y2 (group)
-  (+ (group-y group) (group-height group)))
+  (+ (group-y group) (group-h group)))
-(defun find-edge-up (current-group workspace)
+(defun find-edge-up (current-group father)
   (let ((y-found 0))
-    (dolist (group (workspace-group-list workspace))
-      (when (and (not (equal group current-group))
+    (dolist (group (group-child father))
+      (when (and (group-p group)
+		 (not (equal group current-group))
 		 (<= (group-y2 group) (group-y current-group))
 		 (>= (group-x2 group) (group-x current-group))
 		 (<= (group-x group) (group-x2 current-group)))
-	(setf y-found (max y-found (+ (group-y2 group) 2)))))
+	(setf y-found (max y-found (group-y2 group)))))
-(defun find-edge-down (current-group workspace)
-  (let ((y-found (xlib:screen-height *screen*)))
-    (dolist (group (workspace-group-list workspace))
-      (when (and (not (equal group current-group))
+(defun find-edge-down (current-group father)
+  (let ((y-found 1))
+    (dolist (group (group-child father))
+      (when (and (group-p group)
+		 (not (equal group current-group))
 		 (>= (group-y group) (group-y2 current-group))
 		 (>= (group-x2 group) (group-x current-group))
 		 (<= (group-x group) (group-x2 current-group)))
-	(setf y-found (min y-found (- (group-y group) 2)))))
+	(setf y-found (min y-found (group-y group)))))
-(defun find-edge-right (current-group workspace)
-  (let ((x-found (xlib:screen-width *screen*)))
-    (dolist (group (workspace-group-list workspace))
-      (when (and (not (equal group current-group))
+(defun find-edge-right (current-group father)
+  (let ((x-found 1))
+    (dolist (group (group-child father))
+      (when (and (group-p group)
+		 (not (equal group current-group))
 		 (>= (group-x group) (group-x2 current-group))
 		 (>= (group-y2 group) (group-y current-group))
 		 (<= (group-y group) (group-y2 current-group)))
-	(setf x-found (min x-found (- (group-x group) 2)))))
+	(setf x-found (min x-found (group-x group)))))
-(defun find-edge-left (current-group workspace)
+(defun find-edge-left (current-group father)
   (let ((x-found 0))
-    (dolist (group (workspace-group-list workspace))
-      (when (and (not (equal group current-group))
+    (dolist (group (group-child father))
+      (when (and (group-p group)
+		 (not (equal group current-group))
 		 (<= (group-x2 group) (group-x current-group))
 		 (>= (group-y2 group) (group-y current-group))
 		 (<= (group-y group) (group-y2 current-group)))
-	(setf x-found (max x-found (+ (group-x2 group) 2)))))
+	(setf x-found (max x-found (group-x2 group)))))
@@ -239,239 +85,139 @@
 ;;;| Pack functions
-(defun pack-group-up (workspace group)
+(defun pack-group-up (group father)
   "Pack group to up"
-  (let ((y-found (find-edge-up group workspace)))
+  (let ((y-found (find-edge-up group father)))
     (setf (group-y group) y-found)))
-(defun pack-group-down (workspace group)
+(defun pack-group-down (group father)
   "Pack group to down"
-  (let ((y-found (find-edge-down group workspace)))
-    (setf (group-y group) (- y-found (group-height group)))))
+  (let ((y-found (find-edge-down group father)))
+    (setf (group-y group) (- y-found (group-h group)))))
-(defun pack-group-right (workspace group)
+(defun pack-group-right (group father)
   "Pack group to right"
-  (let ((x-found (find-edge-right group workspace)))
-    (setf (group-x group) (- x-found (group-width group)))))
+  (let ((x-found (find-edge-right group father)))
+    (setf (group-x group) (- x-found (group-w group)))))
-(defun pack-group-left (workspace group)
+(defun pack-group-left (group father)
   "Pack group to left"
-  (let ((x-found (find-edge-left group workspace)))
+  (let ((x-found (find-edge-left group father)))
     (setf (group-x group) x-found)))
-(defun pack-current-group-up ()
-  "Pack current group to up"
-  (pack-group-up (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun pack-current-group-down ()
-  "Pack current group to down"
-  (pack-group-down (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun pack-current-group-right ()
-  "Pack current group to right"
-  (pack-group-right (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun pack-current-group-left ()
-  "Pack current group to left"
-  (pack-group-left (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
 (defun center-group (group)
   "Center group"
-  (setf (group-x group) (truncate (/ (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) (group-width group)) 2))
-	(group-y group) (truncate (/ (- (xlib:screen-height *screen*) (group-height group)) 2))))
-(defun center-current-group ()
-  "Center the current group"
-  (center-group (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+  (setf (group-x group) (/ (- 1 (group-w group)) 2)
+	(group-y group) (/ (- 1 (group-h group)) 2)))
 ;;;| Fill functions
-(defun fill-group-up (workspace group)
+(defun fill-group-up (group father)
   "Fill a group up"
-  (let* ((y-found (find-edge-up group workspace))
+  (let* ((y-found (find-edge-up group father))
 	 (dy (- (group-y group) y-found)))
     (setf (group-y group) y-found
-	  (group-height group) (+ (group-height group) dy))))
+	  (group-h group) (+ (group-h group) dy))))
-(defun fill-group-down (workspace group)
+(defun fill-group-down (group father)
   "Fill a group down"
-  (let* ((y-found (find-edge-down group workspace))
+  (let* ((y-found (find-edge-down group father))
 	 (dy (- y-found (group-y2 group))))
-    (setf (group-height group) (+ (group-height group) dy))))
+    (setf (group-h group) (+ (group-h group) dy))))
-(defun fill-group-left (workspace group)
+(defun fill-group-left (group father)
   "Fill a group left"
-  (let* ((x-found (find-edge-left group workspace))
+  (let* ((x-found (find-edge-left group father))
 	 (dx (- (group-x group) x-found)))
     (setf (group-x group) x-found
-	  (group-width group) (+ (group-width group) dx))))
+	  (group-w group) (+ (group-w group) dx))))
-(defun fill-group-right (workspace group)
+(defun fill-group-right (group father)
   "Fill a group rigth"
-  (let* ((x-found (find-edge-right group workspace))
+  (let* ((x-found (find-edge-right group father))
 	 (dx (- x-found (group-x2 group))))
-    (setf (group-width group) (+ (group-width group) dx))))
-(defun fill-current-group-up ()
-  "Fill the current group up"
-  (fill-group-up (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun fill-current-group-down ()
-  "Fill the current group down"
-  (fill-group-down (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun fill-current-group-left ()
-  "Fill the current group left"
-  (fill-group-left (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun fill-current-group-right ()
-  "Fill the current group rigth"
-  (fill-group-right (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+    (setf (group-w group) (+ (group-w group) dx))))
 ;;;| Lower functions
-(defun resize-down-group (group)
+(defun resize-group-down (group)
   "Resize down a group"
-  (when (> (group-width group) 100)
-    (setf (group-x group) (+ (group-x group) 10)
-	  (group-width group) (max (- (group-width group) 20))))
-  (when (> (group-height group) 100)
-    (setf (group-y group) (+ (group-y group) 10)
-	  (group-height group) (max (- (group-height group) 20)))))
+  (when (> (group-w group) 0.1)
+    (setf (group-x group) (+ (group-x group) 0.01)
+	  (group-w group) (max (- (group-w group) 0.02) 0.01)))
+  (when (> (group-h group) 0.1)
+    (setf (group-y group) (+ (group-y group) 0.01)
+	  (group-h group) (max (- (group-h group) 0.02) 0.01))))
 (defun resize-minimal-group (group)
   "Resize down a group to its minimal size"
-  (loop while (> (group-width group) 100) do
-       (setf (group-x group) (+ (group-x group) 10)
-	     (group-width group) (max (- (group-width group) 20))))
-  (loop while (> (group-height group) 100) do
-       (setf (group-y group) (+ (group-y group) 10)
-	     (group-height group) (max (- (group-height group) 20)))))
-(defun resize-down-current-group ()
-  "Resize down the current group"
-  (resize-down-group (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+  (dotimes (i 100)
+    (resize-group-down group)))
-(defun resize-minimal-current-group ()
-  "Resize down the current group to its minimal size"
-  (resize-minimal-group (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
 (defun resize-half-width-left (group)
-  (setf (group-width group)
-	(max (truncate (/ (group-width group) 2))
-	     100)))
+  (setf (group-w group)(/ (group-w group) 2)))
 (defun resize-half-width-right (group)
-  (let* ((new-size (max (truncate (/ (group-width group) 2)) 100))
-	 (dx (- (group-width group) new-size)))
-    (setf (group-width group) new-size)
+  (let* ((new-size (/ (group-w group) 2))
+	 (dx (- (group-w group) new-size)))
+    (setf (group-w group) new-size)
     (incf (group-x group) (max dx 0))))
 (defun resize-half-height-up (group)
-  (setf (group-height group)
-	(max (truncate (/ (group-height group) 2))
-	     100)))
+  (setf (group-h group) (/ (group-h group) 2)))
 (defun resize-half-height-down (group)
-  (let* ((new-size (max (truncate (/ (group-height group) 2)) 100))
-	 (dy (- (group-height group) new-size)))
-    (setf (group-height group) new-size)
+  (let* ((new-size (/ (group-h group) 2))
+	 (dy (- (group-h group) new-size)))
+    (setf (group-h group) new-size)
     (incf (group-y group) (max dy 0))))
-(defun resize-half-width-left-current-group ()
-  "Resize the current group to its half width to left"
-  (resize-half-width-left (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun resize-half-width-right-current-group ()
-  "Resize the current group to its half width to right"
-  (resize-half-width-right (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun resize-half-height-up-current-group ()
-  "Resize the current group to its half height to up"
-  (resize-half-height-up (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun resize-half-height-down-current-group ()
-  "Resize the current group to its half height to down"
-  (resize-half-height-down (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-;;;| Explode/Implode functions
-(defun explode-group (workspace group)
-  "Create a new group for each window in group"
-  (dolist (w (rest (group-window-list group)))
-    (add-group-in-workspace (copy-group *default-group*) workspace)
-    (add-window-in-group w (first (workspace-group-list workspace)))
-    (remove-window-in-group w group)))
-(defun implode-group (workspace)
-  "Move all windows in workspace to one group and remove other groups"
-  (dolist (g (rest (workspace-group-list workspace)))
-    (dolist (w (group-window-list g))
-      (add-window-in-group w (first (workspace-group-list workspace)))
-      (remove-window-in-group w g))
-    (remove-group-in-workspace g workspace)))
-(defun explode-current-group ()
-  "Create a new group for each window in the current group"
-  (explode-group (current-workspace) (current-group))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-(defun implode-current-group ()
-  "Move all windows in the current workspace to one group and remove other groups"
-  (implode-group (current-workspace))
-  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+;;;;;| Explode/Implode functions
+;;(defun explode-group (workspace group)
+;;  "Create a new group for each window in group"
+;;  (dolist (w (rest (group-window-list group)))
+;;    (add-group-in-workspace (copy-group *default-group*) workspace)
+;;    (add-window-in-group w (first (workspace-group-list workspace)))
+;;    (remove-window-in-group w group)))
+;;(defun implode-group (workspace)
+;;  "Move all windows in workspace to one group and remove other groups"
+;;  (dolist (g (rest (workspace-group-list workspace)))
+;;    (dolist (w (group-window-list g))
+;;      (add-window-in-group w (first (workspace-group-list workspace)))
+;;      (remove-window-in-group w g))
+;;    (remove-group-in-workspace g workspace)))
+;;(defun explode-current-group ()
+;;  "Create a new group for each window in the current group"
+;;  (explode-group (current-workspace) (current-group))
+;;  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+;;(defun implode-current-group ()
+;;  "Move all windows in the current workspace to one group and remove other groups"
+;;  (implode-group (current-workspace))
+;;  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-second-mode.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-second-mode.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-second-mode.lisp	Fri Mar 21 16:58:00 2008
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 (defun draw-second-mode-window ()
+  (raise-window *sm-window*)
   (xlib:clear-area *sm-window*)
   (let* ((text (format nil "Second mode"))
 	 (len (length text)))

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