[clfswm-cvs] CVS clfswm

pbrochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sat Jan 5 14:25:29 UTC 2008

Update of /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9056

Modified Files:
	clfswm.lisp dot-clfswmrc 
Log Message:
better configuration error handler/new dot-clfswmrc example

--- /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/clfswm.lisp	2008/01/03 22:15:48	1.11
+++ /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/clfswm.lisp	2008/01/05 14:25:29	1.12
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
-;;; #Date#: Thu Jan  3 23:10:41 2008
+;;; #Date#: Sat Jan  5 15:16:21 2008
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; Documentation: Main functions
@@ -297,7 +297,9 @@
 	 (conf (or user-conf etc-conf)))
     (if conf
 	(handler-case (load conf)
-	  (error (c) (values nil (format nil "~s" c) conf))
+	  (error (c)
+	    (format t "~2%*** Error loading configurtion file: ~A ***~&~A~%" conf c)
+	    (values nil (format nil "~s" c) conf))
 	  (:no-error (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (values t nil conf)))
 	(values t nil nil))))
--- /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/dot-clfswmrc	2008/01/03 20:31:24	1.6
+++ /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/dot-clfswmrc	2008/01/05 14:25:29	1.7
@@ -11,16 +11,31 @@
 ;;;; Uncomment the line above if you want to enable the notify event compression.
 ;;;; This variable may be useful to speed up some slow version of CLX
 ;;;; It is particulary useful with CLISP/MIT-CLX.
-;;(setf *have-to-compress-notify* t)
+;; (setf *have-to-compress-notify* t)
 ;;; Color configuration example
 ;;; See in package.lisp for all variables
-;;(setf *color-unselected* "Blue")
+(setf *color-unselected* "Blue")
+;;(defparameter *fullscreen* '(0 4 800 570))
+(defparameter *fullscreen* '(0 0 1024 750))
+;;; Binding example: Undefine Control-F1 and define  Control-F5 as a
+;;; new binding in main mode
+;;; See bindings.lisp, bindings-second-mode.lisp and bindings-pager.lisp
+;;; for all default bindings definitions.
+(undefine-main-key ("F1" :mod-1))
+(define-main-key ("F5" :mod-1) 'help-on-clfswm)
-(defparameter *fullscreen* '(0 4 800 592))
+;;; Binding example for apwal
 (define-second-key (#\Space)
     (defun tpm-apwal ()
       "Run Apwal"
@@ -30,31 +45,23 @@
-;;; Binding example: Undefine Control-F1 and define  Control-F5 as a
-;;; new binding in main mode
-;;; See bindings.lisp, bindings-second-mode.lisp and bindings-pager.lisp
-;;; for all default bindings definitions.
-;;(undefine-main-key ("F1" :mod-1))
-;;(define-main-key ("F5" :mod-1) 'help-on-clfswm)
 ;;;; Reloading example
-;;(defun reload-clfswm ()
-;;  "Reload clfswm"
-;;  (format t "RELOADING... ")
-;;  (ungrab-main-keys)
-;;  (setf *main-keys* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
-;;  (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clfswm)
-;;  (grab-main-keys)
-;;  (format t "Done!~%"))
-;;(define-main-key ("F2" :mod-1) 'reload-clfswm)
+(defun reload-clfswm ()
+  "Reload clfswm"
+  (format t "RELOADING... ")
+  (ungrab-main-keys)
+  (setf *main-keys* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+  (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clfswm)
+  (grab-main-keys)
+  (format t "Done!~%"))
-;;(define-main-key ("F3" :mod-1) (lambda ()
-;;				 (do-shell "rxvt")))
+(define-main-key ("F2" :mod-1) 'reload-clfswm)
+(define-main-key ("F3" :mod-1) (lambda ()
+				 (do-shell "rxvt")))
@@ -62,36 +69,79 @@
 ;;; See in package.lisp and clfswm.lisp, clfswm-second-mode.lisp
 ;;; or clfswm-pager.lisp for hook examples
-;;(setf *key-press-hook* (list (lambda (&rest args)     ; function 1
-;;			       (format t "Keyp press (before): ~A~%" args)
-;;			       (force-output))
-;;			     #'handle-key-press       ; function 2 (default)
-;;			     (lambda (&rest args)     ; function 3
-;;			       (declare (ignore args))
-;;			       (format t "Keyp press (after)~%")
-;;			       (force-output))))
-;;(defun key-string (code state)
-;;  (let* ((modifiers (make-state-keys state))
-;;	 (keysym (keysym->keysym-name (keycode->keysym *display* code 0))))
-;;    (format nil "~:(~{~A+~}~A~)" modifiers keysym)))
-;;(defun display-key-osd (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
-;;    (do-shell "pkill osd_cat")
-;;    (do-shell (format nil "echo ~A | osd_cat -p bottom -f -*-fixed-*-*-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-*-1"
-;;		      (key-string code state)))
-;;    (force-output))
-;;(defun display-key-pager (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
-;;  (setf (gcontext-background *pager-gc*) (get-color "Black"))
-;;  (setf (gcontext-foreground *pager-gc*) (get-color "Red"))
-;;  (draw-image-glyphs *pager-window* *pager-gc* 400 600
-;;		     (format nil "~A" (key-string code state)))
-;;  (display-finish-output *display*))
-;;(setf *key-press-hook* (list #'display-key-osd #'handle-key-press))
-;;(setf *sm-key-press-hook* (list #'display-key-osd #'sm-handle-key-press))
-;;(setf *pager-key-press-hook* (list #'pager-handle-key-press #'display-key-pager))
+(setf *key-press-hook* (list (lambda (&rest args) ; function 1
+			       (format t "Keyp press (before): ~A~%" args)
+			       (force-output))
+			     #'handle-key-press	; function 2 (default)
+			     (lambda (&rest args) ; function 3
+			       (declare (ignore args))
+			       (format t "Keyp press (after)~%")
+			       (force-output))))
+;;; A more complex example I use to record my desktop and show
+;;; documentation associated to each key press.
+(defun documentation-key-from-code (hash-key code state)
+  (labels ((doc-from (key)
+	     (multiple-value-bind (function foundp)
+		 (gethash (list key state) hash-key)
+	       (when (and foundp (first function))
+		 (documentation (first function) 'function))))
+	   (from-code ()
+	     (doc-from code))
+	   (from-char ()
+	     (let ((char (keycode->char code state)))
+	       (doc-from char)))
+	   (from-string ()
+	     (let ((string (keysym->keysym-name (keycode->keysym *display* code 0))))
+	       (doc-from string))))
+    (cond ((from-code))
+	  ((from-char))
+	  ((from-string)))))
+(defun key-string (hash-key code state)
+  (let* ((modifiers (make-state-keys state))
+	 (keysym (keysym->keysym-name (keycode->keysym *display* code 0)))
+	 (doc (documentation-key-from-code hash-key code state)))
+    (values (format nil "~:(~{~A+~}~A~) : ~S" modifiers keysym doc)
+	    doc)))
+(defun display-doc (hash-key code state)
+  (multiple-value-bind (str doc)
+      (key-string hash-key code state)
+    (when doc
+      (do-shell "pkill osd_cat")
+      (do-shell (format nil "echo ~A | osd_cat -d 3 -p bottom -o -45 -f -*-fixed-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-1" str))
+      (force-output))))
+(defun display-key-osd-main (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
+  (display-doc *main-keys* code state))
+(defun display-key-osd-second (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
+  (display-doc *second-keys* code state))
+(defun display-key-pager (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
+  (setf (gcontext-background *pager-gc*) (get-color "Black"))
+  (setf (gcontext-foreground *pager-gc*) (get-color "Red"))
+  (multiple-value-bind (str doc)
+      (key-string *pager-keys* code state)
+    (when doc
+      (draw-image-glyphs *pager-window* *pager-gc* 20 570
+			 (format nil "~A                                                  " str)))
+    (display-finish-output *display*)))
+;; Define new hook or add to precedent one
+(if (consp *key-press-hook*)
+    (push #'display-key-osd-main *key-press-hook*)
+    (setf *key-press-hook* (list #'display-key-osd-main #'handle-key-press)))
+(setf *sm-key-press-hook* (list #'display-key-osd-second #'sm-handle-key-press))
+(setf *pager-key-press-hook* (list #'pager-handle-key-press #'display-key-pager))
+;;; -- Doc example end --
 ;;;; Uncomment the lines below if you want to enable the larswm,
 ;;;; dwm, wmii... cycling style.
@@ -100,29 +150,31 @@
 ;;;; on the other side. It can be configured in the rc file or interactively
 ;;;; with the function 'reconfigure-tile-workspace'.
-;;(defun circulate-group-up ()
-;;  "Circulate up in group - larswm, dwm, wmii style"
-;;  (banish-pointer)
-;;  (minimize-group (current-group))
-;;  (no-focus)
-;;  (setf (workspace-group-list (current-workspace))
-;;	(rotate-list (workspace-group-list (current-workspace))))
-;;  (funcall *tile-workspace-function* (current-workspace))
-;;  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
-;;(defun circulate-group-down ()
-;;  "Circulate down in group - larswm, dwm, wmii style"
-;;  (banish-pointer)
-;;  (minimize-group (current-group))
-;;  (no-focus)
-;;  (setf (workspace-group-list (current-workspace))
-;;	(anti-rotate-list (workspace-group-list (current-workspace))))
-;;  (funcall *tile-workspace-function* (current-workspace))
-;;  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+(defun circulate-group-up ()
+  "Circulate up in group - larswm, dwm, wmii style"
+  (banish-pointer)
+  (minimize-group (current-group))
+  (no-focus)
+  (setf (workspace-group-list (current-workspace))
+	(rotate-list (workspace-group-list (current-workspace))))
+  (funcall *tile-workspace-function* (current-workspace))
+  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+(defun circulate-group-down ()
+  "Circulate down in group - larswm, dwm, wmii style"
+  (banish-pointer)
+  (minimize-group (current-group))
+  (no-focus)
+  (setf (workspace-group-list (current-workspace))
+	(anti-rotate-list (workspace-group-list (current-workspace))))
+  (funcall *tile-workspace-function* (current-workspace))
+  (show-all-windows-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+;;; -- Lasrwm style end --
-;;;; Azerty keyboard configuration (first remove keys, then rebind)
+;;; Azerty keyboard configuration (first remove keys, then rebind)
 ;; Main mode
 ;;(undefine-main-key (#\t :mod-1))
 ;;(undefine-main-key (#\b :mod-1))
@@ -214,5 +266,7 @@
 (define-pager-key ("ampersand" :control :mod-1) 'pager-renumber-workspaces)
 (define-pager-key ("eacute" :control :mod-1) 'pager-sort-workspaces)
+;;; -- Azerty configuration end --

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