[clfswm-cvs] r85 - in clfswm: . src

pbrochard at common-lisp.net pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Fri Apr 25 19:28:57 UTC 2008

Author: pbrochard
Date: Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
New Revision: 85

src/*.lisp: Rename all 'father' occurrences to 'parent'.

Modified: clfswm/ChangeLog
--- clfswm/ChangeLog	(original)
+++ clfswm/ChangeLog	Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 2008-04-25  Philippe Brochard  <pbrochard at common-lisp.net>
+	* src/*.lisp: Rename all 'father' occurrences to 'parent'.
 	* src/clfswm-nw-hooks.lisp
 	(open-in-new-frame-in-parent-frame-nw-hook): New new window hook.

Modified: clfswm/src/bindings-second-mode.lisp
--- clfswm/src/bindings-second-mode.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/bindings-second-mode.lisp	Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
 (defun sm-mouse-leave-frame (window root-x root-y)
-  "Leave the selected frame - ie make its father the root frame"
+  "Leave the selected frame - ie make its parent the root frame"
   (declare (ignore window root-x root-y))

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-internal.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-internal.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-internal.lisp	Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
@@ -28,38 +28,38 @@
 ;;; Conversion functions
 ;;; Float -> Pixel conversion
-(defun x-fl->px (x father)
+(defun x-fl->px (x parent)
   "Convert float X coordinate to pixel"
-  (round (+ (* x (frame-rw father)) (frame-rx father))))
+  (round (+ (* x (frame-rw parent)) (frame-rx parent))))
-(defun y-fl->px (y father)
+(defun y-fl->px (y parent)
   "Convert float Y coordinate to pixel"
-  (round (+ (* y (frame-rh father)) (frame-ry father))))
+  (round (+ (* y (frame-rh parent)) (frame-ry parent))))
-(defun w-fl->px (w father)
+(defun w-fl->px (w parent)
   "Convert float Width coordinate to pixel"
-  (round (* w (frame-rw father))))
+  (round (* w (frame-rw parent))))
-(defun h-fl->px (h father)
+(defun h-fl->px (h parent)
   "Convert float Height coordinate to pixel"
-  (round (* h (frame-rh father))))
+  (round (* h (frame-rh parent))))
 ;;; Pixel -> Float conversion
-(defun x-px->fl (x father)
+(defun x-px->fl (x parent)
   "Convert pixel X coordinate to float"
-  (/ (- x (frame-rx father)) (frame-rw father)))
+  (/ (- x (frame-rx parent)) (frame-rw parent)))
-(defun y-px->fl (y father)
+(defun y-px->fl (y parent)
   "Convert pixel Y coordinate to float"
-  (/ (- y (frame-ry father)) (frame-rh father)))
+  (/ (- y (frame-ry parent)) (frame-rh parent)))
-(defun w-px->fl (w father)
+(defun w-px->fl (w parent)
   "Convert pixel Width coordinate to float"
-  (/ w (frame-rw father)))
+  (/ w (frame-rw parent)))
-(defun h-px->fl (h father)
+(defun h-px->fl (h parent)
   "Convert pixel Height coordinate to float"
-  (/ h (frame-rh father)))
+  (/ h (frame-rh parent)))
@@ -220,31 +220,31 @@
-(defun add-frame (frame father)
-  (push frame (frame-child father))
+(defun add-frame (frame parent)
+  (push frame (frame-child parent))
-(defun place-frame (frame father prx pry prw prh)
+(defun place-frame (frame parent prx pry prw prh)
   "Place a frame from real (pixel) coordinates"
   (with-slots (window x y w h) frame
     (setf (xlib:drawable-x window) prx
 	  (xlib:drawable-y window) pry
 	  (xlib:drawable-width window) prw
 	  (xlib:drawable-height window) prh
-	  x (x-px->fl prx father)
-	  y (y-px->fl pry father)
-	  w (w-px->fl prw father)
-	  h (h-px->fl prh father))))
+	  x (x-px->fl prx parent)
+	  y (y-px->fl pry parent)
+	  w (w-px->fl prw parent)
+	  h (h-px->fl prh parent))))
-(defun fixe-real-size (frame father)
+(defun fixe-real-size (frame parent)
   "Fixe real (pixel) coordinates in float coordinates"
   (when (frame-p frame)
     (with-slots (x y w h rx ry rw rh) frame
-      (setf x (x-px->fl rx father)
-	    y (y-px->fl ry father)
-	    w (w-px->fl rw father)
-	    h (h-px->fl rh father)))))
+      (setf x (x-px->fl rx parent)
+	    y (y-px->fl ry parent)
+	    w (w-px->fl rw parent)
+	    h (h-px->fl rh parent)))))
 (defun fixe-real-size-current-child ()
   "Fixe real (pixel) coordinates in float coordinates for children in the current child"
@@ -264,11 +264,11 @@
-(defun find-father-frame (to-find &optional (root *root-frame*))
-  "Return the father frame of to-find"
+(defun find-parent-frame (to-find &optional (root *root-frame*))
+  "Return the parent frame of to-find"
   (with-all-frames (root frame)
     (when (member to-find (frame-child frame))
-      (return-from find-father-frame frame))))
+      (return-from find-parent-frame frame))))
@@ -353,22 +353,22 @@
-(defun get-father-layout (child father)
-  (if (frame-p father)
-      (aif (frame-layout father)
-	   (funcall it child father)
-	   (no-layout child father))
+(defun get-parent-layout (child parent)
+  (if (frame-p parent)
+      (aif (frame-layout parent)
+	   (funcall it child parent)
+	   (no-layout child parent))
-(defgeneric adapt-child-to-father (child father))
+(defgeneric adapt-child-to-parent (child parent))
-(defmethod adapt-child-to-father ((window xlib:window) father)
+(defmethod adapt-child-to-parent ((window xlib:window) parent)
     (if (eql (window-type window) :normal)
 	(multiple-value-bind (nx ny nw nh raise-p)
-	    (get-father-layout window father)
+	    (get-parent-layout window parent)
 	  (setf nw (max nw 1)  nh (max nh 1))
 	  (let ((change (or (/= (xlib:drawable-x window) nx)
 			    (/= (xlib:drawable-y window) ny)
@@ -381,23 +381,23 @@
 	    (values raise-p change)))
 	(values nil nil))))
-(defmethod adapt-child-to-father ((frame frame) father)
+(defmethod adapt-child-to-parent ((frame frame) parent)
-      (multiple-value-bind (nx ny nw nh raise-p)
-	  (get-father-layout frame father)
-	(with-slots (rx ry rw rh window) frame
-	  (setf rx nx  ry ny
-		rw (max nw 1)
-		rh (max nh 1))
-	  (let ((change (or (/= (xlib:drawable-x window) rx)
-			    (/= (xlib:drawable-y window) ry)
-			    (/= (xlib:drawable-width window) rw)
-			    (/= (xlib:drawable-height window) rh))))
-	    (setf (xlib:drawable-x window) rx
-		  (xlib:drawable-y window) ry
-		  (xlib:drawable-width window) rw
-		  (xlib:drawable-height window) rh)
-	    (values raise-p change))))))
+    (multiple-value-bind (nx ny nw nh raise-p)
+	(get-parent-layout frame parent)
+      (with-slots (rx ry rw rh window) frame
+	(setf rx nx  ry ny
+	      rw (max nw 1)
+	      rh (max nh 1))
+	(let ((change (or (/= (xlib:drawable-x window) rx)
+			  (/= (xlib:drawable-y window) ry)
+			  (/= (xlib:drawable-width window) rw)
+			  (/= (xlib:drawable-height window) rh))))
+	  (setf (xlib:drawable-x window) rx
+		(xlib:drawable-y window) ry
+		(xlib:drawable-width window) rw
+		(xlib:drawable-height window) rh)
+	  (values raise-p change))))))
@@ -412,26 +412,26 @@
 (defmethod show-child ((frame frame) raise-p first-p)
-      (with-slots (window) frame
-	  (when (or *show-root-frame-p* (not (equal frame *current-root*)))
-	    (setf (xlib:window-background window) (get-color "Black"))
-	    (xlib:map-window window)
-	    (raise-if-needed window raise-p first-p)
-	    (display-frame-info frame)))))
+    (with-slots (window) frame
+      (when (or *show-root-frame-p* (not (equal frame *current-root*)))
+	(setf (xlib:window-background window) (get-color "Black"))
+	(xlib:map-window window)
+	(raise-if-needed window raise-p first-p)
+	(display-frame-info frame)))))
 (defmethod show-child ((window xlib:window) raise-p first-p)
-	(xlib:map-window window)
-	(raise-if-needed window raise-p first-p)))
+    (xlib:map-window window)
+    (raise-if-needed window raise-p first-p)))
 (defgeneric hide-child (child))
 (defmethod hide-child ((frame frame))
-      (with-slots (window) frame
-	(xlib:unmap-window window))))
+    (with-slots (window) frame
+      (xlib:unmap-window window))))
 (defmethod hide-child ((window xlib:window))
   (hide-window window))
@@ -445,18 +445,18 @@
 (defmethod select-child ((frame frame) selected)
-      (when (and (frame-p frame) (frame-window frame))
-	(setf (xlib:window-border (frame-window frame))
-	      (get-color (cond ((equal selected :maybe) *color-maybe-selected*)
-			       ((equal selected nil) *color-unselected*)
-			       (selected *color-selected*)))))))
+    (when (and (frame-p frame) (frame-window frame))
+      (setf (xlib:window-border (frame-window frame))
+	    (get-color (cond ((equal selected :maybe) *color-maybe-selected*)
+			     ((equal selected nil) *color-unselected*)
+			     (selected *color-selected*)))))))
 (defmethod select-child ((window xlib:window) selected)
-      (setf (xlib:window-border window)
-	    (get-color (cond ((equal selected :maybe) *color-maybe-selected*)
-			     ((equal selected nil) *color-unselected*)
-			     (selected *color-selected*))))))
+    (setf (xlib:window-border window)
+	  (get-color (cond ((equal selected :maybe) *color-maybe-selected*)
+			   ((equal selected nil) *color-unselected*)
+			   (selected *color-selected*))))))
 (defun select-current-frame (selected)
   (select-child *current-child* selected))
@@ -483,18 +483,18 @@
   "Show all children from *current-root*. Start the effective display
 only for display-child and its children"
   (let ((geometry-change nil))
-    (labels ((rec (root father first-p first-father display-p)
+    (labels ((rec (root parent first-p first-parent display-p)
 	       (multiple-value-bind (raise-p change)
-		   (adapt-child-to-father root father)
+		   (adapt-child-to-parent root parent)
 		 (when change (setf geometry-change change))
 		 (when display-p
 		   (show-child root raise-p first-p)))
 	       (select-child root (if (equal root *current-child*) t
-				      (if (and first-p first-father) :maybe nil)))
+				      (if (and first-p first-parent) :maybe nil)))
 	       (when (frame-p root)
 		 (let ((first-child (first (frame-child root))))
 		   (dolist (child (reverse (frame-child root)))
-		     (rec child root (equal child first-child) (and first-p first-father)
+		     (rec child root (equal child first-child) (and first-p first-parent)
 			  (or display-p (equal root display-child))))))))
       (rec *current-root* nil t t (equal display-child *current-root*))
@@ -518,24 +518,24 @@
-(defun focus-child (child father)
+(defun focus-child (child parent)
   "Focus child - Return true if something has change"
-  (when (and (frame-p father)
-	     (member child (frame-child father)))
-    (when (not (equal child (first (frame-child father))))
-      (loop until (equal child (first (frame-child father)))
-	 do (setf (frame-child father) (rotate-list (frame-child father))))
+  (when (and (frame-p parent)
+	     (member child (frame-child parent)))
+    (when (not (equal child (first (frame-child parent))))
+      (loop until (equal child (first (frame-child parent)))
+	 do (setf (frame-child parent) (rotate-list (frame-child parent))))
-(defun focus-child-rec (child father)
-  "Focus child and its fathers - Return true if something has change"
+(defun focus-child-rec (child parent)
+  "Focus child and its parents - Return true if something has change"
   (let ((change nil))
-    (labels ((rec (child father)
-	       (when (focus-child child father)
+    (labels ((rec (child parent)
+	       (when (focus-child child parent)
 		 (setf change t))
-	       (when father
-		 (rec father (find-father-frame father)))))
-      (rec child father))
+	       (when parent
+		 (rec parent (find-parent-frame parent)))))
+      (rec child parent))
@@ -544,28 +544,28 @@
     (setf *current-child* child)
-(defgeneric set-current-child (child father window-father))
+(defgeneric set-current-child (child parent window-parent))
-(defmethod set-current-child ((child xlib:window) father window-father)
-  (set-current-child-generic (if window-father father child)))
+(defmethod set-current-child ((child xlib:window) parent window-parent)
+  (set-current-child-generic (if window-parent parent child)))
-(defmethod set-current-child ((child frame) father window-father)
-  (declare (ignore father window-father))
+(defmethod set-current-child ((child frame) parent window-parent)
+  (declare (ignore parent window-parent))
   (set-current-child-generic child))
-(defun set-current-root (father)
-  "Set current root if father is not in current root"
-  (unless (find-child father *current-root*)
-    (setf *current-root* father)))
+(defun set-current-root (parent)
+  "Set current root if parent is not in current root"
+  (unless (find-child parent *current-root*)
+    (setf *current-root* parent)))
-(defun focus-all-children (child father &optional (window-father t))
-  "Focus child and its fathers -
-For window: set current child to window or its father according to window-father"
-  (let ((new-focus (focus-child-rec child father))
-	(new-current-child (set-current-child child father window-father))
-	(new-root (set-current-root father)))
+(defun focus-all-children (child parent &optional (window-parent t))
+  "Focus child and its parents -
+For window: set current child to window or its parent according to window-parent"
+  (let ((new-focus (focus-child-rec child parent))
+	(new-current-child (set-current-child child parent window-parent))
+	(new-root (set-current-root parent)))
     (or new-focus new-current-child new-root)))
@@ -580,9 +580,9 @@
     (if frame-is-root?
 	(hide-all *current-root*)
 	(select-current-frame nil))
-    (let ((father (find-father-frame *current-child*)))
-      (when (frame-p father)
-	(with-slots (child) father
+    (let ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*)))
+      (when (frame-p parent)
+	(with-slots (child) parent
 	  (setf child (funcall fun-rotate child))
 	  (setf *current-child* (first child)))))
     (when frame-is-root?
@@ -604,15 +604,15 @@
   (select-current-frame :maybe)
   (when (frame-p *current-child*)
     (awhen (first (frame-child *current-child*))
-	   (setf *current-child* it)))
+      (setf *current-child* it)))
   (select-current-frame t))
 (defun select-previous-level ()
   "Select the previous level in frame"
   (unless (equal *current-child* *current-root*)
     (select-current-frame :maybe)
-    (awhen (find-father-frame *current-child*)
-	   (setf *current-child* it))
+    (awhen (find-parent-frame *current-child*)
+      (setf *current-child* it))
     (select-current-frame t)))
@@ -643,11 +643,11 @@
   (show-all-children *current-root*))
 (defun leave-frame ()
-  "Leave the selected frame - ie make its father the root frame"
+  "Leave the selected frame - ie make its parent the root frame"
   (hide-all *current-root*)
-  (awhen (find-father-frame *current-root*)
-	 (when (frame-p it)
-	   (setf *current-root* it)))
+  (awhen (find-parent-frame *current-root*)
+    (when (frame-p it)
+      (setf *current-root* it)))
   (show-all-children *current-root*))
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
 (defun remove-child-in-all-frames (child)
   "Remove child in all frames from *root-frame*"
   (when (equal child *current-root*)
-    (setf *current-root* (find-father-frame child)))
+    (setf *current-root* (find-parent-frame child)))
   (when (equal child *current-child*)
     (setf *current-child* *current-root*))
   (remove-child-in-frames child *root-frame*))

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-layout.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-layout.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-layout.lisp	Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
     (setf (frame-layout *current-child*) layout)))
-(defun get-managed-child (father)
+(defun get-managed-child (parent)
   "Return only window in normal mode who can be tiled"
-  (when (frame-p father)
+  (when (frame-p parent)
     (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
 		   (and (xlib:window-p x) (not (eql (window-type x) :normal))))
-	       (frame-child father))))
+	       (frame-child parent))))
@@ -90,22 +90,22 @@
 ;;; No layout
-(defgeneric no-layout (child father)
+(defgeneric no-layout (child parent)
   (:documentation "Maximize windows in there frame - leave frame to there size (no layout)"))
-(defmethod no-layout ((child xlib:window) father)
-  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) father
+(defmethod no-layout ((child xlib:window) parent)
+  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
     (values (1+ rx)
 	    (1+ ry)
 	    (- rw 2)
 	    (- rh 2)
-(defmethod no-layout ((child frame) father)
-  (values (x-fl->px (frame-x child) father)
-	  (y-fl->px (frame-y child) father)
-	  (w-fl->px (frame-w child) father)
-	  (h-fl->px (frame-h child) father)
+(defmethod no-layout ((child frame) parent)
+  (values (x-fl->px (frame-x child) parent)
+	  (y-fl->px (frame-y child) parent)
+	  (w-fl->px (frame-w child) parent)
+	  (h-fl->px (frame-h child) parent)
@@ -120,18 +120,18 @@
 ;;; Tile layout
-(defgeneric tile-layout (child father)
+(defgeneric tile-layout (child parent)
   (:documentation "Tile child in its frame"))
-(defmethod tile-layout (child father)
-  (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child father))
+(defmethod tile-layout (child parent)
+  (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child parent))
 	 (pos (position child managed-children))
 	 (len (length managed-children))
 	 (n (ceiling (sqrt len)))
-	 (dx (/ (frame-rw father) n))
-	 (dy (/ (frame-rh father) (ceiling (/ len n)))))
-    (values (round (+ (frame-rx father) (truncate (* (mod pos n) dx)) 1))
-	    (round (+ (frame-ry father) (truncate (* (truncate (/ pos n)) dy)) 1))
+	 (dx (/ (frame-rw parent) n))
+	 (dy (/ (frame-rh parent) (ceiling (/ len n)))))
+    (values (round (+ (frame-rx parent) (truncate (* (mod pos n) dx)) 1))
+	    (round (+ (frame-ry parent) (truncate (* (truncate (/ pos n)) dy)) 1))
 	    (round (- dx 2))
 	    (round (- dy 2))
@@ -144,27 +144,27 @@
 ;;; Tile Left
-(defgeneric tile-left-layout (child father)
+(defgeneric tile-left-layout (child parent)
   (:documentation "Tile Left: main child on left and others on right"))
-(defmethod tile-left-layout (child father)
-  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) father
-    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child father))
+(defmethod tile-left-layout (child parent)
+  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
+    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child parent))
 	   (pos (position child managed-children))
 	   (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
 	   (dy (/ rh len))
-	   (size (or (frame-data-slot father :tile-size) 0.8)))
-	(if (= pos 0)
-	    (values (1+ rx)
-		    (1+ ry)
-		    (- (round (* rw size)) 2)
-		    (- rh 2)
-		    t)
-	    (values (1+ (round (+ rx (* rw size))))
-		    (1+ (round (+ ry (* dy (1- pos)))))
-		    (- (round (* rw (- 1 size))) 2)
-		    (- (round dy) 2)
-		    t)))))
+	   (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
+      (if (= pos 0)
+	  (values (1+ rx)
+		  (1+ ry)
+		  (- (round (* rw size)) 2)
+		  (- rh 2)
+		  t)
+	  (values (1+ (round (+ rx (* rw size))))
+		  (1+ (round (+ ry (* dy (1- pos)))))
+		  (- (round (* rw (- 1 size))) 2)
+		  (- (round dy) 2)
+		  t)))))
 (defun set-tile-left-layout ()
@@ -177,16 +177,16 @@
 ;;; Tile right
-(defgeneric tile-right-layout (child father)
+(defgeneric tile-right-layout (child parent)
   (:documentation "Tile Right: main child on right and others on left"))
-(defmethod tile-right-layout (child father)
-  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) father
-    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child father))
+(defmethod tile-right-layout (child parent)
+  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
+    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child parent))
 	   (pos (position child managed-children))
 	   (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
 	   (dy (/ rh len))
-	   (size (or (frame-data-slot father :tile-size) 0.8)))
+	   (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
       (if (= pos 0)
 	  (values (1+ (round (+ rx (* rw (- 1 size)))))
 		  (1+ ry)
@@ -212,27 +212,27 @@
 ;;; Tile Top
-(defgeneric tile-top-layout (child father)
+(defgeneric tile-top-layout (child parent)
   (:documentation "Tile Top: main child on top and others on bottom"))
-(defmethod tile-top-layout (child father)
-  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) father
-    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child father))
+(defmethod tile-top-layout (child parent)
+  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
+    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child parent))
 	   (pos (position child managed-children))
 	   (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
 	   (dx (/ rw len))
-	   (size (or (frame-data-slot father :tile-size) 0.8)))
-	(if (= pos 0)
-	    (values (1+ rx)
-		    (1+ ry)
-		    (- rw 2)
-		    (- (round (* rh size)) 2)
-		    t)
-	    (values (1+ (round (+ rx (* dx (1- pos)))))
-		    (1+ (round (+ ry (* rh size))))
-		    (- (round dx) 2)
-		    (- (round (* rh (- 1 size))) 2)
-		    t)))))
+	   (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
+      (if (= pos 0)
+	  (values (1+ rx)
+		  (1+ ry)
+		  (- rw 2)
+		  (- (round (* rh size)) 2)
+		  t)
+	  (values (1+ (round (+ rx (* dx (1- pos)))))
+		  (1+ (round (+ ry (* rh size))))
+		  (- (round dx) 2)
+		  (- (round (* rh (- 1 size))) 2)
+		  t)))))
 (defun set-tile-top-layout ()
@@ -245,16 +245,16 @@
 ;;; Tile Bottom
-(defgeneric tile-bottom-layout (child father)
+(defgeneric tile-bottom-layout (child parent)
   (:documentation "Tile Bottom: main child on bottom and others on top"))
-(defmethod tile-bottom-layout (child father)
-  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) father
-    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child father))
+(defmethod tile-bottom-layout (child parent)
+  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
+    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child parent))
 	   (pos (position child managed-children))
 	   (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
 	   (dx (/ rw len))
-	   (size (or (frame-data-slot father :tile-size) 0.8)))
+	   (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
       (if (= pos 0)
 	  (values (1+ rx)
 		  (1+ (round (+ ry (* rh (- 1 size)))))
@@ -282,18 +282,18 @@
 ;;; Space layout
-(defgeneric tile-space-layout (child father)
+(defgeneric tile-space-layout (child parent)
   (:documentation "Tile Space: tile child in its frame leaving spaces between them"))
-(defmethod tile-space-layout (child father)
-  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) father
-    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child father))
+(defmethod tile-space-layout (child parent)
+  (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
+    (let* ((managed-children (get-managed-child parent))
 	   (pos (position child managed-children))
 	   (len (length managed-children))
 	   (n (ceiling (sqrt len)))
 	   (dx (/ rw n))
 	   (dy (/ rh (ceiling (/ len n))))
-	   (size (or (frame-data-slot father :tile-space-size) 0.1)))
+	   (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-space-size) 0.1)))
       (when (> size 0.5) (setf size 0.45))
       (values (round (+ rx (truncate (* (mod pos n) dx)) (* dx size) 1))
 	      (round (+ ry (truncate (* (truncate (/ pos n)) dy)) (* dy size) 1))

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-nw-hooks.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-nw-hooks.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-nw-hooks.lisp	Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 (defun set-nw-hook (hook)
   "Set the hook of the current child"
   (let ((frame (if (xlib:window-p *current-child*)
-		   (find-father-frame *current-child*)
+		   (find-parent-frame *current-child*)
     (setf (frame-nw-hook frame) hook)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 (defun default-window-placement (frame window)
   (case (window-type window)
-    (:normal (adapt-child-to-father window frame))
+    (:normal (adapt-child-to-parent window frame))
     (t (place-window-from-hints window))))
 (defun leave-if-not-frame (child)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 (defun open-in-new-frame-in-parent-frame-nw-hook (frame window)
   "Open the next window in a new frame in the parent frame"
   (let ((new-frame (create-frame))
-	(parent (find-father-frame frame)))
+	(parent (find-parent-frame frame)))
     (when parent
       (pushnew new-frame (frame-child parent))
       (pushnew window (frame-child new-frame))

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-pack.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-pack.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-pack.lisp	Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
   (+ (frame-y frame) (frame-h frame)))
-(defun find-edge-up (current-frame father)
+(defun find-edge-up (current-frame parent)
   (let ((y-found 0))
-    (dolist (frame (frame-child father))
+    (dolist (frame (frame-child parent))
       (when (and (frame-p frame)
 		 (not (equal frame current-frame))
 		 (<= (frame-y2 frame) (frame-y current-frame))
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
 	(setf y-found (max y-found (frame-y2 frame)))))
-(defun find-edge-down (current-frame father)
+(defun find-edge-down (current-frame parent)
   (let ((y-found 1))
-    (dolist (frame (frame-child father))
+    (dolist (frame (frame-child parent))
       (when (and (frame-p frame)
 		 (not (equal frame current-frame))
 		 (>= (frame-y frame) (frame-y2 current-frame))
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
 	(setf y-found (min y-found (frame-y frame)))))
-(defun find-edge-right (current-frame father)
+(defun find-edge-right (current-frame parent)
   (let ((x-found 1))
-    (dolist (frame (frame-child father))
+    (dolist (frame (frame-child parent))
       (when (and (frame-p frame)
 		 (not (equal frame current-frame))
 		 (>= (frame-x frame) (frame-x2 current-frame))
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
-(defun find-edge-left (current-frame father)
+(defun find-edge-left (current-frame parent)
   (let ((x-found 0))
-    (dolist (frame (frame-child father))
+    (dolist (frame (frame-child parent))
       (when (and (frame-p frame)
 		 (not (equal frame current-frame))
 		 (<= (frame-x2 frame) (frame-x current-frame))
@@ -85,26 +85,26 @@
 ;;;| Pack functions
-(defun pack-frame-up (frame father)
+(defun pack-frame-up (frame parent)
   "Pack frame to up"
-  (let ((y-found (find-edge-up frame father)))
+  (let ((y-found (find-edge-up frame parent)))
     (setf (frame-y frame) y-found)))
-(defun pack-frame-down (frame father)
+(defun pack-frame-down (frame parent)
   "Pack frame to down"
-  (let ((y-found (find-edge-down frame father)))
+  (let ((y-found (find-edge-down frame parent)))
     (setf (frame-y frame) (- y-found (frame-h frame)))))
-(defun pack-frame-right (frame father)
+(defun pack-frame-right (frame parent)
   "Pack frame to right"
-  (let ((x-found (find-edge-right frame father)))
+  (let ((x-found (find-edge-right frame parent)))
     (setf (frame-x frame) (- x-found (frame-w frame)))))
-(defun pack-frame-left (frame father)
+(defun pack-frame-left (frame parent)
   "Pack frame to left"
-  (let ((x-found (find-edge-left frame father)))
+  (let ((x-found (find-edge-left frame parent)))
     (setf (frame-x frame) x-found)))
@@ -117,30 +117,30 @@
 ;;;| Fill functions
-(defun fill-frame-up (frame father)
+(defun fill-frame-up (frame parent)
   "Fill a frame up"
-  (let* ((y-found (find-edge-up frame father))
+  (let* ((y-found (find-edge-up frame parent))
 	 (dy (- (frame-y frame) y-found)))
     (setf (frame-y frame) y-found
 	  (frame-h frame) (+ (frame-h frame) dy))))
-(defun fill-frame-down (frame father)
+(defun fill-frame-down (frame parent)
   "Fill a frame down"
-  (let* ((y-found (find-edge-down frame father))
+  (let* ((y-found (find-edge-down frame parent))
 	 (dy (- y-found (frame-y2 frame))))
     (setf (frame-h frame) (+ (frame-h frame) dy))))
-(defun fill-frame-left (frame father)
+(defun fill-frame-left (frame parent)
   "Fill a frame left"
-  (let* ((x-found (find-edge-left frame father))
+  (let* ((x-found (find-edge-left frame parent))
 	 (dx (- (frame-x frame) x-found)))
     (setf (frame-x frame) x-found
 	  (frame-w frame) (+ (frame-w frame) dx))))
-(defun fill-frame-right (frame father)
+(defun fill-frame-right (frame parent)
   "Fill a frame rigth"
-  (let* ((x-found (find-edge-right frame father))
+  (let* ((x-found (find-edge-right frame parent))
 	 (dx (- x-found (frame-x2 frame))))
     (setf (frame-w frame) (+ (frame-w frame) dx))))

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-util.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-util.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-util.lisp	Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
     (when (and window (not (xlib:window-equal window *no-focus-window*)))
       (setf *current-child* *current-root*)
       (hide-child window)
-      (remove-child-in-frame window (find-father-frame window))
+      (remove-child-in-frame window (find-parent-frame window))
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@
   "Cut the current child to the selection"
   (hide-all *current-child*)
-  (remove-child-in-frame *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))
+  (remove-child-in-frame *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))
   (setf *current-child* *current-root*)
 (defun remove-current-child ()
-  "Remove the current child from its father frame"
+  "Remove the current child from its parent frame"
   (hide-all *current-child*)
-  (remove-child-in-frame *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))
+  (remove-child-in-frame *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))
   (setf *current-child* *current-root*)
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 (defun paste-selection-no-clear ()
   "Paste the selection in the current frame - Do not clear the selection after paste"
   (let ((frame-dest (typecase *current-child*
-		      (xlib:window (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))
+		      (xlib:window (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))
 		      (frame *current-child*))))
     (when frame-dest
       (dolist (child *child-selection*)
@@ -335,9 +335,9 @@
 (defun focus-frame-by (frame)
   (when (frame-p frame)
     (hide-all *current-root*)
-    (focus-all-children frame (or (find-father-frame frame *current-root*)
-				(find-father-frame frame)
-				*root-frame*))
+    (focus-all-children frame (or (find-parent-frame frame *current-root*)
+				  (find-parent-frame frame)
+				  *root-frame*))
     (show-all-children *current-root*)))
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
       (setf *current-root* *root-frame*))
     (when (equal frame *current-child*)
       (setf *current-child* *current-root*))
-    (remove-child-in-frame frame (find-father-frame frame)))
+    (remove-child-in-frame frame (find-parent-frame frame)))
   (show-all-children *current-root*))
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
 (defun move-current-child-by (child frame-dest)
   (when (and child (frame-p frame-dest))
     (hide-all *current-root*)
-    (remove-child-in-frame child (find-father-frame child))
+    (remove-child-in-frame child (find-parent-frame child))
     (pushnew child (frame-child frame-dest))
     (focus-all-children child frame-dest)
     (show-all-children *current-root*)))
@@ -448,22 +448,22 @@
 (defun force-window-in-frame ()
   "Force the current window to move in the frame (Useful only for transient windows)"
   (when (xlib:window-p *current-child*)
-    (let ((father (find-father-frame *current-child*)))
+    (let ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*)))
-	(setf (xlib:drawable-x *current-child*) (frame-rx father)
-	      (xlib:drawable-y *current-child*) (frame-ry father)))))
+	(setf (xlib:drawable-x *current-child*) (frame-rx parent)
+	      (xlib:drawable-y *current-child*) (frame-ry parent)))))
 (defun force-window-center-in-frame ()
   "Force the current window to move in the center of the frame (Useful only for transient windows)"
   (when (xlib:window-p *current-child*)
-    (let ((father (find-father-frame *current-child*)))
+    (let ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*)))
-	(setf (xlib:drawable-x *current-child*) (truncate (+ (frame-rx father)
-							     (/ (- (frame-rw father)
+	(setf (xlib:drawable-x *current-child*) (truncate (+ (frame-rx parent)
+							     (/ (- (frame-rw parent)
 								   (xlib:drawable-width *current-child*)) 2)))
-	      (xlib:drawable-y *current-child*) (truncate (+ (frame-ry father)
-							     (/ (- (frame-rh father)
+	      (xlib:drawable-y *current-child*) (truncate (+ (frame-ry parent)
+							     (/ (- (frame-rh parent)
 								   (xlib:drawable-height *current-child*)) 2)))))))
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
 ;;; Mouse utilities
-(defun move-frame (frame father orig-x orig-y)
+(defun move-frame (frame parent orig-x orig-y)
   (hide-all-children frame)
   (with-slots (window) frame
     (raise-window window)
@@ -528,11 +528,11 @@
 	     do (with-xlib-protect
 		  (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
 		  (xlib:process-event *display* :handler #'handle-event))))
-	(setf (frame-x frame) (x-px->fl (xlib:drawable-x window) father)
-	      (frame-y frame) (y-px->fl (xlib:drawable-y window) father))))))
+	(setf (frame-x frame) (x-px->fl (xlib:drawable-x window) parent)
+	      (frame-y frame) (y-px->fl (xlib:drawable-y window) parent))))))
-(defun resize-frame (frame father orig-x orig-y)
+(defun resize-frame (frame parent orig-x orig-y)
   (hide-all-children frame)
   (with-slots (window) frame
     (raise-window window)
@@ -569,34 +569,34 @@
 	     do (with-xlib-protect
 		  (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
 		  (xlib:process-event *display* :handler #'handle-event))))
-	(setf (frame-w frame) (w-px->fl (xlib:drawable-width window) father)
-	      (frame-h frame) (h-px->fl (xlib:drawable-height window) father))))))
+	(setf (frame-w frame) (w-px->fl (xlib:drawable-width window) parent)
+	      (frame-h frame) (h-px->fl (xlib:drawable-height window) parent))))))
 (defun mouse-click-to-focus-generic (window root-x root-y mouse-fn)
-  "Focus the current frame or focus the current window father
+  "Focus the current frame or focus the current window parent
 mouse-fun is #'move-frame or #'resize-frame"
   (let ((to-replay t)
 	(child window)
-	(father (find-father-frame window *current-root*))
+	(parent (find-parent-frame window *current-root*))
 	(root-p (or (equal window *root*)
 		    (equal window (frame-window *current-root*)))))
     (when (or (not root-p) *create-frame-on-root*)
-      (unless father
+      (unless parent
 	(if root-p
 	      (setf child (create-frame)
-		    father *current-root*
+		    parent *current-root*
 		    mouse-fn #'resize-frame)
-	      (place-frame child father root-x root-y 10 10)
+	      (place-frame child parent root-x root-y 10 10)
 	      (xlib:map-window (frame-window child))
 	      (pushnew child (frame-child *current-root*)))
 	    (setf child (find-frame-window window *current-root*)
-		  father (find-father-frame child *current-root*)))
+		  parent (find-parent-frame child *current-root*)))
 	(when child
-	  (funcall mouse-fn child father root-x root-y)))
-      (when (and child father (focus-all-children child father))
+	  (funcall mouse-fn child parent root-x root-y)))
+      (when (and child parent (focus-all-children child parent))
 	(when (show-all-children)
 	  (setf to-replay nil))))
     (if to-replay
@@ -604,34 +604,34 @@
 (defun mouse-click-to-focus-and-move (window root-x root-y)
-  "Move and focus the current frame or focus the current window father"
+  "Move and focus the current frame or focus the current window parent"
   (mouse-click-to-focus-generic window root-x root-y #'move-frame))
 (defun mouse-click-to-focus-and-resize (window root-x root-y)
-  "Resize and focus the current frame or focus the current window father"
+  "Resize and focus the current frame or focus the current window parent"
   (mouse-click-to-focus-generic window root-x root-y #'resize-frame))
-(defun mouse-focus-move/resize-generic (root-x root-y mouse-fn window-father)
-  "Focus the current frame or focus the current window father
+(defun mouse-focus-move/resize-generic (root-x root-y mouse-fn window-parent)
+  "Focus the current frame or focus the current window parent
 mouse-fun is #'move-frame or #'resize-frame.
-Focus child and its fathers -
-For window: set current child to window or its father according to window-father"
+Focus child and its parents -
+For window: set current child to window or its parent according to window-parent"
   (let* ((child (find-child-under-mouse root-x root-y))
-	 (father (find-father-frame child)))
+	 (parent (find-parent-frame child)))
     (when (equal child *current-root*)
       (setf child (create-frame)
-	    father *current-root*
+	    parent *current-root*
 	    mouse-fn #'resize-frame)
-      (place-frame child father root-x root-y 10 10)
-	    (xlib:map-window (frame-window child))
-	    (pushnew child (frame-child *current-root*)))
+      (place-frame child parent root-x root-y 10 10)
+      (xlib:map-window (frame-window child))
+      (pushnew child (frame-child *current-root*)))
     (typecase child
-      (xlib:window (funcall mouse-fn father (find-father-frame father) root-x root-y))
-      (frame (funcall mouse-fn child father root-x root-y)))
-    (focus-all-children child father window-father)
+      (xlib:window (funcall mouse-fn parent (find-parent-frame parent) root-x root-y))
+      (frame (funcall mouse-fn child parent root-x root-y)))
+    (focus-all-children child parent window-parent)
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
 (defun mouse-leave-frame (window root-x root-y)
-  "Leave the selected frame - ie make its father the root frame"
+  "Leave the selected frame - ie make its parent the root frame"
   (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
   (let ((frame (find-frame-window window)))
     (when (or frame (xlib:window-equal window *root*))
@@ -732,10 +732,10 @@
 				("BackSpace" remove-binding-on-slot
 					     ,(format nil "Remove slot ~A binding on child: ~A" n (child-fullname *current-child*)))
 				("   -  " nil " -")
-				("Tab" jump-to-slot
-					 ,(format nil "Jump to child: ~A" (aif (aref key-slots current-slot)
-									       (child-fullname it)
-									       "Not set - Please, bind it with Return"))))
+			      ("Tab" jump-to-slot
+				     ,(format nil "Jump to child: ~A" (aif (aref key-slots current-slot)
+									   (child-fullname it)
+									   "Not set - Please, bind it with Return"))))
 			   (list default-bind))))))
@@ -754,19 +754,19 @@
 ;;; Pack
 (defun current-frame-pack-up ()
   "Pack the current frame up"
-  (with-movement (pack-frame-up *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
+  (with-movement (pack-frame-up *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
 (defun current-frame-pack-down ()
   "Pack the current frame down"
-  (with-movement (pack-frame-down *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
+  (with-movement (pack-frame-down *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
 (defun current-frame-pack-left ()
   "Pack the current frame left"
-  (with-movement (pack-frame-left *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
+  (with-movement (pack-frame-left *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
 (defun current-frame-pack-right ()
   "Pack the current frame right"
-  (with-movement (pack-frame-right *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
+  (with-movement (pack-frame-right *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
 ;;; Center
 (defun center-current-frame ()
@@ -776,42 +776,42 @@
 ;;; Fill
 (defun current-frame-fill-up ()
   "Fill the current frame up"
-  (with-movement (fill-frame-up *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
+  (with-movement (fill-frame-up *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
 (defun current-frame-fill-down ()
   "Fill the current frame down"
-  (with-movement (fill-frame-down *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
+  (with-movement (fill-frame-down *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
 (defun current-frame-fill-left ()
   "Fill the current frame left"
-  (with-movement (fill-frame-left *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
+  (with-movement (fill-frame-left *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
 (defun current-frame-fill-right ()
   "Fill the current frame right"
-  (with-movement (fill-frame-right *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
+  (with-movement (fill-frame-right *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*))))
 (defun current-frame-fill-all-dir ()
   "Fill the current frame in all directions"
-    (let ((father (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*)))
-      (fill-frame-up *current-child* father)
-      (fill-frame-down *current-child* father)
-      (fill-frame-left *current-child* father)
-      (fill-frame-right *current-child* father))))
+    (let ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*)))
+      (fill-frame-up *current-child* parent)
+      (fill-frame-down *current-child* parent)
+      (fill-frame-left *current-child* parent)
+      (fill-frame-right *current-child* parent))))
 (defun current-frame-fill-vertical ()
   "Fill the current frame vertically"
-    (let ((father (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*)))
-      (fill-frame-up *current-child* father)
-      (fill-frame-down *current-child* father))))
+    (let ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*)))
+      (fill-frame-up *current-child* parent)
+      (fill-frame-down *current-child* parent))))
 (defun current-frame-fill-horizontal ()
   "Fill the current frame horizontally"
-    (let ((father (find-father-frame *current-child* *current-root*)))
-      (fill-frame-left *current-child* father)
-      (fill-frame-right *current-child* father))))
+    (let ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child* *current-root*)))
+      (fill-frame-left *current-child* parent)
+      (fill-frame-right *current-child* parent))))
 ;;; Resize
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
 	    (setf (frame-rw *current-child*) min-width))
 	  (when (and height-p min-height)
 	    (setf (frame-rh *current-child*) min-height))
-	  (fixe-real-size *current-child* (find-father-frame *current-child*))
+	  (fixe-real-size *current-child* (find-parent-frame *current-child*))
 (defun adapt-current-frame-to-window-hints ()

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm.lisp	Fri Apr 25 15:28:53 2008
@@ -67,18 +67,18 @@
 	     (when (has-h value-mask) (setf (xlib:drawable-height window) height))
 	     (when (has-w value-mask) (setf (xlib:drawable-width window) width))))
-	(xlib:with-state (window)
-	  (when (has-bw value-mask)
-	    (setf (xlib:drawable-border-width window) border-width))
-	  (if (find-child window *current-root*)
-	      (case (window-type window)
-		(:normal (adapt-child-to-father window (find-father-frame window *current-root*))
-			 (send-configuration-notify window))
-		(t (adjust-from-request)))
-	      (adjust-from-request))
-	  (when (has-stackmode value-mask)
-	    (case stack-mode
-	      (:above (raise-window window))))))))
+      (xlib:with-state (window)
+	(when (has-bw value-mask)
+	  (setf (xlib:drawable-border-width window) border-width))
+	(if (find-child window *current-root*)
+	    (case (window-type window)
+	      (:normal (adapt-child-to-parent window (find-parent-frame window *current-root*))
+		       (send-configuration-notify window))
+	      (t (adjust-from-request)))
+	    (adjust-from-request))
+	(when (has-stackmode value-mask)
+	  (case stack-mode
+	    (:above (raise-window window))))))))
@@ -156,21 +156,21 @@
   (declare (ignore display))
   ;;(dbg  event-key)
-      (case event-key
-	(:button-press (call-hook *button-press-hook* event-slots))
-	(:button-release (call-hook *button-release-hook* event-slots))
-	(:motion-notify (call-hook *motion-notify-hook* event-slots))
-	(:key-press (call-hook *key-press-hook* event-slots))
-	(:configure-request (call-hook *configure-request-hook* event-slots))
-	(:configure-notify (call-hook *configure-notify-hook* event-slots))
-	(:map-request (call-hook *map-request-hook* event-slots))
-	(:unmap-notify (call-hook *unmap-notify-hook* event-slots))
-	(:destroy-notify (call-hook *destroy-notify-hook* event-slots))
-	(:mapping-notify (call-hook *mapping-notify-hook* event-slots))
-	(:property-notify (call-hook *property-notify-hook* event-slots))
-	(:create-notify (call-hook *create-notify-hook* event-slots))
-	(:enter-notify (call-hook *enter-notify-hook* event-slots))
-	(:exposure (call-hook *exposure-hook* event-slots))))
+    (case event-key
+      (:button-press (call-hook *button-press-hook* event-slots))
+      (:button-release (call-hook *button-release-hook* event-slots))
+      (:motion-notify (call-hook *motion-notify-hook* event-slots))
+      (:key-press (call-hook *key-press-hook* event-slots))
+      (:configure-request (call-hook *configure-request-hook* event-slots))
+      (:configure-notify (call-hook *configure-notify-hook* event-slots))
+      (:map-request (call-hook *map-request-hook* event-slots))
+      (:unmap-notify (call-hook *unmap-notify-hook* event-slots))
+      (:destroy-notify (call-hook *destroy-notify-hook* event-slots))
+      (:mapping-notify (call-hook *mapping-notify-hook* event-slots))
+      (:property-notify (call-hook *property-notify-hook* event-slots))
+      (:create-notify (call-hook *create-notify-hook* event-slots))
+      (:enter-notify (call-hook *enter-notify-hook* event-slots))
+      (:exposure (call-hook *exposure-hook* event-slots))))

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