[clfswm-cvs] CVS clfswm

pbrochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 30 12:03:37 UTC 2007

Update of /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv17417

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog clfswm-internal.lisp clfswm-util.lisp clfswm.lisp 
Log Message:
Adapt window only when necessary+speed up

--- /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/ChangeLog	2007/12/29 15:20:09	1.6
+++ /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/ChangeLog	2007/12/30 12:03:36	1.7
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+2007-12-30  Philippe Brochard  <hocwp at free.fr>
+	* clfswm-internal.lisp (process-new-window): Do not crop transient
+	window to group size.
+	(adapt-window-to-group): Do not crop transient window to group
+	size.
+	* clfswm.lisp (handle-configure-request): Adapt just the window to
+	its group and don't take care of the configure request. Remove the
+	bug with the Gimp outside the group and speed up the window
+	manipulation.
+	(handle-exposure): Remove show-all-group on exposure event
+	-> Speed up.
 2007-12-29  Philippe Brochard  <hocwp at free.fr>
 	* clfswm-util.lisp (circulate-group-up-copy-window)
--- /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/clfswm-internal.lisp	2007/12/29 15:20:10	1.6
+++ /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/clfswm-internal.lisp	2007/12/30 12:03:36	1.7
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
-;;; #Date#: Sat Dec 29 15:36:43 2007
+;;; #Date#: Sun Dec 30 12:40:58 2007
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; Documentation: Main functions
@@ -72,25 +72,10 @@
 	    (get-group-size group)
 	  (case (window-type window)
-	     ;;(dbg "adapt 1" (wm-name window) (drawable-height window)) ;;; PHIL
 	     (setf/= (drawable-x window) x)
 	     (setf/= (drawable-y window) y)
 	     (setf/= (drawable-width window) width)
-	     (setf/= (drawable-height window) height)
-	     ;;(dbg "adapt 2" (drawable-height window))
-	     )
-	    (t (let* ((hints (xlib:wm-normal-hints window))
-		      (hints-width (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-width hints))
-				       most-positive-fixnum))
-		      (hints-height (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-height hints))
-					most-positive-fixnum)))
-		 ;;; Adapt only windows with width and heigth outside group
-		 (when (> hints-width width)
-		   (setf/= (drawable-width window) width)
-		   (setf/= (drawable-x window) x))
-		 (when (> hints-height height)
-		   (setf/= (drawable-height window) height)
-		   (setf/= (drawable-y window) y)))))))
+	     (setf/= (drawable-height window) height)))))
     ((or match-error window-error drawable-error) (c)
       (declare (ignore c)))))
   ;;(dbg "Adapt error" c))))
@@ -320,19 +305,19 @@
 					 (:maxsize 1)
 					 (:transient 1)
 					 (t 0)))
-  (if (equal (window-type window) :normal)
-      (adapt-window-to-group window (current-group))
-      (let* ((hints (xlib:wm-normal-hints window))
-	     (hints-width (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-width hints))
-			      most-positive-fixnum))
-	     (hints-height (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-height hints))
-			       most-positive-fixnum)))
-	(multiple-value-bind (x y width height)
-	    (get-group-size (current-group))
-	  (setf (drawable-width window) (min hints-width width)
-		(drawable-height window) (min hints-height height))
-	  (setf (drawable-x window) (truncate (+ x (/ (- width (drawable-width window)) 2)))
-		(drawable-y window) (truncate (+ y (/ (- height (drawable-height window)) 2)))))))
+  (case (window-type window)
+    (:normal (adapt-window-to-group window (current-group)))
+    (t (let* ((hints (xlib:wm-normal-hints window))
+	      (hints-width (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-width hints))
+			       most-positive-fixnum))
+	      (hints-height (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-height hints))
+				most-positive-fixnum)))
+	 (multiple-value-bind (x y width height)
+	     (get-group-size (current-group))
+	   (setf (drawable-width window) hints-width
+		 (drawable-height window) hints-height)
+	   (setf (drawable-x window) (truncate (+ x (/ (- width (drawable-width window)) 2)))
+		 (drawable-y window) (truncate (+ y (/ (- height (drawable-height window)) 2))))))))
   (add-window-in-group window (current-group))
   (netwm-add-in-client-list window))
--- /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/clfswm-util.lisp	2007/12/29 15:20:10	1.6
+++ /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/clfswm-util.lisp	2007/12/30 12:03:36	1.7
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
-;;; #Date#: Sat Dec 29 15:41:24 2007
+;;; #Date#: Sun Dec 30 12:59:59 2007
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; Documentation: Utility
@@ -82,10 +82,11 @@
 (defun banish-pointer ()
-  "Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen"
+  "Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen and redraw all groups"
   (warp-pointer *root*
 		(1- (screen-width *screen*))
-		(1- (screen-height *screen*))))
+		(1- (screen-height *screen*)))
+  (show-all-group (current-workspace)))
 (defun renumber-workspaces ()
--- /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/clfswm.lisp	2007/12/29 15:20:10	1.5
+++ /project/clfswm/cvsroot/clfswm/clfswm.lisp	2007/12/30 12:03:36	1.6
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
-;;; #Date#: Sat Dec 29 15:33:46 2007
+;;; #Date#: Sun Dec 30 12:45:01 2007
 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; Documentation: Main functions
@@ -38,34 +38,68 @@
+;;(defun handle-configure-request (&rest event-slots &key stack-mode #|parent|# window #|above-sibling|#
+;;				 x y width height border-width value-mask &allow-other-keys)
+;;  (declare (ignore event-slots))
+;;  (labels ((has-x (mask) (= 1 (logand mask 1)))
+;;  	   (has-y (mask) (= 2 (logand mask 2)))
+;;  	   (has-w (mask) (= 4 (logand mask 4)))
+;;  	   (has-h (mask) (= 8 (logand mask 8)))
+;;  	   (has-bw (mask) (= 16 (logand mask 16)))
+;;  	   (has-stackmode (mask) (= 64 (logand mask 64))))
+;;    (handler-case
+;;  	(progn
+;;  	  (with-state (window)
+;;  	    (when (has-x value-mask)
+;;  	      (setf (drawable-x window) x))
+;;  	    (when (has-y value-mask)
+;;  	      (setf (drawable-y window) y))
+;;  	    (when (has-h value-mask)
+;;  	      (setf (drawable-height window) height))
+;;  	    (when (has-w value-mask)
+;;  	      (setf (drawable-width window) width))
+;;  	    (when (has-bw value-mask)
+;;  	      (setf (drawable-border-width window) border-width)))
+;;  	  ;; The ICCCM says with have to send a fake configure-notify if
+;;  	  ;; the window is moved but not resized.
+;;  	  (when (member window (group-window-list (current-group)))
+;;	    (unless (or (logbitp 2 value-mask) (logbitp 3 value-mask))
+;;	      (send-configuration-notify window))
+;;	    (adapt-window-to-group window (current-group))
+;;	    (when (has-stackmode value-mask)
+;;	      (case stack-mode
+;;		(:above (raise-window window))))))
+;;      ((or match-error window-error drawable-error) (c)
+;;  	(declare (ignore c))))))
+;;  	;;(dbg "Configure Error" c)))))
+;;(defun handle-configure-notify (&rest event-slots)
+;;  (declare (ignore event-slots))
+;;  (adapt-all-window-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
 (defun handle-configure-request (&rest event-slots &key stack-mode #|parent|# window #|above-sibling|#
 				 x y width height border-width value-mask &allow-other-keys)
   (declare (ignore event-slots))
   (labels ((has-x (mask) (= 1 (logand mask 1)))
-  	   (has-y (mask) (= 2 (logand mask 2)))
-  	   (has-w (mask) (= 4 (logand mask 4)))
-  	   (has-h (mask) (= 8 (logand mask 8)))
-  	   (has-bw (mask) (= 16 (logand mask 16)))
+    	   (has-y (mask) (= 2 (logand mask 2)))
+    	   (has-w (mask) (= 4 (logand mask 4)))
+    	   (has-h (mask) (= 8 (logand mask 8)))
+	   (has-bw (mask) (= 16 (logand mask 16)))
   	   (has-stackmode (mask) (= 64 (logand mask 64))))
   	  (with-state (window)
-  	    (when (has-x value-mask)
-  	      (setf (drawable-x window) x))
-  	    (when (has-y value-mask)
-  	      (setf (drawable-y window) y))
-  	    (when (has-h value-mask)
-  	      (setf (drawable-height window) height))
-  	    (when (has-w value-mask)
-  	      (setf (drawable-width window) width))
   	    (when (has-bw value-mask)
-  	      (setf (drawable-border-width window) border-width)))
-  	  ;; The ICCCM says with have to send a fake configure-notify if
-  	  ;; the window is moved but not resized.
-  	  (when (member window (group-window-list (current-group)))
-	    (unless (or (logbitp 2 value-mask) (logbitp 3 value-mask))
-	      (send-configuration-notify window))
-	    (adapt-window-to-group window (current-group))
+  	      (setf (drawable-border-width window) border-width))
+	    (when (member window (group-window-list (current-group)))
+	      (case (window-type window)
+		(:normal (adapt-window-to-group window (current-group)))
+		(t (when (has-x value-mask) (setf (drawable-x window) x))
+		   (when (has-y value-mask) (setf (drawable-y window) y))
+		   (when (has-h value-mask) (setf (drawable-height window) height))
+		   (when (has-w value-mask) (setf (drawable-width window) width)))))
 	    (when (has-stackmode value-mask)
 	      (case stack-mode
 		(:above (raise-window window))))))
@@ -76,8 +110,9 @@
 (defun handle-configure-notify (&rest event-slots)
-  (declare (ignore event-slots))
-  (adapt-all-window-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
+  (declare (ignore event-slots)))
+;;  (adapt-all-window-in-workspace (current-workspace)))
 (defun handle-map-request (&rest event-slots &key window send-event-p &allow-other-keys)
@@ -118,8 +153,8 @@
     (focus-group-under-mouse root-x root-y)))
 (defun handle-exposure   (&rest event-slots)
-  (declare (ignore event-slots))
-  (show-all-group (current-workspace)))
+  (declare (ignore event-slots)))
+;;  (show-all-group (current-workspace)))
@@ -139,7 +174,7 @@
 (defun handle-event (&rest event-slots &key display event-key &allow-other-keys)
   (declare (ignore display))
-  ;;(dbg  event-slots)
+;;  (dbg  event-key)
       (case event-key
 	(:button-press (call-hook *button-press-hook* event-slots))

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