[cl-utilities-cvs] CVS update: cl-utilities/expt-mod.lisp cl-utilities/extremum.lisp cl-utilities/package.lisp cl-utilities/package.sh cl-utilities/test.lisp

Peter Scott pscott at common-lisp.net
Mon Nov 28 21:45:54 UTC 2005

Update of /project/cl-utilities/cvsroot/cl-utilities
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv550

Modified Files:
	expt-mod.lisp extremum.lisp package.lisp package.sh test.lisp 
Log Message:
Fixed a bug in extremum and added new EXTREMA and N-MOST-EXTREME functions
based on feedback from Tobias Rittweiller. Improved docstrings.
Added more tests. Added ACL optimization to EXPT-MOD.

Date: Mon Nov 28 22:45:49 2005
Author: pscott

Index: cl-utilities/expt-mod.lisp
diff -u cl-utilities/expt-mod.lisp:1.2 cl-utilities/expt-mod.lisp:1.3
--- cl-utilities/expt-mod.lisp:1.2	Mon May  9 23:51:31 2005
+++ cl-utilities/expt-mod.lisp	Mon Nov 28 22:45:49 2005
@@ -5,24 +5,25 @@
 (defun expt-mod (n exponent modulus)
   "As (mod (expt n exponent) modulus), but more efficient."
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 1)))
-  ;; It's much faster on SBCL to use the simple method, and trust the
-  ;; compiler to optimize it. This may be the case on other Lisp
-  ;; implementations as well.
-  #+sbcl (mod (expt n exponent) modulus)
-  #-sbcl (if (some (complement #'integerp) (list n exponent modulus))
-	     (mod (expt n exponent) modulus)
-	     (loop with result = 1
-		   for i of-type fixnum from 0 below (integer-length exponent)
-		   for sqr = n then (mod (* sqr sqr) modulus)
-		   when (logbitp i exponent) do
-		   (setf result (mod (* result sqr) modulus))
-		   finally (return result))))
+  ;; It's much faster on SBCL and ACL to use the simple method, and
+  ;; trust the compiler to optimize it. This may be the case on other
+  ;; Lisp implementations as well.
+  #+(or sbcl allegro) (mod (expt n exponent) modulus)
+  #-(or sbcl allegro)
+  (if (some (complement #'integerp) (list n exponent modulus))
+      (mod (expt n exponent) modulus)
+      (loop with result = 1
+	    for i of-type fixnum from 0 below (integer-length exponent)
+	    for sqr = n then (mod (* sqr sqr) modulus)
+	    when (logbitp i exponent) do
+	    (setf result (mod (* result sqr) modulus))
+	    finally (return result))))
-;; If SBCL is going to expand compiler macros, we should directly
-;; inline the simple expansion; this lets SBCL do all sorts of fancy
-;; optimizations based on type information that wouldn't be used to
-;; optimize the normal EXPT-MOD function.
+;; If the compiler is going to expand compiler macros, we should
+;; directly inline the simple expansion; this lets the compiler do all
+;; sorts of fancy optimizations based on type information that
+;; wouldn't be used to optimize the normal EXPT-MOD function.
+#+(or sbcl allegro)
 (define-compiler-macro expt-mod (n exponent modulus)
   `(mod (expt ,n ,exponent) ,modulus))

Index: cl-utilities/extremum.lisp
diff -u cl-utilities/extremum.lisp:1.7 cl-utilities/extremum.lisp:1.8
--- cl-utilities/extremum.lisp:1.7	Mon Aug 29 22:14:47 2005
+++ cl-utilities/extremum.lisp	Mon Nov 28 22:45:49 2005
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 	(continue ()
 	  :report "Return NIL instead"
-      , at body)))
+      (progn , at body))))
 ;; This is an extended version which takes START and END keyword
 ;; arguments. Any spec-compliant use of EXTREMUM will also work with
@@ -56,8 +56,9 @@
 (defun extremum (sequence predicate
 		 &key (key #'identity) (start 0) end)
   "Returns the element of SEQUENCE that would appear first if the
-sequence were ordered according to SORT using PREDICATE and KEY. See
-http://www.cliki.net/EXTREMUM for the full specification."
+sequence were ordered according to SORT using PREDICATE and KEY using
+an unstable sorting algorithm. See http://www.cliki.net/EXTREMUM for
+the full specification."
   (with-check-length (sequence start end)
     (reduce (comparator predicate key) sequence
 	    :start start :end end)))
@@ -89,9 +90,9 @@
     (let* ((smallest (elt sequence 0))
 	   (smallest-key (funcall key smallest))
 	   (current-index 0)
-	   (real-end (or end #.(1- most-positive-fixnum))))
-      (declare (type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum)
-		     current-index real-end start))
+	   (real-end (or end (1- most-positive-fixnum))))
+      (declare (type (integer 0) current-index real-end start)
+	       (fixnum current-index real-end start))
       (map nil #'(lambda (x)
 		   (when (<= start current-index real-end)
 		     (let ((x-key (funcall key x)))
@@ -102,4 +103,64 @@
 			 (setf smallest-key x-key))))
 		   (incf current-index))
-      smallest)))
\ No newline at end of file
+      smallest)))
+;; EXTREMA and N-MOST-EXTREME are based on code and ideas from Tobias
+;; C. Rittweiller. They deal with the cases in which you are not
+;; looking for a single extreme element, but for the extreme identical
+;; elements or the N most extreme elements.
+(defun extrema (sequence predicate &key (key #'identity) (start 0) end)
+  (with-check-length (sequence start end)
+    (let* ((sequence (subseq sequence start end))
+	   (smallest-elements (list (elt sequence 0)))
+	   (smallest-key (funcall key (elt smallest-elements 0))))
+      (map nil
+	   #'(lambda (x)
+	       (let ((x-key (funcall key x)))
+		 (cond ((funcall predicate x-key smallest-key)
+			(setq smallest-elements (list x))
+			(setq smallest-key x-key))
+		       ;; both elements are considered equal if the predicate
+		       ;; returns false for (PRED A B) and (PRED B A)
+		       ((not (funcall predicate smallest-key x-key))
+			(push x smallest-elements)))))
+	   (subseq sequence 1))
+      ;; We use NREVERSE to make this stable (in the sorting algorithm
+      ;; sense of the word 'stable').
+      (nreverse smallest-elements))))
+(define-condition n-most-extreme-not-enough-elements (warning)
+  ((n :initarg :n :reader n-most-extreme-not-enough-elements-n
+      :documentation "The number of elements that need to be returned")
+   (subsequence :initarg :subsequence 
+		:reader n-most-extreme-not-enough-elements-subsequence
+		:documentation "The subsequence from which elements
+must be taken. This is determined by the sequence and the :start and
+:end arguments to N-MOST-EXTREME."))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+	     (with-slots (n subsequence) condition
+	       (format stream "There are not enough elements in the sequence ~S~% to return the ~D most extreme elements"
+		       subsequence n))))
+  (:documentation "There are not enough elements in the sequence given
+to N-MOST-EXTREME to return the N most extreme elements."))
+(defun n-most-extreme (n sequence predicate &key (key #'identity) (start 0) end)
+  "Returns a list of the N elements of SEQUENCE that would appear
+first if the sequence were ordered according to SORT using PREDICATE
+and KEY with a stable sorting algorithm. If there are less than N
+elements in the relevant part of the sequence, this will return all
+the elements it can and signal the warning
+  (with-check-length (sequence start end)
+    ;; This is faster on vectors than on lists.
+    (let ((sequence (subseq sequence start end)))
+      (if (> n (length sequence))
+	  (progn
+	    (warn 'n-most-extreme-not-enough-elements
+		  :n n :subsequence sequence)
+	    (stable-sort (copy-seq sequence) predicate :key key))
+	  (subseq (stable-sort (copy-seq sequence) predicate :key key)
+		  0 n)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Index: cl-utilities/package.lisp
diff -u cl-utilities/package.lisp:1.4 cl-utilities/package.lisp:1.5
--- cl-utilities/package.lisp:1.4	Fri Oct 21 23:22:47 2005
+++ cl-utilities/package.lisp	Mon Nov 28 22:45:49 2005
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
+	   #:extrema
+	   #:n-most-extreme
+	   #:n-most-extreme-not-enough-elements
+	   #:n-most-extreme-not-enough-elements-n
+	   #:n-most-extreme-not-enough-elements-subsequence

Index: cl-utilities/package.sh
diff -u cl-utilities/package.sh:1.4 cl-utilities/package.sh:1.5
--- cl-utilities/package.sh:1.4	Mon Aug 29 22:14:47 2005
+++ cl-utilities/package.sh	Mon Nov 28 22:45:49 2005
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-mkdir cl-utilities-1.1.1
-cp cl-utilities.asd package.sh collecting.lisp expt-mod.lisp package.lisp compose.lisp extremum.lisp read-delimited.lisp test.lisp copy-array.lisp once-only.lisp rotate-byte.lisp with-unique-names.lisp README cl-utilities-1.1.1/
+mkdir cl-utilities-1.2
+cp cl-utilities.asd package.sh collecting.lisp split-sequence.lisp expt-mod.lisp package.lisp compose.lisp extremum.lisp read-delimited.lisp test.lisp copy-array.lisp once-only.lisp rotate-byte.lisp with-unique-names.lisp README cl-utilities-1.2/
 rm -f cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz.asc
-tar -czvf cl-utilities-1.1.1.tar.gz cl-utilities-1.1.1/
-ln -s ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-1.1.1.tar.gz ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz
-gpg -b -a ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-1.1.1.tar.gz
-ln -s ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-1.1.1.tar.gz.asc ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz.asc
-rm -Rf cl-utilities-1.1.1/
+tar -czvf cl-utilities-1.2.tar.gz cl-utilities-1.2/
+ln -s ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-1.2.tar.gz ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz
+gpg -b -a ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-1.2.tar.gz
+ln -s ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-1.2.tar.gz.asc ~/hacking/lisp/cl-utilities/cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz.asc
+rm -Rf cl-utilities-1.2/
-scp cl-utilities-1.1.1.tar.gz pscott at common-lisp.net:/project/cl-utilities/public_html/cl-utilities-1.1.1.tar.gz
-scp cl-utilities-1.1.1.tar.gz.asc pscott at common-lisp.net:/project/cl-utilities/public_html/cl-utilities-1.1.1.tar.gz.asc
+scp cl-utilities-1.2.tar.gz pscott at common-lisp.net:/project/cl-utilities/public_html/cl-utilities-1.2.tar.gz
+scp cl-utilities-1.2.tar.gz.asc pscott at common-lisp.net:/project/cl-utilities/public_html/cl-utilities-1.2.tar.gz.asc
 scp cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz pscott at common-lisp.net:/project/cl-utilities/public_html/cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz
 scp cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz.asc pscott at common-lisp.net:/project/cl-utilities/public_html/cl-utilities-latest.tar.gz.asc

Index: cl-utilities/test.lisp
diff -u cl-utilities/test.lisp:1.6 cl-utilities/test.lisp:1.7
--- cl-utilities/test.lisp:1.6	Fri Oct 21 23:22:47 2005
+++ cl-utilities/test.lisp	Mon Nov 28 22:45:49 2005
@@ -47,6 +47,42 @@
   (is (= (extremum-fastkey '(2/3 2 3 4) #'> :key (lambda (x) (/ 1 x))) 2/3)))
+(test extrema
+  (is (tree-equal (extrema '(3 2 1 1 2 1) #'<)
+		  '(1 1 1)))
+  (is (tree-equal (extrema #(3 2 1 1 2 1) #'<)
+		  '(1 1 1)))
+  (is (tree-equal (extrema #(3 2 1 1 2 1) #'< :end 4)
+		  '(1 1)))
+  (is (tree-equal (extrema '(3 2 1 1 2 1) #'< :end 4)
+		  '(1 1)))
+  (is (tree-equal (extrema #(3 2 1 1 2 1) #'< :start 3 :end 4)
+		  '(1)))
+  (is (tree-equal (extrema '((A . 3) (B . 1) (C . 2) (D . 1)) #'< :key #'cdr)
+		  '((B . 1) (D . 1)))))
+(defmacro quietly (&body body)
+  "Perform BODY quietly, muffling any warnings that may arise"
+  `(handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
+    , at body))
+(test n-most-extreme
+  (is (tree-equal (n-most-extreme 1 '(3 1 2 1) #'>)
+		  '(3)))
+  (is (tree-equal (n-most-extreme 2 '(3 1 2 1) #'>)
+		  '(3 2)))
+  (is (tree-equal (n-most-extreme 2 '(3 1 2 1) #'<)
+		  '(1 1)))
+  (is (tree-equal (n-most-extreme 1 '((A . 3) (B . 1) (C . 2) (D . 1)) #'> :key #'cdr)
+		  '((A . 3))))
+  (is (tree-equal (n-most-extreme 2 '((A . 3) (B . 1) (C . 2) (D . 1)) #'< :key #'cdr)
+		  '((B . 1) (D . 1))))
+  (is (tree-equal (quietly (n-most-extreme 20 '((A . 3) (B . 1) (C . 2) (D . 1)) #'< :key #'cdr))
+		  '((B . 1) (D . 1) (C . 2) (A . 3))))
+  (is (tree-equal (quietly (n-most-extreme 2 '((A . 3) (B . 1) (C . 2) (D . 1)) #'< :key #'cdr :start 1 :end 2))
+		  '((B . 1))))
+  (signals n-most-extreme-not-enough-elements (n-most-extreme 2 '((A . 3) (B . 1) (C . 2) (D . 1)) #'< :key #'cdr :start 1 :end 2)))
 (defun delimited-test (&key (delimiter #\|) (start 0) end
 		       (string "foogo|ogreogrjejgierjijri|bar|baz"))
   (with-input-from-string (str string)

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