[cl-typesetting-devel] Decorations and change bars

Klaus Weidner kw at w-m-p.com
Thu Apr 22 05:38:32 UTC 2004

On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 03:50:57PM -0500, Klaus Weidner wrote:
> Hmmm, one approach would be to support a function-valued style parameter,
> which is called when the character is stroked and can add whatever
> decoration it wants, based on the box geometry. Ideally this would be
> stackable, so that for example colored backgrounds don't get turned off
> when an underline is added in a subsidiary span.

Done, see attached patch. It adds pre-decoration and post-decoration
styles, which can be keywords (not used at this time) or functions that
are called before or after drawing characters.

One thing that kept me busy debugging for some time was the effect that
whenever a style property is NIL, any value assigned to it will be
permanent since the NIL will not be restored. I've added a comment about
that in specials.lisp.

A small change to top-level.lisp was needed to support a :finalize-fn
argument for a function that is called on each complete page.
Implementing change bars was almost trivial after that, including
left/right margin alteration for even/odd pages. And that's something
that apparently isn't even possible in LaTeX...

With these two changes, I got the fancy change markings I wanted :-) See
attached PDF and tt-render.lisp. The latter is just a demo and too messy
for inclusion, I'll try to find the time to clean it up when I'm less
tired. This is addictive.

-------------- next part --------------
diff -urN orig/cl-typesetting/layout.lisp cl-typesetting/layout.lisp
--- orig/cl-typesetting/layout.lisp	Tue Apr 20 17:16:58 2004
+++ cl-typesetting/layout.lisp	Wed Apr 21 16:50:35 2004
@@ -38,7 +38,9 @@
            (background-color style)
            (h-align style)
            (left-margin style)
-           (right-margin style))))
+           (right-margin style)
+	   (pre-decoration style)
+	   (post-decoration style))))
 ;;This would need a complete rewrite...
 (defmethod v-split ((content text-content) dx dy &optional (v-align :top))
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@
 	       (if line-boxes
 		 (let ((text-line (make-instance 'text-line :dx dx :adjustable-p t)))
 		   (setf line-boxes (boxes-left-trim line-boxes))
-		   (when (member *h-align* '(:center :left))
+		   (when (member *h-align* '(:center :left :left-not-last))
 		     (push (make-hfill-glue) line-boxes))
 		   (unless (zerop *right-margin*)
 		     (push (make-instance 'h-spacing :dx *right-margin*) line-boxes))
@@ -130,7 +132,15 @@
 	       (push box text-lines))
 	      ((and trimming (trimmable-p box)) nil)
 	      ((eq box :eol)
-	       #+nil(when (eq *h-align* :justified)
+	       (when (eq *h-align* :left-not-last)
+		 ;; incredibly ugly hack - need to get rid of the
+		 ;; superfluous box added on the last line.
+		 (let ((fbox (find-if (lambda (box)
+					    (and (typep box 'h-spacing)
+						 (eql (expansibility box) +huge-number+)))
+					  line-boxes)))
+		   (if fbox (setq line-boxes (remove fbox line-boxes)))))
+	       (when (eq *h-align* :justified)
 		 (push (make-hfill-glue) line-boxes))
 	       (next-line line-boxes))
 	      ((eq box :fresh-page)
diff -urN orig/cl-typesetting/specials.lisp cl-typesetting/specials.lisp
--- orig/cl-typesetting/specials.lisp	Tue Apr 20 17:16:58 2004
+++ cl-typesetting/specials.lisp	Wed Apr 21 18:44:17 2004
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 ;; FLAG -- collect all these in *default-text-style* and *current-text-style* ;; djc
+;; Note: Don't let any of these variables become NIL, otherwise
+;; that style won't be restored after a change. cf. typo.lisp
 (defvar *default-font* (pdf:get-font))
 (defvar *default-font-size* 12.0)
@@ -21,12 +23,16 @@
 (defvar *default-v-align* :top)
 (defvar *default-left-margin* 0)
 (defvar *default-right-margin* 0)
+(defvar *default-pre-decoration* :none)
+(defvar *default-post-decoration* :none)
 (defvar *font* *default-font*)
 (defvar *font-size* *default-font-size*)
 (defvar *text-x-scale* *default-text-x-scale*)
 (defvar *color* *default-color*)
 (defvar *background-color* *default-background-color*)
+(defvar *pre-decoration* *default-pre-decoration*)
+(defvar *post-decoration* *default-post-decoration*)
 (defvar *h-align* *default-h-align*)
 (defvar *v-align* *default-v-align*)
 (defvar *left-margin* *default-left-margin*)
diff -urN orig/cl-typesetting/stroke.lisp cl-typesetting/stroke.lisp
--- orig/cl-typesetting/stroke.lisp	Wed Mar 10 13:12:49 2004
+++ cl-typesetting/stroke.lisp	Wed Apr 21 23:02:55 2004
@@ -7,6 +7,24 @@
 (defmethod stroke (box x y)
+(defmethod stroke :before ((box box) x y)
+  (if (and (functionp *pre-decoration*)
+	   (or (typep box 'char-box)
+	       (typep box 'white-char-box)))
+      (funcall *pre-decoration*
+	       box
+	       x (+ y (baseline box) (offset box))
+	       (dx box) (- (dy box)))))
+(defmethod stroke :after ((box box) x y)
+  (if (and (functionp *post-decoration*)
+	   (or (typep box 'char-box)
+	       (typep box 'white-char-box)))
+      (funcall *post-decoration*
+	       box
+	       x (+ y (baseline box) (offset box))
+	       (dx box) (- (dy box)))))
 (defmethod stroke ((hbox hbox) x y)
   (decf x (baseline hbox))
   (decf x (offset hbox))
@@ -73,6 +91,10 @@
 	    for size = (+ (dx box)(delta-size box))
+	      ((or (functionp *pre-decoration*)
+		   (functionp *post-decoration*))
+	       (end-text-chunk)
+	       (stroke box x y))
 	      ((char-box-p box)(add-char box))
 	      ((white-space-p box) (add-spacing size))
 	      (t (end-text-chunk)(stroke box x y)))
@@ -88,4 +110,8 @@
     (setf *text-x-scale* (text-x-scale style)))
   (when (color style)
     (setf *color* (color style))
-    (pdf::set-color-fill *color*)))
+    (pdf::set-color-fill *color*))
+  (when (pre-decoration style)
+    (setf *pre-decoration* (pre-decoration style)))
+  (when (post-decoration style)
+    (setf *post-decoration* (post-decoration style))))
diff -urN orig/cl-typesetting/top-level.lisp cl-typesetting/top-level.lisp
--- orig/cl-typesetting/top-level.lisp	Mon Mar 22 03:09:13 2004
+++ cl-typesetting/top-level.lisp	Wed Apr 21 23:24:03 2004
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
                         (header-top *default-page-header-footer-margin*)
                         (footer-bottom *default-page-header-footer-margin*)
+		        finalize-fn
  ;;; Args:
   ;;	content		Text content, multi-page-table, or other content.
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@
                                      :footer-bottom footer-bottom
                                      ;; Move room-left into initialize-instance :after?
                                      :room-left (- height top-margin bottom-margin)
+				     :finalize-fn finalize-fn
                                      (remove-properties args
                                        '(:size :orientation :bounds
                                          :header-top :footer-bottom :break))))))
diff -urN orig/cl-typesetting/typo.lisp cl-typesetting/typo.lisp
--- orig/cl-typesetting/typo.lisp	Tue Apr 20 17:16:58 2004
+++ cl-typesetting/typo.lisp	Thu Apr 22 00:27:57 2004
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
    (background-color :accessor background-color :initarg :background-color :initform nil)
    (h-align :accessor h-align :initarg :h-align :initform nil)
    (left-margin :accessor left-margin :initarg :left-margin :initform nil)
-   (right-margin :accessor right-margin :initarg :right-margin :initform nil)))
+   (right-margin :accessor right-margin :initarg :right-margin :initform nil)
+   (pre-decoration :accessor pre-decoration :initarg :pre-decoration :initform nil)
+   (post-decoration :accessor post-decoration :initarg :post-decoration :initform nil)))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((obj text-style) &rest args &key font &allow-other-keys)
     (when font (setf (font obj) font)))
@@ -75,7 +77,9 @@
     (%use-style% background-color *background-color*)
     (%use-style% left-margin *left-margin*)
     (%use-style% right-margin *right-margin*)
-    (%use-style% h-align *h-align*))
+    (%use-style% h-align *h-align*)
+    (%use-style% pre-decoration *pre-decoration*)
+    (%use-style% post-decoration *post-decoration*))
   (when (or (font style)(font-size style))
     (setf *leading* (* *font-size* *leading-ratio*))))
@@ -87,7 +91,9 @@
   (setf (background-color style) *background-color*)
   (setf (left-margin style) *left-margin*)
   (setf (right-margin style) *right-margin*)
-  (setf (h-align style) *h-align*))
+  (setf (h-align style) *h-align*)
+  (setf (pre-decoration style) *pre-decoration*)
+  (setf (post-decoration style) *post-decoration*))
 (defmethod restore-default-style ((style text-style))
   (setf (font style) *default-font*)
@@ -97,7 +103,9 @@
   (setf (background-color style) *default-background-color*)
   (setf (left-margin style) *default-left-margin*)
   (setf (right-margin style) *default-right-margin*)
-  (setf (h-align style) *default-h-align*))
+  (setf (h-align style) *default-h-align*)
+  (setf (pre-decoration style) *default-pre-decoration*)
+  (setf (post-decoration style) *default-post-decoration*))
 (defmethod make-restore-style ((style text-style))
   (let ((new-style (make-instance 'text-style)))
@@ -111,7 +119,9 @@
       (%use-style% background-color *background-color*)
       (%use-style% left-margin *left-margin*)
       (%use-style% right-margin *right-margin*)
-      (%use-style% h-align *h-align*))
+      (%use-style% h-align *h-align*)
+      (%use-style% pre-decoration *pre-decoration*)
+      (%use-style% post-decoration *post-decoration*))
 (defmethod copy-style ((style text-style))
@@ -121,7 +131,9 @@
 		 :background-color (background-color style)
 		 :left-margin (left-margin style)
 		 :right-margin (right-margin style)
-		 :h-align (h-align style)))
+		 :h-align (h-align style)
+		 :pre-decoration (pre-decoration style)
+		 :post-decoration (post-decoration style)))
 (defclass text-line (hbox)
@@ -216,8 +228,8 @@
 		(add-box (make-char-box char))
 		(add-box (make-inter-char-glue))))))))
-;;; put a string in a 'verbatim' way: no kerning, no hyphenation, significant whitespaces, significant newlines
 (defun verbatim (string)
+  "put a string in a 'verbatim' way: no kerning, no hyphenation, significant whitespaces, significant newlines"
   (when (stringp string)
     (loop for char across string
 	  for i from 0
@@ -273,7 +285,9 @@
 	    (*h-align* *default-h-align*)
 	    (*v-align* *default-v-align*)
 	    (*left-margin* *default-left-margin*)
-	    (*right-margin* *default-right-margin*))
+	    (*right-margin* *default-right-margin*)
+	    (*pre-decoration* *default-pre-decoration*)
+	    (*post-decoration* *default-post-decoration*))
       (progn , at body))))
 (defmacro compile-text ((&rest args) &body body)
-------------- next part --------------
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-------------- next part --------------
(in-package typeset)

;; reference handling

(defvar *ref-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defvar *ref-counter* 0)
(defvar *bad-reference* nil)

(defclass ref-mark ()
  ((id :accessor ref-id :initform nil :initarg :id)
   (value :accessor ref-mark-value :initform nil :initarg :value)
   (page :accessor ref-mark-page :initform nil)
   (x :accessor ref-x :initform nil)
   (y :accessor ref-y :initform nil)))

(defmethod stroke ((mark ref-mark) x y)
  (setf (ref-mark-page mark) (length (pages pdf:*document*))
	(ref-x mark) x
	(ref-y mark) y))

(defmacro ref-get (id)
  `(gethash ,id *ref-table*))

(defun make-ref-mark (id &optional value)
  (let ((mark (or (ref-get id)
		  (make-instance 'ref-mark
				 :id id))))
    (setf (ref-get id) mark)
    (setf (ref-mark-value mark) value)
    (add-box mark)))

(defun ref-page (id)
  (let* ((ref (ref-get id))
	 (page (if ref (ref-mark-page ref))))
    (cond (page page)
	  (t (push id *bad-reference*)

(defun put-ref-page (id)
  (put-string (format nil "~D" (ref-page id))))

(defgeneric ref-value (ref))

(defmethod ref-value ((ref ref-mark))
  (if ref (ref-mark-value ref)))

(defmethod ref-value ((id t))
  (let ((ref (ref-get id)))
    (if ref (ref-mark-value ref))))

(defun put-ref-value (id)
  (put-string (ref-value id)))

(defun this-page-number ()
  (length (pages pdf:*document*)))

(defun make-ref-page-mark (reftype value)
  (make-ref-mark (cons reftype (incf *ref-counter*)) value))

(defun get-latest-ref-to (reftype for-page)
  (let ((refs nil))
    ;; Find all references of a type, store unsorted
    ;; (ordinal page ref) lists in "refs".
    (maphash (lambda (key ref)
	       (if (and (consp key)
			(equal reftype (car key)))
		   (push (list (cdr key)
			       (or (ref-mark-page ref) most-positive-fixnum)
    ;; Now walk through the reverse sorted references,
    ;; and get the last matching one on or before the
    ;; current page.
    (third (find-if (lambda (page)
		      (<= page for-page))
		    (sort refs #'> :key #'car)
		    :key #'cadr))))

(defun current-ref-value (reftype)
  (ref-value (get-latest-ref-to reftype (this-page-number))))

(defmacro itemize ((&key (indent 20)
			   (item-fmt "~D. ")
			   (start-from 1)
                     &body body)
  `(let ((%enumerate-indents% (cons ,indent %enumerate-indents%)))
    ,@(loop for item in body
            for i from start-from collect
            `(paragraph (:left-margin (reduce #'+ %enumerate-indents%)
                         :first-line-indent (- ,indent)
                         , at text-style)
              (with-style ,item-style
		(put-filled-string ,(format nil item-fmt i)
				   ,indent :align :right))

(defmacro item ((&rest style) &body body)
  `(with-style ,style , at body))

(defun put-filled-string (string width &key (align :left))
  "place aligned string in fixed-width space"
  (let* ((string-width
	  (loop for char across string
		summing (pdf:get-char-width char *font* *font-size*)))
	 (blank (- width string-width)))
    (case align
      ((:left) (verbatim string) (hspace blank))
       (hspace (* 0.5 blank)) (verbatim string) (hspace (* 0.5 blank)))
      ((:right) (hspace blank) (verbatim string)))))

;; higher-level layout

(defun safe-read (stream)
  (let ((*package* (find-package "TYPESET"))
	(*read-eval* nil))
    (read stream)))

;; change bars

(defvar *change-bar-start* nil)
(defvar *change-bar-end* nil)

(defclass change-mark ()
  ((type :accessor mark-type :initform nil :initarg :type)))

(defmethod stroke ((mark change-mark) x y)
  (cond ((eq :start-insert (mark-type mark))
	 (push (cons (+ y *font-size*)
		     :insert) *change-bar-start*))
	((eq :start-delete (mark-type mark))
	 (push (cons (+ y *font-size*)
		     :delete) *change-bar-start*))
	(t (push y *change-bar-end*))))

(defun change-start-insert ()
  (add-box (make-instance 'change-mark :type :start-insert)))

(defun change-start-delete ()
  (add-box (make-instance 'change-mark :type :start-delete)))

(defun change-end ()
  (add-box (make-instance 'change-mark :type :end)))

(defun page-decorations (page)
    (pdf:set-line-width 2.0)
    (let ((xm (if (oddp (this-page-number))
		  (* 0.95 (aref (pdf::bounds page) 2))
		  (* 0.05 (aref (pdf::bounds page) 2)))))
      (loop for y0c in *change-bar-start*
	    for y1 in *change-bar-end*
	    (let* ((y0 (car y0c))
		   (type (cdr y0c))
		   (color (if (eq type :insert)
		   (x (if (eq type :insert)
			  (- xm 4))))
	      (pdf:set-color-stroke color)
	      (pdf:move-to x y0)
	      (pdf:line-to x y1)
  (setq *change-bar-start* nil
	*change-bar-end* nil))

;; Note that the tree argument to render-document is a dead list of
;; symbols and strings. This is a prerequisite for being to handle
;; documents that are completely generated at runtime.

(defun render-document (tree &key
			(file #P"/tmp/stuff.pdf")
			(twosided t)
			(paper-size :letter))
  "Render the document specified by tree, which is a s-exp containing
recursive typesetting commands. It gets eval'ed here to typeset it."
  (do ((*ref-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
       (*ref-counter* 0)
       (*bad-reference* nil)
       (pass 0 (1+ pass)))
      ((or (> pass 1)
	   (and (> pass 0)
		(not *bad-reference*)))
    (setq *bad-reference* nil)
    (format t "Pass ~d~%" pass)
    (with-document ()
      (let ((margins '(72 72 72 50))
	    (header (lambda (pdf:*page*)
		      (if (current-ref-value :header-enabled)
			  (let ((inside (or (current-ref-value :title) "Untitled Document"))
				(outside (current-ref-value :chapter)))
			    (if (and twosided (evenp (this-page-number)))
				(compile-text (:font "Times-Roman" :font-size 10)
				  (hbox (:align :center :adjustable-p t)
				    (put-string outside)
				    (with-style (:font "Times-Italic")
				      (put-string inside))))
				(compile-text (:font "Times-Roman" :font-size 10)
				  (hbox (:align :center :adjustable-p t)
				    (with-style (:font "Times-Italic")
				      (put-string inside))
				    (put-string outside))))))))
	    (footer (lambda (pdf:*page*)
		      (if (current-ref-value :footer-enabled)
			  (let ((inside (or (current-ref-value :version) ""))
				(outside (format nil "Page ~d of ~d"
						 (ref-page "DocumentEnd"))))
			    (if (and twosided (evenp (this-page-number)))
				(compile-text (:font "Times-Roman" :font-size 10)
				  (hbox (:align :center :adjustable-p t)
				    (put-string outside)
				    (put-string inside)))
				(compile-text (:font "Times-Roman" :font-size 10)
				  (hbox (:align :center :adjustable-p t)
				    (put-string inside)
				    (put-string outside)))))))))
	(draw-pages (eval (list 'compile-text () tree))
		    :margins margins :header header :footer footer
		    :size paper-size :finalize-fn #'page-decorations)
	(when pdf:*page* (finalize-page pdf:*page*))
	(pdf:write-document file)))))

;; Example follows.

(defun decoration-random-background (box x y dx dy)
    (pdf:set-rgb-fill (random 1.0) (random 1.0) (random 1.0))
    (pdf:basic-rect x y dx dy)

(defun decoration-green-background (box x y dx dy)
    (pdf:set-rgb-fill 0.7 1.0 0.7)
    (pdf:basic-rect x y dx dy)

(defun decoration-gray-box (box x y dx dy)
    (pdf:set-gray-stroke 0.5)
    (pdf:set-line-width 0.5)
    (pdf:basic-rect x y dx dy)

(defun decoration-underline (box x y dx dy)
    (pdf:set-gray-stroke 0)
    (pdf:set-line-width 0.5)
    (pdf:move-to x (+ y (* 0.9 dy)))
    (pdf:line-to (+ x dx) (+ y (* 0.9 dy)))

(defun decoration-strikethrough (box x y dx dy)
    (pdf:set-color-stroke :red)
    (pdf:set-line-width 0.5)
    (pdf:move-to x (+ y (* 0.66 dy)))
    (pdf:line-to (+ x dx) (+ y (* 0.66 dy)))

(defun decoration-crosshatch (box x y dx dy)
    (pdf:set-color-stroke :black)
    (pdf:set-line-width 0.5)
    (pdf:move-to x (+ y (* 0.3 dy)))
    (pdf:line-to (+ x dx) (+ y (* 0.9 dy)))

(defun decoration-nil (box x y dx dy)
  (print "Called nil decoration.")

(defun document-test ()
   '(with-style (:font "Times-Roman" :font-size 12
		 :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
     (make-ref-page-mark :title "Titled Document")
     (make-ref-page-mark :version "Version 1.x")
     (make-ref-page-mark :header-enabled nil)
     (make-ref-page-mark :footer-enabled nil)

     (paragraph (:font "Helvetica-Bold" :font-size 24 :h-align :center :bottom-margin 20)
     "This is the Document Title")
     (paragraph (:font "Helvetica-Bold" :font-size 16 :h-align :center)
     "A. N. Author")
     (make-ref-page-mark :header-enabled t)
     (make-ref-page-mark :footer-enabled t)
     (make-ref-mark '(:chapter . 0) "Table of Contents")
     (with-style (:font "Helvetica")
       (paragraph (:h-align :left-but-last :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
	 (put-ref-value '(:chapter . 1))
	 (put-ref-page '(:chapter . 1)))
       (paragraph (:h-align :left-but-last :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
	 (put-ref-value '(:chapter . 2))
	 "This is a chapter with an insanely long title, to verify if the leader dots at the end of the line will be printed properly"
	 (put-ref-page '(:chapter . 2))))
     (make-ref-mark '(:chapter . 1) "Introduction")
     (paragraph (:h-align :left :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
       "Test with "
       (with-style (:font "Times-Bold")
       " and "
       (with-style (:font "Times-Italic")
       " text.")

     (paragraph (:h-align :left :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
     (make-ref-mark "link-from")
     "See also stuff on page "
     (put-ref-page "stuff")

     (paragraph (:top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
       "Inline alignment test: ["
       (put-filled-string "L" 30)
       (put-filled-string "C" 30 :align :center)
       (put-filled-string "R" 30 :align :right)

     (paragraph (:top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
       "This is just normal text. "
       (with-style (:pre-decoration #'decoration-random-background)
	 "This should look different.")
       " Back to normal. There's more; "
       (with-style (:post-decoration #'decoration-underline)
	 "multi word underline")
       " and "
       (with-style (:pre-decoration #'decoration-gray-box)
	 "visible boxes mode")
       " and "
       (with-style (:post-decoration #'decoration-crosshatch)

     (paragraph (:top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
       "This paragraph is not interesting.")

     (paragraph (:h-align :left :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
       "This paragraph has some "
       (with-style (:pre-decoration #'decoration-green-background)
	 "inserted words")
       " in it. Here's some filler to move to the next line. The now following line has both "
       (with-style (:pre-decoration #'decoration-green-background)
	 "inserted words")
       " and "
       (with-style (:post-decoration #'decoration-strikethrough)
	 "deleted ones")
       " Now here's even more filler text to again move to the next
line, to demonstrate having just the following word "
       (with-style (:post-decoration #'decoration-strikethrough)

     (itemize (:text-style (:h-align :left :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4))
     (item () "This is the first item, and it's rather
long-winded. wjr aireg iureahg iureahg iureahg iureahg lrea hlieahg
eliurhg eliurhg eliurhg liureahglueairhg liurea hliure hgliueahg
liureahg liurea hgliureahg liureahg liureahg liureag realih."
     (itemize (:text-style (:top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4) :item-fmt "- ")
     (item () "a" "1")
     (item () "b" "2")
     (item () "c")
     (item () "d")))
     (item () "This is the second item, and it's rather long-winded. wjr
aireg iureahg iureahg iureahg iureahg lrea hlieahg eliurhg eliurhg
eliurhg liureahglueairhg liurea hliure hgliueahg liureahg liurea
hgliureahg liureahg liureahg liureag realih."))

     (make-ref-mark '(:chapter . 2) "Interesting Stuff")
     (paragraph (:font "Courier" :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
     (make-ref-mark "stuff")
     "Some" :eol "more" :eol "Text." )
     (paragraph (:h-align :left :top-margin 3 :bottom-margin 4)
     "This is linked to from page "
     (put-ref-page "link-from")
     (make-ref-mark "DocumentEnd"))))

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