[cl-smtp-cvs] CVS cl-smtp

jidzikowski jidzikowski at common-lisp.net
Thu May 6 09:24:43 UTC 2010

Update of /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv31991

Modified Files:
	CHANGELOG README attachments.lisp cl-smtp.asd cl-smtp.lisp 
	mime-types.lisp package.lisp 
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Rewrite encoding functions, now it is possible to use non ascii characters in
header values and in attachment filenames.
New keyword argument external-format (default :utf-8).
New class attachment, with slots attachment-name and 
attachment-mime-type, and a constructor function make-attachment.
Rename q-encode-str to rfc2045-q-encode-string.
Add rfc2231-encode-string to encode non ascii characters 
in attachment filenames.

--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/CHANGELOG	2010/04/22 10:51:34	1.16
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/CHANGELOG	2010/05/06 09:24:43	1.17
@@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
+Version 20100505.1
+Rewrite encoding functions, now it is possible to use non ascii characters in
+header values and in attachment filenames.
+New keyword argument external-format (default :utf-8).
+New class attachment, with slots attachment-name and 
+attachment-mime-type, and a constructor function make-attachment.
+Rename q-encode-str to rfc2045-q-encode-string.
+Add rfc2231-encode-string to encode non ascii characters 
+in attachment filenames.
+Add tests for encoding functions, see tests.lisp.
+Change cl-smtp.lisp, attachment.lisp, package.lisp, 
+       cl-smtp.asd, CHANGELOG, README
+Add tests.lisp
+Remove smtp-output-stream.lisp
 Version 20100422.1
 Fixed encoding errors in header strings,
-new function q-encode-str to encode strings in header
+new function q-encode-str to encode strings in header.
 Change cl-smtp.lisp, CHANGELOG
 Version 20100420.1
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/README	2008/04/02 18:02:28	1.9
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/README	2010/05/06 09:24:43	1.10
@@ -21,14 +21,17 @@
 (cl-smtp:send-email host from to subject message
                     &key (port 25) cc bcc reply-to extra-headers html-message 
                     authentication attachments (buffer-size 256) ssl)
+Send email.
- Arguments:
+Returns nil or error with message
+ arguments:
   - host (String)                  : hostname or ip-adress of the smtpserver
   - from (String)                  : email adress 
   - to (String or List of Strings) : email adress 
   - subject (String)               : subject text
   - message (String)               : message body
-  keywords:
+ keywords:
   - cc (String or List of Strings) : email adress carbon copy
   - bcc (String or List of Strings): email adress blind carbon copy
   - reply-to (String)              : email adress
@@ -40,16 +43,70 @@
                                      method is a keyword :plain or :login
                                      If the method is not specified, the
                                      proper method is determined automatically.
-  - attachments (String or Pathname: attachments to send
-                List of String/Pathnames)
+  - attachments (Attachment Instance or String or Pathname: attachments to send
+                List of Attachment/String/Pathnames)
   - buffer-size (Number default 256): controls how much of a attachment file
                                       is read on each loop before encoding 
                                       and transmitting the contents, 
                                       the number is interpreted in KB 
   - ssl (or t :starttls :tls)       : if t or :STARTTLS: use the STARTTLS functionality
                                       if :TLS: use TLS directly
+  - external-format                 : symbol, default :utf-8
-Returns nil or error with message
+(cl-smtp:rfc2045-q-encode-string str &key (external-format :utf8))
+Decodes a string to an quoted-printable string.
+Returns quoted-printable string
+ arguments:
+  - str                             : the string to encode
+ keywords:
+  - external-format                 : symbol, default :utf-8
+(cl-smtp:rfc2231-encode-string str &key (external-format :utf8))
+Decodes a string to an rfc2231 encode string.
+Returns  rfc2231 encode string
+ arguments:
+  - str                             : the string to encode
+ keywords:
+  - external-format                 : symbol, default :utf-8
+ - accessor: attachment-name          : string 
+ - accessor: attachment-data-pathname : pathname
+ - accessor: attachment-mime-type     : string (mime-type)
+It is now possible to send a file under a different name.
+See cl-smtp:make-attachment.
+(cl-smtp:make-attachment data-pathname
+			 &key (name (file-namestring data-pathname))
+			      (mime-type (lookup-mime-type name)))
+Create a instance of cl-smtp:attachment.
+Returns cl-smtp:attachment
+ arguments:
+  - data-pathname                     : pathname
+ keywords:
+  - name                              : string, 
+                                        default (file-namestring data-pathname)
+  - mime-type                         : string,
+                                        default (lookup-mime-type name)
 For debug output set the parameter *debug* to t (default nil)
 (setf cl-smtp::*debug* t)
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/attachments.lisp	2010/04/20 10:10:58	1.7
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/attachments.lisp	2010/05/06 09:24:43	1.8
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;;; This file is part of CL-SMTP, the Lisp SMTP Client
-;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005/2006/2007 Jan Idzikowski
+;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009/2010 Jan Idzikowski
 ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;; modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser General Public License
@@ -69,24 +69,91 @@
   (when include-blank-line? (write-blank-line sock)))
-(defun send-attachment-header (sock boundary name)
-  (generate-message-header 
-   sock 
-   :boundary boundary
-   :content-type (format nil "~a;~%~tname=\"~a\"" (lookup-mime-type name) name)
-   :content-transfer-encoding "base64"
-   :content-disposition (format nil "attachment; filename=\"~a\"" name)))
+(defun escape-rfc822-quoted-string (str)
+  (with-output-to-string (s)
+    (loop
+       for c across str do
+       (when (find (char-code c) '(10 13 92 34))
+	 (write-char #\\ s))
+       (write-char c s))))
+(defun rfc2231-encode-string (string &key (external-format :utf-8))
+  (with-output-to-string (s)
+    (format s "~A''" (string-upcase (symbol-name external-format)))
+    (loop for n across (string-to-octets string
+                                         :external-format external-format)
+          for c = (code-char n)
+          do (cond ((or (char<= #\0 c #\9)
+                        (char<= #\a c #\z)
+                        (char<= #\A c #\Z)
+                        (find c "$-_.!*'()," :test #'char=))
+                     (write-char c s))
+                   ((char= c #\Space)
+                     (write-char #\+ s))
+                   (t (format s "%~2,'0x" (char-code c)))))))
+(defun send-attachment-header (sock boundary attachment external-format)
+  (let ((quoted-name
+         (escape-rfc822-quoted-string 
+          (rfc2045-q-encode-string (attachment-name attachment) 
+                                   :external-format external-format)))
+        (quoted-name*
+	 (escape-rfc822-quoted-string 
+          (rfc2231-encode-string (attachment-name attachment) 
+                                 :external-format external-format))))
+    (generate-message-header 
+     sock 
+     :boundary boundary
+     :content-type (format nil "~A;~%~tname*=~A;~%~tname=~S"
+			   (attachment-mime-type attachment)
+			   quoted-name* quoted-name)
+     :content-transfer-encoding "base64"
+     :content-disposition (format nil "attachment; filename*=~A; filename=~S"
+				  quoted-name* quoted-name))))
 (defun send-end-marker (sock boundary)
   ;; Note the -- at beginning and end of boundary is required
   (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "~%--~a--~%" boundary)))
-(defun send-attachment (sock attachment boundary buffer-size)
-  (when (probe-file attachment)
-    (let ((name (file-namestring attachment)))
-      (send-attachment-header sock boundary name)
-      (base64-encode-file attachment sock :buffer-size buffer-size))))
+(defclass attachment ()
+  ((name :initarg :name
+	 :accessor attachment-name)
+   (data-pathname :initarg :data-pathname
+	 :accessor attachment-data-pathname)
+   (mime-type :initarg :mime-type
+	      :accessor attachment-mime-type)))
+(defun make-attachment (data-pathname
+			&key (name (file-namestring data-pathname))
+			     (mime-type (lookup-mime-type name)))
+  (make-instance 'attachment
+		 :data-pathname data-pathname
+		 :name name
+		 :mime-type mime-type))
+(defmethod attachment-name ((attachment pathname))
+  (file-namestring attachment))
+(defmethod attachment-data-pathname ((attachment pathname))
+  attachment)
+(defmethod attachment-mime-type ((attachment pathname))
+  (lookup-mime-type (namestring attachment)))
+(defmethod attachment-name ((attachment string))
+  (file-namestring attachment))
+(defmethod attachment-data-pathname ((attachment string))
+  attachment)
+(defmethod attachment-mime-type ((attachment string))
+  (lookup-mime-type attachment))
+(defun send-attachment (sock attachment boundary buffer-size external-format)
+  (send-attachment-header sock boundary attachment external-format)
+  (base64-encode-file (attachment-data-pathname attachment)
+		      sock
+		      :buffer-size buffer-size))
 (defun base64-encode-file (file-in sock
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.asd	2008/04/17 08:33:55	1.16
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.asd	2010/05/06 09:24:43	1.17
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;; This file is part of CL-SMTP, the Lisp SMTP Client
-;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008 Jan Idzikowski
+;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009/2010 Jan Idzikowski
 ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;; modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser General Public License
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ;;; Description: cl-smtp ASDF system definition file
 (asdf:defsystem :cl-smtp
-  :version "20080417.1"
+  :version "20100505.1"
   :perform (load-op :after (op webpage)
                     (pushnew :cl-smtp cl:*features*))
   :depends-on (:usocket 
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@
   :components ((:file "package")
                (:file "attachments")
                (:file "cl-smtp")
-               (:file "smtp-output-stream")
-               (:file "mime-types")))
+               (:file "mime-types")
+               (:file "tests")))
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.lisp	2010/04/22 10:51:34	1.14
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.lisp	2010/05/06 09:24:43	1.15
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;; This file is part of CL-SMTP, the Lisp SMTP Client
-;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005/2006/2007 Jan Idzikowski
+;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009/2010 Jan Idzikowski
 ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;; modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser General Public License
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 (in-package :cl-smtp)
-(defparameter *content-type* "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1")
 (defparameter *x-mailer* (format nil "(~A ~A)" 
@@ -38,7 +36,8 @@
   (defvar *line-with-one-dot* #.(format nil "~C~C.~C~C" #\Return #\NewLine
                                         #\Return #\NewLine))
   (defvar *line-with-two-dots* #.(format nil "~C~C..~C~C" #\Return #\NewLine
-                                         #\Return #\NewLine)))
+                                         #\Return #\NewLine))
+  (defvar *return-newline* #.(format nil "~C~C" #\Return #\NewLine)))
 (defun mask-dot (str)
   "Replace all occurences of \r\n.\r\n in STR with \r\n..\r\n"
@@ -62,19 +61,20 @@
   #+allegro (excl:string-to-base64-string str)
   #-allegro (cl-base64:string-to-base64-string str))
-(defun q-encode-str (str &key (external-format 
-                               (flex:make-external-format :iso-8859-15)))
-  (let ((line-has-non-ascii nil))
+(defun rfc2045-q-encode-string (str &key (external-format :utf-8))
+  (let ((line-has-non-ascii nil)
+        (exformat (flex:make-external-format external-format)))
     (with-output-to-string (s)
       (loop for c across str do
              ((< 127 (char-code c))
               (unless line-has-non-ascii
-                (format s "=?~A?Q?" (flex:external-format-name external-format))
+                (format s "=?~A?Q?" 
+                        (string-upcase (symbol-name external-format)))
                 (setf line-has-non-ascii t))
               (loop for byte across (flex:string-to-octets 
                                      (make-string 1 :initial-element c)
-                                     :external-format external-format)
+                                     :external-format exformat)
                  do (format s "=~2,'0X" byte)))
               (when line-has-non-ascii
@@ -84,6 +84,23 @@
       (when line-has-non-ascii
         (format s "?=")))))
+(defun substitute-return-newline (str)
+  "Replace all occurences of \r\n in STR with spaces"
+  (let ((resultstr ""))
+    (labels ((mask (tempstr)
+	       (let ((n (search *return-newline* tempstr)))
+		 (cond
+                   (n
+                    (setf resultstr (concatenate 'string resultstr 
+                                                 (subseq tempstr 0 n)
+                                                 " "))
+                    (mask (subseq tempstr (+ n 2))))
+                   (t
+                    (setf resultstr (concatenate 'string resultstr 
+                                                 tempstr)))))))
+      (mask str))
+    resultstr))
 (define-condition smtp-error (error)
@@ -94,9 +111,10 @@
    (response-message :initarg :response-message :reader response-message))
   (:report (lambda (condition stream)
              (print-unreadable-object (condition stream :type t)
-               (format stream "a command failed:~%command: ~S expected: ~A response: ~A"
+               (format stream "a command failed:~%command: ~S expected: ~A response-code: ~A response-message: ~A"
                        (command condition)
                        (expected-response-code condition)
+                       (response-code condition)
                        (response-message condition))))))
 (define-condition rcpt-failed (smtp-protocol-error)
@@ -125,23 +143,24 @@
                            :response-message msgstr))))
-(defun do-with-smtp-mail (host from to thunk &key port authentication ssl local-hostname)
+(defun do-with-smtp-mail (host from to thunk &key port authentication ssl 
+                          local-hostname (external-format :utf-8))
   (usocket:with-client-socket (socket stream host port 
                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
     (setf stream (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream 
-                                 stream
-                                 :external-format 
-                                 (flexi-streams:make-external-format 
-                                  :latin-1 :eol-style :lf)))
+                  stream
+                  :external-format 
+                  (flexi-streams:make-external-format 
+                   external-format :eol-style :lf)))
     (let ((stream (smtp-handshake stream
                                   :authentication authentication 
                                   :ssl ssl
                                   :local-hostname local-hostname)))
       (initiate-smtp-mail stream from to)
-      (funcall thunk  (make-instance 'smtp-output-stream :encapsulated-stream stream))
+      (funcall thunk stream)
       (finish-smtp-mail stream))))
-(defmacro with-smtp-mail ((stream-var host from to &key ssl (port (if (eq :tls ssl) 465 25)) authentication local-hostname)
+(defmacro with-smtp-mail ((stream-var host from to &key ssl (port (if (eq :tls ssl) 465 25)) authentication local-hostname (external-format :utf-8))
                           &body body)
   "Encapsulate a SMTP MAIl conversation.  A connection to the SMTP
    server on HOST and PORT is established and a MAIL command is
@@ -154,12 +173,13 @@
                       :port ,port
                       :authentication ,authentication 
                       :ssl ,ssl
-                      :local-hostname ,local-hostname))
+                      :local-hostname ,local-hostname
+                      :external-format ,external-format))
 (defun send-email (host from to subject message 
 		   &key ssl (port (if (eq :tls ssl) 465 25)) cc bcc reply-to extra-headers
 		   html-message display-name authentication
-		   attachments (buffer-size 256))
+		   attachments (buffer-size 256) (external-format :utf-8))
   (send-smtp host from (check-arg to "to") subject (mask-dot message)
 	     :port port :cc (check-arg cc "cc") :bcc (check-arg bcc "bcc")
 	     :reply-to reply-to 
@@ -171,23 +191,28 @@
 	     :buffer-size (if (numberp buffer-size) 
+             :external-format external-format
 	     :ssl ssl))
 (defun send-smtp (host from to subject message
                   &key ssl (port (if (eq :tls ssl) 465 25)) cc bcc
 		  reply-to extra-headers html-message display-name
 		  authentication attachments buffer-size
-                  (local-hostname (usocket::get-host-name)))
+                  (local-hostname (usocket::get-host-name))
+                  (external-format :utf-8))
   (with-smtp-mail (stream host from (append to cc bcc)
                           :port port
                           :authentication authentication 
                           :ssl ssl
-                          :local-hostname local-hostname)
-    (setf (in-header stream) nil)
+                          :local-hostname local-hostname
+                          :external-format external-format)
     (let* ((boundary (make-random-boundary))
            (html-boundary (if (and attachments html-message)
-                              boundary)))
+                              boundary))
+           (content-type 
+            (format nil "text/plain; charset=~S" 
+                    (string-upcase (symbol-name external-format)))))
       (send-mail-headers stream
                          :from from
                          :to to
@@ -213,19 +238,19 @@
                                           :multipart-type "alternative")
                (write-blank-line stream)
-                stream :boundary html-boundary :content-type *content-type* 
+                stream :boundary html-boundary :content-type content-type 
                 :content-disposition "inline" :include-blank-line? nil)))
               stream :boundary boundary 
-              :content-type *content-type* :content-disposition "inline"
+              :content-type content-type :content-disposition "inline"
               :include-blank-line? nil))
-              stream :boundary html-boundary :content-type *content-type* 
+              stream :boundary html-boundary :content-type content-type 
               :content-disposition "inline"))
-             (generate-message-header stream :content-type *content-type*
+             (generate-message-header stream :content-type content-type
                                       :include-blank-line? nil)))
       (write-blank-line stream)
       (write-to-smtp stream message)
@@ -234,14 +259,16 @@
       (when html-message
          stream :boundary html-boundary 
-         :content-type "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" 
+         :content-type (format nil "text/html; charset=~S" 
+                               (string-upcase (symbol-name external-format)))
          :content-disposition "inline")
         (write-to-smtp stream html-message)
         (send-end-marker stream html-boundary))
       ;;---------- Send Attachments -----------------------------------
       (when attachments
         (dolist (attachment attachments)
-          (send-attachment stream attachment boundary buffer-size))
+          (send-attachment stream attachment boundary buffer-size 
+                           external-format))
         (send-end-marker stream boundary)))))
 (define-condition no-supported-authentication-method (smtp-error)
@@ -300,7 +327,7 @@
     ;; Read the initial greeting from the SMTP server
     (smtp-command stream nil 220)
     (smtp-command stream (format nil "HELO ~A" 
-                                   (usocket::get-host-name))
+                                 (usocket::get-host-name))
     (return-from smtp-handshake stream))
@@ -362,11 +389,12 @@
    is signalled.  This condition may be handled by the caller in order
    to send the email anyway."
   (smtp-command stream 
-                (format nil "MAIL FROM:<~A>" from)
+                (format nil "MAIL FROM:<~A>" (substitute-return-newline from))
   (dolist (address to)
-        (smtp-command stream (format nil "RCPT TO:<~A>" address)
+        (smtp-command stream (format nil "RCPT TO:<~A>" 
+                                     (substitute-return-newline address))
                       :condition-class 'rcpt-failed
                       :condition-arguments (list :recipient address))
@@ -384,23 +412,31 @@
 (defun send-mail-headers (stream 
 			  &key from to cc reply-to 
-			  extra-headers display-name subject)
+			  extra-headers display-name subject 
+                          (external-format :utf-8))
   "Send email headers according to the given arguments to the SMTP
    server connected to on STREAM.  The server is expected to have
    previously accepted the DATA SMTP command."
   (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "Date: ~A" (get-email-date-string)))
   (if display-name
       (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "From: ~A <~A>" 
-				(q-encode-str display-name) from))
+                                    (rfc2045-q-encode-string 
+                                     display-name :external-format external-format)
+                                    from))
       (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "From: ~A" from)))
   (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "To: ~{ ~a~^,~}" to))
   (when cc
     (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "Cc: ~{ ~a~^,~}" cc)))
-  (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "Subject: ~A" (q-encode-str subject)))
-  (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "X-Mailer: cl-smtp ~A" 
-				(q-encode-str *x-mailer*)))
+  (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "Subject: ~A" 
+                                (rfc2045-q-encode-string 
+                                 subject :external-format external-format)))
+  (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "X-Mailer: cl-smtp~A" 
+				(rfc2045-q-encode-string 
+                                 *x-mailer* :external-format external-format)))
   (when reply-to
-    (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "Reply-To: ~A" reply-to)))
+    (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "Reply-To: ~A" 
+                                  (rfc2045-q-encode-string 
+                                   reply-to :external-format external-format))))
   (when (and extra-headers
 	     (listp extra-headers))
     (dolist (l extra-headers)
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/mime-types.lisp	2007/11/03 23:53:29	1.1
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/mime-types.lisp	2010/05/06 09:24:43	1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;;; This file is part of CL-SMTP, the Lisp SMTP Client
-;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005/2006/2007 Jan Idzikowski
+;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009/2010 Jan Idzikowski
 ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;; modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser General Public License
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/package.lisp	2008/04/02 19:39:59	1.1
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/package.lisp	2010/05/06 09:24:43	1.2
@@ -26,7 +26,14 @@
-           "IGNORE-RECIPIENT"))
+           "IGNORE-RECIPIENT"
+           "RFC2045-Q-ENCODE-STRING"
+           "RFC2231-ENCODE-STRING"))
 (in-package :cl-smtp)

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