[cl-pdf-devel] Question about tables

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Tue May 31 16:41:44 UTC 2005

"Peter Seibel" <peter at gigamonkeys.com> writes:

> [This message got rejected by the cl-typesetting list--maybe I'm not
> subscribed under this address to that list. Or did that list get
> decomissioned? Anyway, I'm sure someone here can help too.]

I've put the cl-typesetting mailing list in copy.

> I'm trying to make some PDF reports with a bunch of spreadsheet-style
> tables. Here's some sample code:
>   (defpackage :com.gigamonkeys.table-test (:use :cl :typeset))
>   (in-package :com.gigamonkeys.table-test)
>   (defun make-test-data (columns rows)
>     (loop for c from 0 below columns
>        collect
>          (list
>            (format nil "COLUMN ~d" c)
>            (coerce (loop repeat rows collect (+ 10000 (random 10000d0)))
>   (defun compute-column-widths (columns)
>     (let ((cols (length columns)))
>       (loop repeat cols collect (floor (- 792 (* 2 36)) cols))))
>   (defun test-cell-wrapping (columns &optional (file "/tmp/analysis.pdf"))
>     (with-document ()
>       (let ((content
>              (compile-text ()
>                (paragraph (:h-align :center :font "Helvetica-Bold"
:font-size 18 :color '(0.0 0 0.0)) "Test" :eol)
>                (with-style (:font "Helvetica" :font-size 6)
>                  (table (:col-widths (compute-column-widths columns)
:splittable-p t)
>                    (header-row ()
>                      (loop for label in (mapcar #'first columns)
>                         do (cell () (with-style (:font "Helvetica-Bold")
>                    (loop for i from 0 below (length (second (first
columns))) do
>                         (row ()
>                           (loop for col in (mapcar #'second columns)
>                              do (cell () (put-string (format nil "~,2f"
(aref col i)))))))))
>                (vspace 10)
>                :eol)))
>         (draw-pages content :size :letter :orientation :landscape :margins
'(36 36 36 36))
>         (when pdf:*page* (finalize-page pdf:*page*))
>         (pdf:write-document file))))
> I have three main questions:
>  1) Why doesn't my compute-column-widths work correctly--it seems that
>     I'm taking the total width of the page, subtracting the width of
>     the left and right margins and then dividing by the number of
>     columns. Yet the table, while starting at what looks like the
>     correct left margin, goes to or even beyond the right edge of the
>     page. To see this try evaluating:
>       (test-cell-wrapping (make-test-data 10 10))

There is the cell-padding also. Have you counted it ?

>  2) Why does the content of the cells get broken over two lines even
>     when there's seemingly plenty of room left in the cell. To see
>     what I'm talking about try:
>      (test-cell-wrapping (make-test-data 15 10))
>  3) How do I adjust the line height to make the height of the rows
>     smaller?

For 2 and 3, the problem is probably that each cell is is a cl-typesetting
engine and the "parent" style is not passed to the cells (yet...). If you
wrap your cell's put-string into a with-style, it looks ok for me.


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