[cl-l10n-devel] Assertion failure loading CLDR

Scott L. Burson Scott at sympoiesis.com
Sun Sep 6 21:11:16 UTC 2009


I know very little about cl-l10n and have no plans to use it, but I am
trying to build LibCL (http://libcl.com), which incorporates cl-l10n, and
having some trouble that I thought you might want to know about.  I am
attempting the build on Allegro CL 8.1, ANSI mode (case-insensitive-upper),
with wide strings.

There is a minor problem that Allegro signals a package lock error when
cl-l10n tries to do (DEFCLASS IDENTITY ...), IDENTITY being of course a CL
builtin.  Looks like shadowing the symbol in your package would be a good

The bigger problem is the failure of assertion (SUBTYPEP CLASS 'FLEXML-NODE)
inside SAX:START-ELEMENT somewhere under (PARSE-CLDR-FILE "root").  The
problem appears to be that cldr/main/root.xml has an element (perhaps
recently added?) named "list", which becomes the LOCAL-NAME argument to
which obviously is not a subtype of FLEXML-NODE.  I would strongly suggest
that any package used for XML element names should have a (:USE) subform in
its DEFPACKAGE form so as not to inherit symbols from CL:.

I have also sent this to libcl-devel because I think they might want to
know; also, I don't understand why this doesn't fail on other platforms.

-- Scott
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