[cl-interpol-devel] Patch for line-comments

Philipp Marek philipp at marek.priv.at
Fri Sep 28 06:06:16 UTC 2012

After a short discussion on #lisp the current behaviour was seen as a bug; a
line-comment should _only_ be terminated by a newline, and not by a terminating
character as well.

Eg. for

  #?rx( ...
        # (a test)

the current version would return an error about "hello" being an unknown variable.



$ diff -u read.lisp.orig read.lisp
--- read.lisp.orig      2012-09-28 07:56:57.201746774 +0200
+++ read.lisp   2012-09-28 07:57:32.989790049 +0200
@@ -462,8 +462,7 @@
                                         ;; or *TERM-CHAR*
                                          (lambda (char)
-                                           (and (char/= char #\Newline)
-                                                (char/= char *term-char*))))
+                                           (char/= char #\Newline)))
                                         (when (char= (peek-char*) #\Newline)
                                         (cond ((not (digit-char-p (peek-char*)

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