[cl-debian] Re: Bug#335868: Cannot compile and load

Alceste Scalas alceste at muvara.org
Fri Oct 28 19:42:43 UTC 2005

Il giorno ven, 28/10/2005 alle 21.10 +0200, Alceste Scalas ha scritto:
> Btw: please use (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :ironclad) for now --- I've
> just discovered a packaging bug that prevents (clc:clc-require) to work
> correctly.  I'll fix it soon :-)  (and I'll provide a quick patch if
> needed)

D'oh.  After reviewing your errors more carefully, I think that they are
just due to that packaging bug...

/me slaps forehead

Please see whether the package compiles and loads with (asdf:oos

If you really want to use (clc:clc-require...), and couldn't wait for
the next package version, just do the following:

    # cd /usr/share/common-lisp/source/ironclad


Alceste Scalas <alceste at muvara.org>
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