[cffi-devel] optimization opportunities for type translators

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Sun Feb 5 12:14:22 UTC 2006

>>>>> "James" == James Bielman <jamesjb at jamesjb.com> writes:
 James> Today's patch allows you to optimize the case where you define a
 James> typedef that you can guarantee does not need translation (as in
 James> this example).  So you can do:

 James> (defctype my-int :int :translate-p nil)

Am I the only one using docstrings with defctype? :)

(defctype evas :pointer "Evas")

; caught ERROR:
;   (during macroexpansion of (DEFCTYPE EVAS ...))
;   error while parsing arguments to DEFMACRO DEFCTYPE:
;     odd number of elements in keyword/value list: ("Evas")


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