[cells-gtk-devel] more tutorial

Matthew Swank akopa.gmane.poster at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 05:43:46 UTC 2007

What's an idomatic way to express
    /* This will cause the window to be destroyed by calling
     * gtk_widget_destroy(window) when "clicked".  Again, the destroy
     * signal could come from here, or the window manager. */
    g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked",
			      G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy),
                              G_OBJECT (window));
in a class like:
(defmodel hello-world (gtk-app)
    :kids (list (mk-button :label "Hello World"
                           :on-clicked (callback (widget event data)
                                         (format t "Hello World!"))))))

I could signal in the existing callback, but that seems kind of klunky.


"You do not really understand something unless you
 can explain it to your grandmother." - Albert Einstein.

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