[cells-devel] Error: Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `MD-SLOT-CELL'

Kenneth Tilton kentilton at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 11:01:11 UTC 2010

Frank Goenninger wrote:
> Hi -
> just downloaded newest Cells repo from github.
> Using AllegroCL 8.2 Express Edition on Windows 7 I get the error mentioned in the subject. I haven't looked into it, but strangely enough, I do get this from both Ramarren's and Kenny's repos.
> Any ideas ?

I just checked all the occurrences of md-slot-cell in the source and can 
see none that would be interpreted as a variable reference.

That you get it with both distros suggests to me it is an issue with the 
environment, ie, the combol of ACL 8.2 express, win7, and github.

Line endings?

The easiest way to proceed is to find out where exactly in the source 
ACL is getting unhappy, then work backwards from the specific case.


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