[cells-devel] Cells on ABCL

Alessio Stalla alessiostalla at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 09:58:58 UTC 2010

I'm interested on having Cells running on ABCL. I have downloaded the
latest snapshot from the Ramarren branch and it appears that only a
few read conditionals are missing (for the MOP package) to make Cells
compile and load fine; attached you find the patch.

However, the tests fail due to an issue I had already found the first
time I tried Cells on ABCL (see
The fix for that is apparently simple - replace delete with remove in
c-unlink-used (link.lisp) - but His Kennyness himself said that this
naive fix can have a bad impact on performance, so I have not included
it in my patch. To me, one sensible option would be to enable the
"fix" only on ABCL (it's better to have less than optimal performance
than to have no Cells at all!), but it's a decision that should be
taken by the Cells developers.

Alessio Stalla
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