[cells-devel] Re: Celtk contrib: ttk::treeview

Madhu enometh at meer.net
Sun Sep 28 00:43:56 UTC 2008

* Kenny Tilton <48DEA802.1050303 at optonline.net> :
Wrote on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:39:14 -0400:

| I cannot get Tile to run, your code or my old Code.

I did not do anything special for Tile, it just came with Tk[1].  I'm on
linux, openSUSE_11.0 and I believe the tk-8.5.2-15 from the distribution
bundles ttk along with tk.

| What versions are you at on all the DLLs? And mebbe send me your Celtk
| tree, you might have fixed something and forgotten about it.

[I'll send you a link to a tarball in a day or two before I leaving on a
 long vacation]

| Can't you just have:
|   :on-open (lambda (self) (setf (openp self) t))
| And have a kids rule:
|  (c? (when (^openp)...))
| From the code it looks like you understand this. Maybe you ran into an
| issue?

[`openp' itself is tied to Tk -- I couldn't call the cell OPEN because CL
 had dibs, but I did try a variation.  I'll try this again]


1. (ff:list-all-foreign-libraries)
#P"libtk8.5.so" #P"libtcl8.5.so")

2. With allegro around the dirtree code I'd suggest
(excl:unadvise dirtree-expand)
(excl:defadvice dirtree-expand :around
  (remove-if #'null (mapcar #'truename :do-it))))

3. I had intended to switch the file header to LLGPL but sent
 a different copy of the file by mistake

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