[cells-devel] Celtk: Window is small despite given height and width

Frank Goenninger frgo at mac.com
Tue Jan 2 22:20:16 UTC 2007

Hi -

me again ;-) Anybody seen this:

I am having a Celtk-based window and am giving height and width upon  

(defmodel tibrv-console (window)
      :id :tibrv-console
      :title$ (conc$ "*** G&C::TIBCO Rendezvous Console - " *tibrv- 
console-version* " ***")
		 :width (c-in 1200)
		 :height (c-in 600)
      :kids (c? (the-kids	...........)		

All the kids are using direct placing as geometry control. This  
results in having only a small window despite the given height and  
width.   Just looking for a solution other than this one:

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self tibrv-console)
					&key &allow-other-keys)
   (tk-format '(:pre-make-tk self)
	     "wm geometry ~A ~Ax~A" (^path) (^width) (^height)))

Am I missing something ?

All the best -


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