[cells-devel] Celtk/Cells: How to best do own new widgets...

Frank Goenninger fgoenninger at prion.de
Thu Apr 20 14:42:04 UTC 2006

Kenny, all:

some status report on my endeavor to create a hobby app with Celtk  
and also a few things to discuss:

I have put together the GUI prototype for my app - using Tcl/Tk  
directly. Purpose was to learn Tcl/Tk and see how well I could do  
some advanced things like building my own widgets / GUI elements  
using only basic commands as supported by Celtk.

Now there's some GUI there that can be translated straightforward to  
Celtk  except for a meter widget for displaying analog value like  
voltage and current. You can test the GUI by firing it up with

wish psu-rc-gui.tcl

using the attached files. One is a font file that is needed to  
display LCD type characters (font DS-Dgital, folder ds-digital).

I used the voltmeter.tcl file by Marco Maggi  (http://wiki.tcl.tk/ 
9109) as a reference but decided to go without actually creating a Tk  

Now, I see the that I'd like to use some kind of new widget class  
either by sub-classing Celtk:widget or by enhancing the Celtk:widget  
class. I'd need some possibility to send over Tcl/Tk code to the wish  
upon first instance creation in order to install the widget on the Tk  
side. That's approach #1.

#2 would be to do this all in Lisp and just send the drawing commands  
to the wish...

Hmmm!? Which one would you choose. Why ?

Thanks for any feedback!


P.S. If there's no files attached I think the cells-devel list does  
not allow posting attachments ... I'll send you the files if you say so.

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