[cells-devel] Celtk: How to set title of Wish window and also name of app ?

Ken Tilton kentilton at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 10:36:00 UTC 2006

Ken Tilton wrote:

> Frank Goenninger wrote:
>> Another question:
>> Am 02.04.2006 um 06:12 schrieb Ken Tilton:
>>> Goenninger, Frank wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA512
>>>> Hi Kenny and all others:
>>>> I do have the following mini app now:
>>>> - -x-x-x-x-x-
>>>> (defmodel psu-rc-app (window)
>>>>   ()
>>>>   (:default-initargs
>>>>       :id :psu-rc-app-w
>>>>       :title$ "System Power Supply Remote Control (Version A.01.00)"
>>>>       :kids (c? (the-kids
>>>>           (app-menubar)))))
>> Why does the title not get set via this default-initargs statement ?
> This is the same story: I just have not done anything yet to handle 
> the window class itself.

It just occurred to me that you might well be wondering "So why the 
$%^#@& is the title$ slot there?!". To be honest, I was wondering 
myself. :) Then I noticed some code left over from when I did Celtic and 
was not even using WITH-LTK from the LTK package (which is the LTK way 
of initiating wish):

(defmodel window (composite-widget)
  ((wish :initarg :wish :accessor wish
     :initform (wish-stream *wish*)
     #+(or) (c? (do-execute "wish84 -name testwindow"
                     nil #+not (list (format nil "-name ~s" (title$ 

So I kinda misdirected you by leaving that old title$ slot behind when I 
did Celtk, which was meant to be more the LTk extension where Celtic was 
a (radical) LTk fork. Aside: the Celtk defpackage import from Ltk 
reveals that, in the end, only the LTk core got used by Celtk, but that 
is worth something.

Anyway, now I see how I confused things for you by leaving behind that 
vestigial code. Sorry for wating your time.

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