[cells-devel] Hooks on Cells accesses?

Thomas F. Burdick tfb at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Wed May 25 17:21:10 UTC 2005

Frank Goenninger DG1SBG writes:
 > Hash: SHA1
 > Dear Cells Users:
 > Maybe you have come across this also ...
 > While working on the other challenges I have been telling on this  
 > list I am also trying to set-up an authorization model for Cells.
 > I need to check permissions to Create, Update, Read, and Delete a  
 > cell slot. I thought about having hooks on each of these operations  
 > such that on every such operation within Cells an "outside function"  
 > can be called. These just return t or nil depending on permission  
 > check success or failure. As the model outside can be quite different  
 > from case to case (app to app) I did not think about implementing  
 > this within Cells.

I'm really not seeing what you're wanting to do here.  Why does the
authorization take place at the cell-access level?  In the past, I've
had slots that held authentication and authorization policy objects.
For formulas that need authorization, you just stick an
(assert (^authorized)) in the appropriate places.

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