[cells-devel] Next Steps

Kenny Tilton ktilton at nyc.rr.com
Mon May 9 14:22:58 UTC 2005

Thomas F. Burdick wrote:

>Kenny Tilton writes:
> > (b) eliminate the check for looping in which one setf of a cell leads 
> > back to setf of the same cell (the scroll bar scenario). I will leave 
> > the code behind in case I decide to simply enhance cycle detection as 
> > opposed to wiping it out entirely.
>I think The Right Thing is to allow looping by default, assuming that
>the programmer knows what they're doing,

> and to be able to optionally
>declare a certain cell to be non-cyclic
for debugging? ie, How are non-cyclic cells to be handled?

Scrollbars want zero revisits, the 6502 assembler wanted one. But this 
is irrelevant since they do not need to be non-cyclic. Both work 
unrestricted because they coast to a stop naturally, converging on one 
stable value.

So what case can you think of for non-cyclic? And then should there be a 
cyclep test, to fully generalize the mechanism? It could be TRUE, FALSE, 
or a custom function.


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