[cells-devel] RTs for unbound cells

Thomas F. Burdick tfb at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Jun 1 19:57:05 UTC 2004

[ not sure if the c-l.net lists are back up yet, one way to find out ]

My jerk of a boss is making me write regression tests today; sometimes
being self-employed sucks.  So, I added to the basic suite of RTs I
had for unbound cells, which are attached below.  Rather than
translate them from using RT (a super light-weight test harness,
included with SBCL), I just wrote a po man's RT at the top of the

These also use md-slot-makunbound, which is new since my last patch:

  (defun md-slot-makunbound (self slot-spec)
    (setf (md-slot-value self slot-spec) +unbound+)
    (slot-makunbound self slot-spec))

Now, back to those lovely database RTs, oh boy!

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