[cello-devel] Trying to get Cello working on FreeBSD(ACL)

oyvin-cello at oyvins.net oyvin-cello at oyvins.net
Sun Apr 25 14:29:08 UTC 2004

On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 11:00:08AM -0400, Kenny Tilton wrote:
> oyvin-cello at oyvins.net wrote:
> >| /usr/home/oyvin/programmering/lisp/cello/dvl/dynlib/libglut.so.
> >| glut state 2 0
> >| "about to initialize" 
> >| "glut initialised"freeglut font 0x00000003 not found
> >| 
> >
> >and the lisp quits.
> >
> First, the "lisp quits" problem: That error comes from Freeglut, and I 
> think it does an exit which Lisp cannot intercept. If this becomes a 
> problem, we will have to talk to the FG people about changing that, or 
> just fork FreeGlut.
> As for the font, that translates to glut_bitmap_8_by_13. But I see it is 
> the first font attempted by the lesson-14 demo, so I do not know whether 
> it is just a problem with that font on that version of Freeglut or 
> whether none of the fonts will work. You might try put 

Same error (though font 0x00000007). Same seems to happen with any font#.

> Or really track the problem down: look 
> for a definition of  fgFontFixed8x13 in freeglut_font_data.c Should be 
> there and look like this:
>  const SFG_Font fgFontFixed8x13 = { 
> "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-80-iso8859-1", 93, 13, 
> Fixed8x13_Character_Map, -1.0f, 2.0f };

I'ts there. The required (bitmap) fonts are available for other X programs,
so the fontpath should be set correctly. Is it possible to do some debugging
on which fonts freeglut finds at all?


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