[armedbear-devel] Infinite loop loading compiled file

Erik Huelsmann ehuels at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 20:23:55 UTC 2011

Hi Greg,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Greg Baryza <baryza at intersystems.com> wrote:
> I recently became interested in the language QI.  Since it did not run on
> ABCL (it does on SBCL, Allegro, LispWorks and others), I decided to see
> what it would take to move it there.  From the QI mailing list, I found
> several others had tried on earlier versions of ABCL with inconclusive
> results.  I decided to give it a try on 0.23.1.
> When I tried the standard script with compiles and then loads the compiled
> files, ABCL hangs it what appears to be an infinite loop try to load one of
> the compiled files.  When I switch to just loading them in as Lisp sources,
> things seem to work (though some of the QI tests later fail).
> I tried the compile/load script under 0.24.0 today and the same hang happens.
> I have a small test case consisting only of the needed sources and a couple
> of .bat files for Windows that demonstrates the problem, but before I
> proceed further, has anyone seem anything like this.  The file in question
> DEFUNs about 85 functions.  Is that too many to provoke the "large file"
> problem I see mentioned here?

Could you provide us with a transcript for downloading/installing Qi
so we/I can test?

If this is the same old bug, the ball is really in Qi's park, but if
it's not, we're really happy to fix what we can!




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