[armedbear-devel] Filename errors in Windows

Arie van Wingerden xapwing at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 12:26:22 UTC 2011

Hi Kevin,

thanks for your help!
Since I am not really a Java guy and am running Windows XP the whole build
process is quite alien to me. However, I managed to download the trunk with
SVN and built the classes using ANT.

After that point I got stuck, since no j.jar had been generated.
I built a j.jar myself using this Windows CMD file:
   set cp=D:\downloads\Programming\ABCL Armed Bear Common
   jar cf d:/work/j.jar Main.class "%cp%"

Using cvf instead of cf didn't solve the problem.

When I run the jar it complains however that no manifest could be found. For
you this is maybe an obvious thing. Could you point me to a solution, or,
for me even better ;-), could you generate a correct j.jar for me?

Thx again.

2011/1/23 Kevin Krouse <kevin.krouse at gmail.com>

> I did a little debugging this weekend and the issue came from the command
> sent to the external abcl process.  The path separators wren't backslash
> escaped.  So the command:
> (CL:COMPILE-FILE "D:\src\lisp\plus.lisp")
> will fail, while either one of the following will succeed:
> (CL:COMPILE-FILE "D:\\src\\lisp\\plus.lisp")
> (CL:COMPILE-FILE "D:/src/lisp/plus.lisp")
> I've committed r11339 to J's svn trunk that should fix the issue for you.
>  Please give it a try and let me know if it works.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Mark Evenson <evenson at panix.com> wrote:
>> On 1/18/11 6:04 PM, Kevin Krouse wrote:
>>> Hi Arie,
>>> I occasionally produce new builds of J when there is a new version of
>>> ABCL.  When the ABCL pathname change appeared, I fixed it up so that J
>>> would build again, but didn't test much as you have found out.  I'd love
>>> to get some help with the lisp side of things in J.  For example, the
>>> slime integration doesn't work and I've disabled the command.
>>> I'll take a look at the path issue in J and see if I can unblock you.
>>>  Also, for J issues we still use the old sourceforge users
>>> <
>>> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=armedbear-j-users
>>>  > and dev
>>> <
>>> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=armedbear-j-devel
>>> >
>>> mailing lists.
>> […]
>> Most of the armedbear developers are probably still subscribed to the
>> armedbear-j-devel list (I know I am), so we should be able to help quickly
>> with any Lisp-side issues published there.   As a group, the ABCL developers
>> are very grateful to have been "birthed" from J, so are more than willing to
>> ensure that J will continue to work smoothly with ABCL (or provide some
>> migration mechanism).
>> That being said, I'll try to get around to building J with the latest ABCL
>> in the next week, to see if there is anything obvious that I can help with.
>>  It is real nice to see that J has maintained its community!
>> --
>> "A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before, but there
>> is nothing to compare to it now."
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