[ann] [Bese-announce] UnCommon Web version 0.1 - "learning to crawl"

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Wed Dec 3 18:16:50 UTC 2003

UnCommon Web version "learing to crawl" (0.1) has just been
released. UCW is a common lisp web application development framework.


== Features ==

 - Continuation based page flow control and "regular" url<->function

 - Flexable and extendable component library eases UI re-use.

 - Programmer friendly HTML generation via macros, designer (and
   designer-tool) friendly HTML generation via templating.

 - mod_lisp and portableaserve backends

This release is known to work on OpenMCL 0.14 on darwin, CMUCL 18d on
linux and SBCL 0.8.6 on linux.

== Download == 


== Major changes since version 0.0 ==

- Added an administration application with a REPL, the ability to open
  slime ports and inspect the state of the server and the active

- Created range-view, login, option-dialog and inspector components.

- Taught TAL to include templates.

- Added support for SBCL.

- Made OpenMCL play nice with Portableaserve, dropped OpenMCL 0.13
  support in the process.

== Arch ==

Archive Name: bese-devel at common-lisp.net
Archive Location: http://common-lisp.net/project/bese/bese-devel@common-lisp.net
Archive Tree: bese--main--1.0
Configuration Name: ucw/0.1/0.1.0

p.s. - sorry to those of you who get this message more than once.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
     -Leonard Cohen

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